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Status Replies posted by paulknowles100

  1. great just dropt my pendolino on the floor and now she is in bits not very happy now

    1. paulknowles100


      she not right got to order a part well happy with myself now haha

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  2. does anyone know how to wire up the old Hornby hst lighting my dad just got me it i want to dcc it anyone know anything cheers knowlesey

  3. my dad has just bought me a class 37 ews train looks awesome if i say so myself

  4. Drove past an elderly lady today, she was lay on the ground next to a set of traffic lights. I swung the car around and ran to her aid, she had fell and twisted her ankle. I made sure she was ok offered to call 999 but she insisted on minimum fuss. I even offered her a lift home but she declined. I hope she is ok. I made sure she could get up ok, and put wieght on both legs she appeared to be able to walk. Wish I could have helped more but she was rather embarraced bless her heart.

    1. paulknowles100


      some people would just walk right past the old lady and it also makes u feel u done a gd thing

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  5. anyone help ive updated my Hornby elite now what does it all do plz help???????

  6. can anyone tel me what the class 70 is like

    1. paulknowles100


      its my birthday and the wife has asked me what train i want

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

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