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Eggesford box

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Status Replies posted by Eggesford box

  1. Just about the only consolation for me with this horrible hot weather is the fact that it helps paint dry quicker.

    1. Eggesford box

      Eggesford box

      I did a bit of painting yesterday afternoon, wondered why the paint was not transferring from the brush to the workpiece and realised the paint was skinning over in the paint pot!

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  2. Another 'enhancement' installed for people to moan about. ;) - Click on Layout topics for an example, it may be a little slower to load on the first visit.

    1. Eggesford box

      Eggesford box

      Whe I click on it the little pictures obscure the laout titles

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

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