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Posts posted by aberdare

  1. Thanks Polly


    Good to see you posting on here too as each post acts as a prompt to move on to the next phase. Modelling had to be postponed for a few days but it came back out tonight and I managed a couple of hours on it to get the roof timbers to three quarters complete, with a bit of luck I will complete them tomorrow. It will then be on with the boarding and the tiling, the latter of these is the one that has always bothered me as I cannot find anything that is just right, I did mention on the station building that I wasn't happy with the Wills full pantiles as they are not prototypical of Hemyock. I do have a 'cunning plan' though to make my own and will be giving that a go in a few days, fingers crossed that it works.


    I shall look forward to seeing you carriage shed progress as it looks as though you will have a fair bit of Kit bashing to do to get the finished article.


    More pics on the way when I complete the last three roof sections.



  2. Nice one Jeff, like Jason says it gives one a sense of satisfaction in building it all yourself and like me you may think 'I could have done that bit a bit better' or maybe you don't, Whatever it looks good and I would be happy to have something similar, now what sort of tunnels were around my area?


    Look forward to the next stages - you are taking it with you to your Dads to finish it, aren't you?



  3. (while you're at it, Hemyock as well - I'll have that £10 for the plug now, Jim!). A tenner!! it was only a fiver last time, I think you must be saving up for that loco you want LoL.


    Just a quick visit this as I have a few things to sort out on the domestic front before normal service resumes. The tunnel portal is looking great though Jeff, especially those steps.



    Back soon




  4. Morning all


    A few trying days ahead as Mrs A is having serious anxiety issues, everything is wrong or is going to break, there's things to do but she doesn't know what and she's very agitated about everything. Anyone would think the world is about to end, oh hang on....21st.


    Oh well, good job I have infinite patience, enjoy your Sunday and catch you soon.



    • Like 3
  5. Jeff - it was just a nice easy start to scratch building and getting used to wood, plastic and card without messing up anything critical and so easy to rebuild if I had to. It also got me to cut accurately and more importantly straight.


    Mikkel - Great to see you here and to receive your praise, as you know I have always found your work to be inspirational to me since I joined, so thank you for being one of those who set a standard for me to aim at. I hope to maintain that during the whole build.

  6. And there was me thinking I was the only who did things twice, obviously not :no: . Good to see it progressing Jeff even if I had expected to see plasticard on it by this time. Busy weekend for me so the model has been cleared from the dining table for a couple of days and I have to wait for some more strip anyway to complete the second half.


    Andy - (GWR water tower, such filth! ;-} ) Ouch! :O :laugh:Pretty much like the leg pulling I get round here living amongst LNER modellers - who funnily enough have some GWR models too, work that out. :scratchhead: Look forward to receiving a copy though, thanks .


    Ooo postman has just brought the bits, now can I find the time.



    • Like 1
  7. I find it very difficult to see any difference between the first two swatches being colour blind, as for colour I have to rely on what is available and I use the Precision colour as it looks OK in my eyes. Like Kenton says it's subjective and all the different interpretations of what is right just confuses me all the more, so rightly or wrongly I think I'll stick to what I know, at least I will have some form of consistency across my locos.

    • Like 1
  8. Hi Michael


    Thanks for popping in to see what is happening and glad you like it. I remember when I found this site just over a year ago and saw what was going on I thought I would love to achieve some of the things that were being modelled. It sort stoked the embers of the fire burning within if you like and the only way to participate (in my mind) was to get started and put stuff up for scrutiny and comment. As Jeff has said before you get encouraged and want to do more, which sets off the cycle again. I never really knew what I was capable of until I had another go as I can't even remember how I went about it all those years ago, I think it is coming back to me now though.


    As for making something like this yourself give it a go, just take your time and practice on something small - that's why I did the cattle dock first.



  9. Morning all


    Frost slowly going but the road outside is a sheet of ice, mind you with only half a dozen vehicles a day it's not surprising it hangs about.


    No dog this morning so late up, must get on with chores now before going shopping and having an acupuncture session this afternoon.



  10. Cheers John


    Believe me when I started this one my initial thoughts were sides, ends and roof, nice and easy it'll be done in a few days. Then I started sketching it out, adding the detail and working out how to add it and look what it turned into, all because I want those detailed bits on.


    That's the trouble with prototype modelling I guess - no shortcuts.

    • Like 2
  11. Evening Jeff


    I had a quick look at the site for your wood supplies and it looks pretty good, I could have built my shed in wood after all as they have quite a selection of thin balsa. So thank you for that.


    As for the other things being discussed, a neighbour of mine uses mirrors on his yard which is under the baseboard and if memory serves me right it is a hinged (Piano) section with the joins on the non viewing side of some walls. It then locks at the right angle for him to view the yard.

    Engineers of the future - well I remember interviewing people for Technical roles before I gave up work and it was a nightmare, now my deputy is having the same issues and has just appointed two people both over 45. Very few youngsters look at it as a career now, so much different to when I was young. But then again we had manufacturing Industries in those days.


    Anyway far more important things to discuss, like your tunnel mouths, look forward to seeing more as you progress.

    I'm just giving my fingers a rest from all those fiddly bits I stick together.


    NB. I was always taught rules measure and rulers rule ;)

  12. Woo Hoo! Tate gallery here I come.


    Many thanks for the positive comment and yes they were a bit fiddly, well at least the first one was then it was just a question of repeating them and testing the fit to each individual post. The smaller struts I am now working on are even worse though and have caused me a few headaches today but I feel it is necessary to do them as they are visible as can be seen on the link.



    I needed more than one pair of hands to get the positioning right, the bottom ends have to line up, the distance has to be consistent and it has to be upright all in the time the Mekpac sets, which as you know isn't long.


    So it was on with the thinking cap and this was my solution


    Out came the helping hands to clamp the rule and get the spacing right as well as acting as a stop for the base of the strut, the square is there just to ensure it is upright from top to bottom. The shed itself is secured to the mat to stop any movement.


    A close up


    The strut is glued to the bottom rail first as there is only contact on the corner, this means if I get it wrong it is an easy bond to break and redo before securing higher up.

    I left the uppermost rail out as I had loads of problems getting the alignment right to allow the struts to sit on all three surfaces, that is if you class a fraction of a mm gap here & there a problem. I obviously did.


    It is going to take a while cutting and fitting all 128 so I'll see you all in a few days couple of weeks.Now where did I put those tweezers.







    • Like 10
  13. Morning all


    Another cold start here but due to change, I do love the papers weather reports with the 'beast from the east' now leaving and the 'pest from the west' arriving, what next I wonder.


    Up at half six this morning as one of the Villagers with a very yappy dog has taken to walking up our lane and it sets the neighbours dogs off, mind you I'll probably lay in if they change their route. The good thing about it was the fire was still in the grate so me and the cat are warming our feet/paws by the hearth. Mrs A won't surface until around 10 when all chores will be done with a nice cup of coffee waiting for her,


    Have a good day.



    • Like 3
  14. Your control panel reminds me a bit of mine, the one I made back in 84 if you recall, it is for all the sections that are going to be in Tiverton Jn (DC control)and all the switches are mounted onto ply with the track plan. It has all the sections painted in the colour of the wires underneath for identification, looks a bit dated now but I thought it was great at the time.


    Mild weather back for Friday, well normal temperatures for the time of year at least, could be the day for that bus wiring.



  15. Hi Jeff


    Thank you, yes it is all made out of plastic strip, either Slaters or Evergreen depending on what I already had or where I could find the right size. As for cost it's surprising how the cost of even small items add up, that's why I try and do as much for as little as possible to make my budget go further. I must admit now that the other 128 (64 per side) roof struts are going on it does look complex, I would probably have left these off if they didn't protrude over the sides to be visible, Mind you it is easier than trying to stick on the same amount of ends a couple of mm long.


    I thought this was the easy one as it had no doors or windows, just shows how wrong you can be once you get into the detail.



  16. Thank you for the positive comments it makes it really worthwhile putting the effort in, I hope to keep the level of detail across all buildings if I feel it is needed as I want any pictures I take to look as close to the prototype as possible.


    Stefan - I did consider lighting the buildings but think it is too much work and expense for what will be a large layout when complete, however after making the frame I have thought that I might take some dusk shots of a porter with a lamp inside the shed doing a last check at the end of the day. But that is for the future.


    Many thanks again for the positive comments.



    • Like 2
  17. Morning all


    A rare visit from me this morning and not even going to attempt catching up on the last few weeks. It's definitely minus a few degrees C out there so I'm keeping myself on the warm side of the back door today. Talking of back doors - wooden ones that is - they always stick in the winter and no matter how much you shave of them they still stick, if I take any more off it won't fit in the summer.


    Will pop back on here whenever time allows, in the meantime have a good day whatever you do.



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  18. Morning Jeff


    I don't know, I have a few days RMweb free and one of my favourite threads and its OP take to the sick bed, just been catching up on the last few posts pages and expected the tunnel mouth (saturday you said), Oh well it will soon appear now. As for the virus I hope you feel much better today after a good rest, luckily those things are very rare for me, Nov 2007 was the last one as I have an over efficient immunity system. Gives me a few other problems instead.


    Looking back through the posts I always loved those Beyer Garret engines despite being a western man, I think it was just the engineering aspect of it that fascinated me.


    Right back to the carriage shed for me and maybe post some of those pictures I keep taking.


    Keep warm, maintain the caffeine intake and get well soon.



  19. Looks as though track laying will commence then, or maybe tunnel portal construction if it is just too cold to bear it outside.


    Looking back through the posts I can't show a cabinet full of stock as it is all in 5 boxes in various states, unbuilt and part built mainly.

    Like you I am waiting for bits too so I can start my Carriage shed, but despite having loads of other stuff to do while waiting I just can't seem to focus on it until I have those bits. I have made a drawing though in preparation.


    Looking forward to your further progress now.




    Ahh, I see you will be in the bunker then.

  20. Hi Nick


    That completed lighting has made all the difference to the view of the layout. I'm sure it will be a great success on the exhibition circuit. I will have to try and take it in if I have a short break in the south somewhere, of course you may get an invite further north.



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