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Status Updates posted by rhiwderin_ray

  1. Just mocked up a skip for my superquick ash plant.

  2. Is going to sit down and watch his free DVD from Railway Modeller.

  3. Has just received two Northlight Engine Sheds in the post! Another bargain from Ebay!

  4. Greatly impressed by the stock drawers on P97 od Hornby Magazine (Dec) Lune Valley layout. Must build some. Simple and elegant solution!

  5. Just bought latest copies of Railway Modeller and Hornby magazines. Both look good and both have free DVDs!

  6. Off to get some Concrete coloured paint this afternoon.

    1. Ed-farms


      Try Pehonix Precision if for model, they do a clean and weathered version. Very good

    2. rhiwderin_ray


      Going to my local Antics as mail order practically triples the price!

      Don't know if they keep Precision Paints.

      Will try either Railmatch Concrete (2422) or Revell Matt Stone Aqua.

    3. rhiwderin_ray


      Isn't it strange that my local Antics doesn't stock Railmatch paints yet they sell them online? I settled for Revell Stone matt in the end.

      What colout of Plastikote Suede Touch is best for concrete?


  7. Loves rhe SMR Automated Ash Plant - but not the £120 required to buy it! However at least I have some pics as basis for Superquick improvement!

  8. Feel like giving up trying to access this site...

    1. Andy Y

      Andy Y

      Look, we're trying to resolve it. Having a daily moan won't actually help work to fix it, will it?

    2. RedgateModels


      Well said that man, it's in red at the top of the page for god's sake ......

  9. Superquick Ash Plant proceeding, albeit very slowly!

  10. Wish this website was fixed! Think they need a Cloud server.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Andy Y

      Andy Y

      There's also been recent discussion about the slow speeds suffered by some, but not others, which depends which ISP you're with (any part of the Carphone Warehouse group are worst) and the data routes they pay for through the U.S.

    3. rhiwderin_ray


      All I know is that of the three forums I visit (RMweb, New Railway Modeller Forum, and Model Rail Forum) this one is the slowest!

    4. Andy Y

      Andy Y

      And busiest, more images etc etc.

  11. Still struggling with the Superquick Ash Plant...

  12. Superquick Ash Plant - FRUSTRATING INSTRUCTIONS

  13. Has started the Superquick Ash Plant kit. To be modified...

  14. Finished modifying my Peco turntable. Ash Plant next !

  15. Is almost finished detailing a Peco Turntable. Next step is the motor !

  16. Too much time spent on PC and not enough on modelling !

    1. lordhinton


      just like me : D

  17. I'm stuck for glue! Trip to the shops required.

  18. Is currently butchering , sorry modifying, a PECO turntable to add the winding gear platform.

  19. Has just repainted a Southern Railway goods shed model in LMS colours - Satisfaction!

  20. Doesn't know how to add a winding gear platform to a Peco turntable. The turntable wheel seems to be in the way !

  21. Currently deatailing a Peco turntable

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