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Absolute Aspects

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Status Updates posted by Absolute Aspects

  1. Sorry it's been so long since the last update, we have been working on a secret project - details coming soon ;-)

    1. Tase


      Mysterious!....look forward to hearing all about it soon!

  2. Missing the roof boards off the Driving Motor Coaches on the Brighton Belle, anyone else had this problem?

  3. Sorry we haven't posted on RMWeb for a while, the business has kicked off more than we could have ever hoped for, which means every spare minuet is spent making signals. How is everyone else doing?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Mattmaz


      I will - cheers :) shhh don't tell the mrs ! lol

    3. Absolute Aspects
    4. Tase


      No worries Matt. There's no rush matey!

  4. Hi all, for those who haven't seen, we have some great pictures up from Pendennis at Stafford 2012 :) Matt

  5. Just uploaded some pictures from Pendennis at the Stafford 2012 show, now to work on our youtube page...

  6. Had a really good time at Stafford Model Rail Show, pictures coming very soon ;-)

    1. gridwatcher


      Nice to meet you guys too! Is everything in Cornwall covered in a fine white dust?

    2. Absolute Aspects

      Absolute Aspects

      Was good tp meet you too Simon :)

      Do you mean the layout or home? lol

  7. Just making the last few alterations to Pendennis over the next 3 days for Stafford this weekend. Matt :)

  8. Popped into Alton Model Centre today to get some supplies, annual leave from work next week, need to get started on all the orders that have come through the website this week... Matt

  9. I would just like to thank Andy Y (RMWeb Admin) for all the help and time he has given to me and all the hard work to get the banners and forums set up. You can now find us in the suppliers and site sponsors forum. Matt :)

    1. Simon Moore

      Simon Moore

      Matt i took a sneaky peek at the website last night, Cracking job nice & easy to navigate.


    2. Absolute Aspects

      Absolute Aspects

      Thank you Simon, I am very pleased that you are enjoying the new site :)

  10. With kind permission of Andy Y (RMWeb Admin) I would like to inform you all that our website is now live, a big thank you to all those who have offered your help and support during our first few month in business. Matt :) www.absoluteaspects.com

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Absolute Aspects

      Absolute Aspects

      Thank you Martin, it's very much appriciated :)

    3. Gallows Close

      Gallows Close

      Best of luck. I was a customer with Roger Murray from the beginning, and I've no doubt I'll be a customer with you in due course.

    4. Absolute Aspects

      Absolute Aspects

      Thank you Gallows. I started off as a customer of Roger's, went to him a couple of years ago and was so impressed I went back last year and purchased the business (after Roger had of course checked my soldering skills etc. to make sure I was up to the same standard).


      I look forward to recieving your order :)

  11. With kind permission of Andy Y (RMWeb Admin) I would like to inform you all that our website is now live, a big thank you to all those who have offered your help and support during our first few month in business. Matt :) www.absoluteaspects.com

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. cromptonnut


      Looking good, and will definitely be ordering some once the layout is under construction - and, of course, I've worked out what I need!

    3. Absolute Aspects

      Absolute Aspects

      Thanks Tase, glad you like it, I will look forward to your order. The website is very secure, but i'm not 100% sure on what we are using etc. So I have sent an e-mail to my website designer (who is also setting up a timetable for regular updates on the sercurity side) to answer your question. I will post it via this status update when I recieve it.


      Thank you as well Cromptonnut, I hope to speak to you soon about your order.

    4. Absolute Aspects

      Absolute Aspects

      Dear Tase


      Thanks for your post,


      I can confirm that the site is secure and has a SSL certificate installed so any details entered are protected.


      The problem you have highlighted could be down to your browser software not being the latest version.


      To reassure you and a good test for any website you have concerns about, please do the following:


      1 - Type in www.absoluteaspects.com into your browser bar and hit return

      2 - You should se...

  12. Looks like the Absolute Aspects website will be going live late this evening. With kind permission from Andy Y (RMWeb Admin) I shall put up the link ASAP. Matt :)

  13. Looks like our website might be up and running tomorrow evening. With kind permission of Andy (RMWeb Admin) I will post the website link ASAP. Matt :)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Absolute Aspects

      Absolute Aspects

      Sorry it couldn't have been sooner.....

    3. Tase


      ..now you're just teasing us Matt ;)

    4. Absolute Aspects

      Absolute Aspects

      Lol, well I'm just hoping yourself and other will like it.

  14. Nearly there... *wipes forehead*

  15. Fingers crossed our website will be up and running early next week. With kind permission of Andy Y (RMWeb Admin) we will post a link to the site as soon as it is finished and after someone has corrected my spelling. Matt ;-)

    1. cromptonnut


      I've already started making a shopping list...

  16. Is working on the webstie today....

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Absolute Aspects

      Absolute Aspects

      lol, thats why i'm putting in the extra work now cromptonnut. We were going to have just an order form system when you had to tell us what you want and we would have to find out what you actually meant. We have put some extra funds (and time) into going for the shopping cart 'click and buy' option which will make everything a lot easier for all parties involved. I have to say it's shaping up rather well, but it is taking a lot of time...

    3. Absolute Aspects

      Absolute Aspects

      On the plus side, it's nice to know that people are planning to use the website...

    4. Absolute Aspects

      Absolute Aspects

      Well the N and 00 Guage items have all been put onto the website, just the 0 Gauge to go. At this rate the website might be up and running next week :)

  17. DRS seems to be expanding their fleet... http://www.allticketsplease.co.uk/?p=801

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Trainshed Terry

      Trainshed Terry

      That is worse looking than the class 70, and that has grown on . Letts see no not yet. and it never will.

    3. Absolute Aspects

      Absolute Aspects

      lol, I quite like it. At least it has 'some' curves compared to the 70, would be nicer if it was slightly more traditional (BR Loco wise).

    4. Absolute Aspects

      Absolute Aspects

      lol, would agree with you there Max... And yes Tony, can see the big boys frighting over this one...

  18. Seeing as the Stafford show has got a banner on RMWeb, I would just like to say that I am going to go and help operate Pendennis which I am currently fitting out with our signals. So anyone who wants to come have a chat, you are more than welcome to. Matt :)

    1. gridwatcher


      See you there Matt. We will have Airthrey Park there in full on ScotRail Large Logo blue 1985 era...plenty of noise too.


    2. Absolute Aspects

      Absolute Aspects

      Good news, I would love to have a good old look at that one...

  19. Well it looks as if quite a few people have seen our advert in the latest Model Rail Magazine, website should be up within 3 weeks for those still holding their breath...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Horsetan


      What would be nice is a proper dot-matrix theatre (and control board) for 4mm scale, but the relevant display in that size is not exactly common....

    3. Absolute Aspects

      Absolute Aspects

      Well we have just recieved a load of alpha numeric displays for 4mm and 7mm. So we can customise any signal to show any letter or number, or a selection for instance 1/2/3 for platforms etc...

    4. Absolute Aspects
  20. Welcome back Andy :) You have been missed...

  21. Just uploaded some photos of some work in progress, enjoy ;-)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Absolute Aspects

      Absolute Aspects

      Thanks Tase, the gentleman who has ordered that signal hasn't seen it yet. I hope he is impressed...



      The website is coming ;-)


      I'm having a meeting on Thursday to go over the content, design phase is all done - so it's basically a jast of entering the data...

    3. Gloucester Road

      Gloucester Road

      Those signals look really good, have fun getting the site up and running.

    4. Absolute Aspects
  22. is plotting.... ;-)

    1. Worsdell forever

      Worsdell forever

      Too late in the year for gunpowder...

    2. Absolute Aspects

      Absolute Aspects

      5th, 25th. November, December. Sounds the same to me....

  23. I'm very much liking the new layout of the forums on the main page. Keep up the good work Andy :)

  24. Sorry all, but it looks as if our website release date will be pushed back to Jan. as we have decided to go with a shopping cart funtion to make the website more user friendly...

  25. Absolutly amazing, I know it's not trains but the miniture wonderland airport (spelt correctly ;-) is staggering...
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. jonhall


      Yes it is - rather better than the trains IMO. AA-go, no need to speak German.

    3. Simon Moore

      Simon Moore

      Bloomin heck, Thats something special. Is this a fully scratch built thing or is it something you can purchase commercially in Germany as a toy like a model train?


    4. Absolute Aspects

      Absolute Aspects

      lol, yes. it's amazing what they have done... Might have to pop over next year ;-)

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