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DonB last won the day on April 19 2011

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  1. my C.Eng title came after many years of practical application following day release college and distance learning. Of course I had to surrender the title on retirement and stopping the annual fee charge to retain it. Having the distinction never affected my salary level !!
  2. Don't generally watch political "discusion" programmes on the box but did see Starmer give a master class in ignoring interruptions during the new Kuenssberg offering this morning
  3. Forgive an old wrinkly, but what is an Oxford comma ? i use comas to space parts of a sentence in the way I was taught some 65 years ago
  4. DonB

    Little Muddle

    John Ahern's Madder valley layout featured the solicitor's office of Quibble and Cuss. Are you any relation of the senior partner??
  5. OH! Don't be shy, tempted to ask why change your way of life now? But I won't.... I'll just add to your list "Smart Motorways"
  6. DonB

    Little Muddle

    Panic???...... on LM?? A terminological error ..surely! A calming cup of tea is called for, Or, should we refer the mind-state of the LM management to the local Trick-cyclist ??
  7. Here was a time when we could have sent ( er, Transported) Boris to OZ, but some fool changed the law, and also allowed the Australians to control their own destiny, of which recent events have shown that they are quite capable.
  8. My grand daughter (then aged 4 ) on being served Sprouts at Xmas meal...... " I don't like Green Balls"
  9. DonB

    Little Muddle

    Where I lived until 1950 in the hinterland Black Country just south of Wolverhampton ( as so beautifully modelled in "Black Country Blues" ). The Wolves to Dudley branch ran across the top of our road ( Daisy Bank Station) . We had a small farm behind our house, where they kept a couple of cows and the rule seemed to be that if the cows had been milked, we got a delivery of fresh, un- Pasteurised full cream milk served from a churn on small high-sided cart pulled by a pony. When not pulling the cart the Pony seemed to spend a fair bit of time with it's head over our fence,
  10. DonB

    Little Muddle

    Can't be sure, cos some fool has left a loco in the way.... but where has that door gone?
  11. Anyone told that Peckett that that name indicates that it's supposed to be extinct .
  12. There you are Annie, who's a lucky girl then? Another freebie for Xmas ! enjoy your new "Toys". I'm off line for 3days now Stay safe we need your humorous asides, particularly descriptions of frowning !
  13. On the topic of Christmas...... From the facebook page of the incumbent at an adjacent Parrish:- From the church Nativity crib, his dog has swallowed the baby Jesus. He says that he is not looking forward to the second coming ........ Stay safe, have a Merry Christmas.
  14. Had a friend who declined the invite to the D-Day landing reunions. His reason? " last time I went to France somebody shot at me" ( he was a Major in a tank regimen)
  15. How do i get to reveal this picture? I just get a tiny thumbnail in the centre of a blank screen. Must be possible, rocor's post got 3 "likes" quite quickly. Please make allowance for age-induced stupidity.
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