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Posts posted by RSLR

  1. Hello Bill,

    Twas nice to see you and the model at the show on Saturday and Sunday, All running very well! I think Creedyford looks Awesome with the new backscenes.

    Some very nice pictures you've taken there.

    Here's some of my pictures:


    33108 with a train of mixed goods and Cement.


    The Blue tanks in the sidings behind the platform.


    Creedyford Level Crossing


    Creedyford Box which replaced a temporary GWR Box.


    Trainspotters ^


    45 104 with a passenger train.



     NSE livery 50 002 arrives into Creedyford with a passenger train.



    50 002 departing Creedyford.


    Creedyford Station Building.


    Passengers await their next train.


    33 007 and 33 002 pass through Creedyford over the level crossing with a Ballast train. 33 002 just having re entered service after having it's bogies repaired and wheel sets replaced.




    A grubby Class 31 arrives into the platform with a passenger train.

    Creedyford Marshalling Yard ^


    A clean 37 207 William Cookworthy passing through Creedyford with the Inspection Saloon.


    33 108 arrives into Creedyford Marshalling Yard with a train, while Bill watches over the yard from the Control Centre.



    50 149 passes through Creedyford Station with an empty ballast train.


    Cornish Fixings Co behind Deviock Fuels Ltd Coal Yard with a Loader and an arriving Coal Lorry.


    Creedyford Farm is directly next to the railway, owned by Farmer Bill - He's at home on the farm today seeing to the Pigs and other live stock.


    50 149 passes Creedyford Farm.


    50 149 leaving Creedyford with the last empty ballast train of the day.


    Finally Bill packing away his trains at the end of the day after a good running session.

    Thanks for letting me run the trains Bill, it was Fun operating the layout and giving the 33 and 50 149 a run.

    And thanks for dropping me off at Camborne Station afterwards :)

    I look forward to the next outing
    Cheers, Reece

    • Like 14
  2. Cheers guys. Glad to know my efforts have paid off. Been looking at numerous photos of Par today and it looks like I'll need a fair mixture of variations of grey to paint individual slabs and then a wash of all the colours followed by a wash of dirty black to bring it all together.


    Tonight's work has been to rebuild the Y turnout where the line diverges to Newquay as I still wasn't happy with it. I've now soldered a brand new V crossing together and it looks a whole load better and neater. I'll finish this off over the next couple of evenings.


    Day off work on Satuurday and I plan to spend the majority of the day on Par.........don't tell the wife!!!

    Been looking into doing something similar myself although in the slightly larger scale of 4mm on my platforms, I'll probably do like you and use a few mixes of greys mixed up to a couple of pics with a wash of blackish colour between the joins. I look forward to seeing your efforts.


    I think the platform paving stones are are a mix of cut granite and cast replacements.

  3. I agree. I think the Lima Class 31 body moulding stands up to today's models.

    My first engine was a Lima Class 31. I can't find fault with the body moulding - could just do with the normal amount of detailing, most of which are optional extras depending on how far you want to take it. Pipes, Couplings, handrails, windows, wipers, roof fan & grill, odd cab end parts with of course the Driver and Secondman.


    Just really the mechanism which benefits from an upgrade in my view.

    • Like 1
  4. Thanks Reece for taking the time and trouble to upload a sketch. I'm quite happy with the Lima motor because it runs smoothly and slowly as long as the trailing bogie wheels are clean. Unfortunately the dirt build up happens within 15 minutes of running. I'm intending to retain the Lima chassis, but wanted to replace either the wheels or the complete bogie. Will the Hornby trailing bogie fit the hole that exists on the Lima chassis?

    No tribble at all... The Lima trailing bogie is held in by the primitive clip so all you need to do is pull it out and the bogie drops out (before or after you take the wires off), the newer Hornby version can simply clip in using the same hole.

  5. Thanks for that; I might give it a crack; the Reverend did something similar with a Triang Hymek about forty years back. Always a good idea to make sure both bogies are wired to go in the same direction...

    Indeed always advisable... That's when you get traction motor faults.


    I also did a Tri-mek a while ago, I remember I filled up the inside of the body with chunks of lead around the motor. Until the loco was eventually replaced with a Helmek which runs and looks much better.


    I think the Lima and Airfix Class 31 still hold up to standards visually.

    • Like 1
  6. Looking at the Petersspares web-site, it would appear that these Railroad 31 bogies have a worm drive bogie with two axles driven, rather than the original Lima-style bogie. Can anyone confirm this? How powerful are these? I was wondering about putting 2 into an ex-Airfix body (and possibly into another one or two). Do these pick-up on the power bogie?

    Yes tis a motor with a worm gear on each end which is transferred via a cog to the axels. Two powered axels. on the Hornby Railroad 31 all wheels have pickups on both sides unlike the older Lima.


    They're reasonably powerful as the loco has a hunk of weight in the centre. On a modification note it is possible to get two chassis and cut them both in half and have two powered bogies if more traction is required, in turn both motors are then wired opposite so they both go the same way.

  7. Hi Reece,


    Thanks for your reply and clarification re: Hornby wheels not being suitable for the Lima trailing bogie. It's a shame as I was hoping to replace them.


    To purchase a Hornby Railroad Class 31 costs around £50 to £55 from discount retailers and it makes it an expensive way to cure the problem with the wheels. I've priced up the spares from East Kent Models and they come to over £40 and then I'm not sure I've captured all the spares I need from the listing.





    Nope but you can buy the entire rear trailing bogie and swap it over with the Lima one, it also has the advantage of an all wheel pick up.


    Unfortunately the price of things is the only downside but it does save some time and effort (and it is a hobby after all - they're expensive!), it involves the least amount of modification/work.


    However if you have time and patents it is possible to fit the Hornby motor bogie to the Lima chassis frame, but you'll need to cut out the material where the Lima pancake was and build a motor mount from plastic. The Hornby motor bogie then 'plugs' in the hole drilled in the top of the new motor mount. Wiring would also need taking care of but this is straight forward.


    After that you've saved around £15 or so (not to sure what the price is on the chassis frame and unnecessary boards are now)


    I've inserted one of my sketches to explain:10390162_681447981904074_586692345908562


    Cheers, Reece

    • Like 1
  8. Hi there,


    Please can anyone on here tell me if the Hornby Railroad Class 31 wheels from the trailing bogie will fit a Lima powered chassis?


    My model runs well for around 10 minutes but it starts to stutter slightly on live frog points. I then have to clean the wheels with a cotton bud and IPA (Isopropol Alcohol - not the Greene King stuff LOL)and remove the dirt build up.


    Any advice?





    aka Intercity125

    Hello Paul,


    You could upgrade the whole chassis with the newer Railroad version as it's available as spares. Just a mater of swapping the body over - no noise, no poor running, no more Lima pancake. The wheels are much better on the newer unit than the older Lima version as I think you are aware. The newer version also has pick ups on all wheels rather than the Lima version which has pick ups on one side of each bogie.


    I was just expressing my thought because it might be easier and viable just to swap the entire chassis unit.


    To answer the question Hornby wheels will not fit directly into the older Lima bogies (and work) without modification.


    Cheers, Reece

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