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Everything posted by Jongudmund

  1. What's the little wagon on top of the lowmac in 2 of the pictures?
  2. Brio is great. I have a Peco setrack starter pack that I've set up on olf display boards on my dining room table just to play trains on in the past. It's great fun. I really can't explain what is happening here. Sorry to all the proper modellers.
  3. Referencing a couple of posts upthread, maybe the giant cat got the bloke with the hands in his pockets? There's a whole story there. The care-free, slightly idle railway worker who never expected the giant moggy to appear one night and gobble him up. You could write your own morality tale.
  4. Why are model wagons so alluring? Bought 2 more yesterday

  5. Phil - I just caught up on reading the last 3 pages / 3 months' worth of posts. I really like the raised level corner station - a great way of hiding the curves around the corner. Also, I think 'height' makes layouts look more realistic. You could keep all the photos and get it made into a photobook using Snapfish (other online photo services are available), then when you show people the railway and they want to know more, you can fish out the book! Jon
  6. Just saying I thoroughly enjoyed readng this thread. Makes me glad I don't exhibit though - sounds like you have to deal with a lot of idiots.
  7. Sorry, I read this and thought 'how much fun would a steam zoo be?' That's my new favourite railway expression
  8. Phil - I've just started building my own lay-out and I've been reading this forum for ideas/hints/info etc. It's taken me about a week to read through all the posts on here but I've learned a lot from your posts and I love the way you update so humorously. Thanks for sharing it all. I've definitely learned not to get a cat! Jon
  9. Zombies rising from the grave would cause a lot of people to stop and stare. Haven't seen that done on any lay-outs yet. (although a cliche in movie terms)
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