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Everything posted by webbcompound

  1. as opposed to "getting off at Clapham" (or Chalfont and Latimer if you are posh) which is a very different activity
  2. Well that is the first three weeks of lockdown sorted as the small baked goods naming discussion begins.
  3. Its OK. You didn't once say Wiffle waffle or Piffle poffle, or use a schoolboy latin quote, which shows that you have followed Ovid's advice: fas est ab hoste doceri.
  4. I can't find anything online about the 1909 Wroxham Zombie Apocalypse. Obviously Patrick Quinn (Legion of Honour, Chevalier of the Order of the Dannebrog, Order of Vasa, Order of St Olav, Order of St Stanislas of Russia, Order of the Redeemer of Greece, Order of the Crown of Italy, Order of Villa Viçosa of Portugal, member of the first class of the Order of Military Merit of Spain, member of the fifth class of the Royal Victorian Order, and the King's Police Medal) and his Secret Squirrels had it suppressed at the time. His list of decorations gives a strong hint that he was involved in some kind of major international conspiracy, probably the same one that led to a sizeable slice of Norfolk disappearing from all maps. Thank goodness the worthies of Castle Aching are struggling personfully to rectify this.
  5. this is very clearly fake. the brake levers are much too clumsy, the figures are from Modelu's Pendon range, and the photographer was too lazy to fake a backdrop as you can see the tongue and groove wall cladding, with a commercial moulding holding it together on the top. Honestly. I expect better from this thread. (Interesting story though)
  6. courtesy of self isolation I'm making much better progress now. Two buildings I was prevaricating over are now well under way. They are the semi-detached cottages (no.28 Dock Road, and the Pilots' Offices), and the chandlers which occupy the triangle of ground between Dock Road, the LNWR embankment, and the Buckley Railway. All I have for these is a (very) distant and miniscule view of the roofs of these buildings in a photo from 1910, and a similar view from 1964 by which time the chandlers had been demolished. I spent ages wondering how to come up with a plan for the buildings, but eventually realised that as long as the footprints were correct, and as long as the roofline was generally correct I could really choose to make them anything that wasn't out of character. So I have now begun using as my starting point two drastically modified Petite Properties buildings. The walls are clad in plasticard building sheets, and the roofs will (probably) be York Modellmaking sticky slates/tiles.
  7. thank goodness some rolling stock is finally getting through the Castle Aching quarantine. I was getting to the stage where I was almost ready to buy an Adams Radial and cut the bunker off myself.
  8. Or in a cynical mood, it is more likely to be Private Walker
  9. Excellent. Thanks for all this. Looks like I can rescue this loco.
  10. Excellent title list for an Emperor. What is more, as a result of the Long Depression caused by the Panic of 1873 the Empire had a single state railway system, under the Kaiserlich und Königlich Generaldirektion der Staatsbahnen ( the KkStB) which because the empire was mostly joined together on land was able to run across the entire thing (unlike the British Empire which involved an inordinate amount of sailing)
  11. Only if you are a Denkmalgeschütztes Objekt. You stick it on the outside of your building. The idea is (was) that when the Warsaw Pact steamroller came roaring through it would see the plaque and refrain from damaging the building. Unfortunately no-one gave the Yanks the same instruction so when they steamrollered into the cradle of civilisation as was (now Iraq) they didn't have a clue. Despite a campaign of posters and playing cards, in 2005 the Yanks used the 9th century Great Minaret at the Samarra Mosque (which was depicted on the Six of Clubs) as an OP and vantage point for snipers. As a result the people being sniped at blew it up. (I tried to upload an image of my pack but RMWeb doesn't seem to like it)
  12. Purchased an Athearn SW7 which claimed to be a reasonable runner. It just staggers for a second or two then siezes up on my temporary test track (Guagemaster Combi controller fastened to the rails with crocodile clips). When it is just sitting there there are occasional blue shorting sparks which seem to be associated with the top of the power bogies. I have no idea how these things work (I'm guessing the chassis is live). Any suggestions as to what might be wrong, and how to rectify it?
  13. The current head of the dynasty is Karl von Hapsburg, who whilst (as you might expect) being a conservative is a very nice chap. He had no appreciable difficulty eating or drinking when I met him at a conference on Heritage and the Military in Vienna (he is President of the Austrian branch of Blue Shield, which is sometimes described as the Red Cross for Heritage). He was amused to let me have a photograph taken "with the Hapsburg Emperor" even though this is not legally possible as a title in Austria or Hungary). Unfortunately he is currently self-isolating with his family after testing positive for Covid19. His son, who would be next in line and is a racing driver, is the splendidly named Ferdinand Zvonimir Maria Balthus Keith Michael Otto Antal Bahnam Leonhard Hapsburg-Lohringen.
  14. Octopi are generally inhibited from social development by a) eating each other and b) females dying after laying eggs. BUT the Pacific Striped Octopus seems to have transcended these limitations. They are social, the females lay several times, and instead of mating at arms length to avoid the dangerous beak they actually mate close up, and beak to beak. They are the ones to watch. /https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/octopus-chronicles/rare-social-octopuses-break-all-the-mating-rules-video/
  15. So now, sadly, you are reduced to scurrying around under rotting logs. *to attempt (probably a futile effort) to avoid fututre pedantry it should be noted that exactly which of the arthropods is the closest relative to the trilobite is a matter of dispute more virulent than the debate on the efficacy of Webb's compounds
  16. Danmarks første damplokomotiv. Was it called that because there was no windshield or cab?
  17. i have always been intrigued by the idea of lines "dying out" (as was referred to earlier in regard to the Percy family. this usually means no male heir. The idea that descent is through the male line is of course completely risible as the only surefire descent is through the female line. The question of Victoria's paternity is an example of this problem.
  18. Far be it from me to criticise the quality of Mackem education, but as a current resident of Haydon Bridge (near Hexham for outsiders) I have to correct this. Martin was born in 1789 a couple of hundred yards from my house in Haydon Bridge, and although briefly apprenticed to a coachbuilder in Newcastle he was released from that and moved to London in 1806 with a new master: Boniface Musso, an Italian artist, and his first painting was submitted to the Royal Academy in 1810, so any story of a Newcastle studio must be looked on with some circumspection. I always thought his best paintings were fancifull memories of the gorges carved out by the Rivers Allen and Tyne in our immediate vicinity. He painted on and off whilst living in London in between (as Edwardian notes above) planning Railway schemes, a London sewerage system, and several lighthouses, completing his last painting in 1853, a year before he died. His older brother set fire to York Minster in 1829.
  19. thanks everyone, This has provided exactly what I needed. Now assuming I manage to buy an SW1 it will finished as EJ&E 223, built Jan/Feb 1940
  20. Anyone know when the EJ&E got their EMD SW1s (running nos 220-246). Or where I can find that out?
  21. Most of my night time train experiences involved staggering around bleary eyed at some unknown station in the cold after a night on uncomfortable seats. the single major exception was stepping off the Orient express at breakfast time in a siding amongst snow covered peaks in Lichtenstein, surrounded by an array of passengers including us, slumming it in the provided dressing gowns, whilst some people had clearly been on the train since the mid nineteenth century from their garb and jewellry.
  22. Don't see what all the fuss is about. Here is an 0-4-4-0 T1 resplendent in Pennsylvania Railroad Brunswick Green, (the 1940s is pre-grouping in the US)efore.
  23. I would never sully my inebriation, or other states, with railway modelling. But regarding the HO stuff I have been debating the possibility of a bit of forced perspective. And that really is insanity, even allowing for the Castle in Castle Aching
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