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long island jack

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Everything posted by long island jack

  1. The option I went for on Brewery sidings, is a simple DPDT c/off slide switch which plugs into the handset socket, this works of a Gaugemaster controller with a 12v controlled output or a 16vac output, is just a mater of swapping wires over, if there's a show with lots of eager children I plug the slide switch in and connect to the controlled 12v,setting the speed for what ever engine is in use, if it's a more grown up show, i plug a feedback controller in and connect to the 16vac output, it works really well
  2. Meet the new member for the loco fleet, think it will fit in!
  3. re-large points, if your modelling modern America, the freight stock are longer 60'+,large points are more forgiving when propelling through them
  4. I used Peco code 75 large points and track for my industrial railroad "End of the spur" ties are a tad wide and short, but when ballasted and weathered,you can't really tell (in my eye's) never had anyone pointing it out at any exhibitions ( they will now) , only thing I would suggest,use the largest points you can, especial if running those sd70's
  5. Looking good Martin, hoping to get down in June for Nick's show, will see it in the flesh!!!
  6. Stay away from those AHM, chunky handrails, no pilot, not reliable runners, just my experience of them
  7. Dare I say it, this is what advance planning is for!!, I always make a scale plan on lining paper to make sure everything fits, then play about with stock to see if all planned moves work, then I order track, save's you a lot of frustration later on. Ray
  8. Darn it, kept all my weekends free in September to do this, now it's October and i'm booked up that weekend, oh well maybe next year!!!
  9. Might be worth a look at the freemo meets in your area, there's the Western Union freemo group based around Plymouth, and the RS Tower group in the Exeter area. They should be able to answer any questions you have. Don't have any contact details, but i'm sure someone will be along with them. Ray P.s next meet is at Christow 17th May, Teign valley community hall
  10. Do as the real railroad do, just setback the power, sometimes they have sticky couplers!! Ray
  11. take some photo's and send them off, I was lucky someone forwarded my details to the editor
  12. I placed magnets at the end of each siding on my 5-3-3 inglenook, Brewery sidings, if you look at the photo you can see small white dots on the side of the track, my two short sidings are a little longer than needed, this allowed me to have a extra wagon at each end which is glued in place, make's it look bigger than it is!
  13. Thanks Wendall, glad you enjoyed the article and layout, just had an email from the editor of MR saying " there's been a lot of positive response about the article" and they've forwarded me a few emails from people asking question about different things. Lets hope they do more about smaller layouts, instead of the basement empires Ray
  14. You'll end up with a box of bits, as if I haven't already got enough!!!!
  15. You'll have been to busy watching/ listening to those Alco's!!!
  16. Yep, gala went well, I was even legless all weekend!!! Been a nice change to do UK railways, just wish I could get a 5-3-3 American inglenook in 48" x 12"
  17. Finally got my copy of Model railroader, happy with the article, here's the photo's they didn't use. e.
  18. layout worked well over the weekend, just one little problem, soon sorted, forgot to take any photos of the shunter's gala,Doh!! Lots of kind words about the layout, and possibly a couple of more invites. Ray
  19. Brewery sidings home safe and well, another good weekend at Preston exhibition. Thanks to Les and his crew for making it all possible. Ray
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