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Everything posted by CF MRC

  1. Anglian, I disagree. I was taught to use a double space when writing my PhD and much prefer this style. There is not a right or wrong in this respect. Tim
  2. Some microscope slide glass could do a good job representing the water. What will the internal dimensions be? Tim
  3. You are correct, of course, Tony. The lampirons were ba####ds to fit. I have also trimmed the lamps so that they fit right down onto the brackets, perhaps more on the nearside, as most model engine lamps look too ‘perched’. It might get modified. Tim
  4. Yes they do. The best are from from Alan Butler at Modelu. Tim
  5. That is a bit spooky, especially with the Google street view below. The irony is, that it is such a small part of CF, especially when I put it onto the layout over the weekend. Will look forward to seeing it all together again at Basingstoke (9-10th March). Tim
  6. The greatest shame with N gauge Peco track, is that when the ‘code 55 rail’ was introduced the extrusion die was made with a rail head that was far too wide, with the rest is of course buried within the sleeper moulding. Fifty five thou high rail is a good compromise in N as it represents the height of the rail and chair plate. Indeed, we used 55 thou NS strip made to our order for Chiltern Green 40+ years ago. A good artist can disguise the track base but the rail head always looks too heavy, to my eye. I also fully agree with the various comments about pronunciation, it is not the use of local dialects on radio and TV, it’s just sloppy diction, probably just dumbing down to make the listeners who don’t speak clearly feel comfortable. Tim
  7. I think that more likely relates to the other side of the pond, Nick. Tim
  8. I suppose if it had windows, it would be a clerestory, but as it hasn’t it could be anyone’s guess. I suspect experts will enlighten us... Tim
  9. CF had become increasingly fragile in the electrical engineering department over the last couple of years: mainly due to an illogical wiring system that had grown like Topsy as the layout had extended and it’s operation evolved. It sustained some damage at Acton in the summer and was only just satisfactory at Wakefield in November. We have therefore re-wired all of the fiddle yards and re-made the loom supplying them and all the central connections within the panels. Hopefully, the layout will be better served by its wiring at the Basingstoke show on 9-10th March. Tim
  10. Perhaps on one of the GY buildings facing York Road. Tim
  11. How did you make the injector cones, Nick? Tim
  12. That looks excellent Steve. It could also travel through CF! Tim
  13. I have only just picked up on this excellent thread, having had longstanding interest in airships. We have a model of R33 that hangs over CF, as it flew over London a number of times. It was built by Tom Clark a third of a century ago using styrene sheet and Polyfilla! The photo shows it in the distance: I really need to get a better shot of it! The MRC was founded in 1910 and is, for sure, the only model railway club to have had this happen: ‘The meeting was brought (to) an abrupt conclusion at 9.30 by the visit of Zeppelins to the immediate vicinity. ‘ A number of German Naval Zeppelins bombed London on the 13th October, 1915 producing one of the worst airship raids of the war. The most damage was sustained around The Aldwych & The Strand. I have an incomplete Hippo Models 1:144 resin model of a P class Zeppelin that scales in at 44.5" long. Unfortunately, it has a flaw in the design, that means that the hull is incorrect at the bottom, which has stopped me from completing it. If we ever take the layout to Germany again, then I might finish it. Tim
  14. On CF, we have a video of the Ladykillers out-takes playing at the Gasworks Tunnel end. The sound produces some prototypical background fill in and, of course, the images are stunning. Thrumming, throbbing, whistling diesel depots are not my forte, but each to there own, especially if they keep the sound down. Tim
  15. On CF, we have a video of the Ladykillers out-takes playing at the Gasworks Tunnel end. The sound produces some prototypical background fill in and, of course, the images are stunning. Thrumming, throbbing, whistling diesel depots are not my forte, but each to there own, especially if they keep the sound down. Tim
  16. I may be thick, but no matter what I do, the thread does not appear, unless I pick it up be seeing a post from someone else as having just visited. Can Andy help? Thanks Tim
  17. No David, that coal is all in the tender. It is wrapping around the front tool box and has had some removed from the nearside front corner. It’s so Jerry can justify using a Peco Jubilee mechanism. tim
  18. Is it me, or ‘Wright writes’disappeared from the topic listing in this section? tim
  19. The coal is to hide the motor, Jerry.
  20. That is a magnificent building James. May I suggest a little weathering to make it a little less ‘new’ ? I find that using dark green thin washes of watercolour from anywhere where water would run or accumulate adds a sort of ‘grounding’ to a building, i.e. from the ground up, from prominent features, into gullies, off roof ridges. In the pictures below you can see the effect on the railway boundary wall and other areas, such as where the Mission Hall roof meets the London terraced houses. It needs very little to be effective. Tim
  21. The scene around the top of Gasworks Tunnel on CF is now looking suitably run down and I hope captures the atmosphere of London N1 in the 30s. Even with all the pollution, there is still some greenery, with ivy attacking a building quite vigorously. The tree next to it is at least 35 years old. Tom’ Knapp’s magnificently painted Paget Mission building is well bedded-in with a new pavement in front, has a LFB Street Alarm in front of it, as well as bollards at the end to protect it from way-ward vehicles. It will needs some signs on it. Meanwhile, the entrance to the KX Goods Yard is looking a bit more official. All it needs now is the rest of the layout behind it to flesh out the pictures (and a better photographer!) Tim
  22. The scene around the top of Gasworks Tunnel is now looking suitably run down and I hope captures the atmosphere of London N1 in the 30s. Even with all the pollution, there is still some greenery, with ivy attacking quite vigorously. The tree next to it is at least 35 years old. Tom’s magnificently painted Paget Mission building is well bedded-in with a new pavement in front, laid by a better contractor and has a LFB Street Alarm in front of it, as well as bollards at the end to protect it from way-ward vehicles. It will needs some signs on it. Meanwhile, the entrance to the KX Goods Yard is looking a bit more official. Tim
  23. Cecily and I were in Australia in 2006 at a conference and visiting relis. Our last night was at a restaurant at Circular Quays with QE2 moored up alongside. They even laid on a fireworks display for us. Tim
  24. Could someone get rid of this lawn for me? Tim
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