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Everything posted by chriscleveland

  1. More work continues on the layout. Progress is slow with the fence as it’s quite a fiddly job. The first photo shows the old with the template in the middle and the new at the bottom a big difference in my eyes. The fence is taller as well as longer this time and most importantly correct! the last photo shows the crane has moved into the yard? I wonder what it’s there for? Plenty going on at last as the big push continues Chris
  2. Ah ok that’s interesting to know and a bit of a nightmare as more photos would have helped but hopefully I can put something together must be plenty of photos about
  3. Another part of Ropley has gone missing??!! the fence between the running line and Loco yard by the pits has been removed. It’s another project I have left and forgotten about. The fence was always built incorrectly along with the signal area. I have decided it’s time to correct it as at Newbury show part of it was damaged when a mk1 coach derailed and caught it before the train was stopped. it’s a going to be a interesting project to say the least but will hopefully look the part when all the details are added to the fence when completed. as for in the yard the tanker wagon is progressing well and having some additional work done but is almost completed now.
  4. Hi Ian second level of containers went in after the bridge. even I had to double check I did notice I should have clutter on top of them however I think there is another one now in the yard if I’m right stacked up as well?
  5. The next job is now underway I have decided it’s time to sort out one of my pet hates on the layout! the wagon between the containers was never painted into the correct colour and was never completed. It was placed in before a show and I never sorted it since. so today the crane has been in and put it on the rails and off down the line it has gone for The wagon group to work there magic! I am also looking at more detail along the back of the layout as this is most definitely the most cluttered area of the layout by far!
  6. Thank you Nick. The Loco fleet have been even more challenging than the layout build itself but there is a few more restoration jobs in planning
  7. Whilst I’m watching glue dry I decided I would take some close ups in the yard With everything going on at this current time I am fairly sure lion 50027 would have had one if it’s running days around now so here is a couple of close ups of 50027 in the yard. the yard floor looks a lot better after a good dusting and the coal looks like coal again
  8. Thanks mate it’s starting to take shape and really makes you look when all the little details go in
  9. Today I have been adding more detail along the fence between the pits and main Loco yard. I have also started adding loads to the wagons too. i have just finished dusting over half the layout. It surprising how much of a difference it really makes
  10. Tank you Its been a massive challenge trying to recreate what actually goes on at Ropley but at the same time that's what makes this build more fun to do. Plenty still to do on the layout Chris
  11. Not too much to update as it’s mainly electrical work going on however I have finally finished the water tower by adding it’s light and adding the ladder to finish it off
  12. The yard lights are working again on an independent circuit. Just have to include the water tower into the circuit now. Some of the effects from the lights are looking quite good now. The plan is to have 8 switches which will control different lighting systems and animations across the layout. the other bit of good news is running wise we have a fully working layout and I have had to include another 2 isolation points on the layout. The Barry slip wasn’t easy to isolate! Next set of lights to do is wiring the station building and installing lights as well as the footbridge and straightening and adding two more lights on the platform
  13. Really coming along Ian someone’s been busy
  14. I have managed to finally connect more lights. The boiler and carriage shed now have external lighting added as I was doing the internal lights already. I have added two lights to the front of the shed one at the back of the boiler shop and an external light added for the Urie group. Along with this the water tower is now added to the yard lighting also. the lighting really brings another effect to the layout all together. I will post more photos once I finish the lighting circuits which will enable me to control areas for lights on the layout.
  15. Back on the workbench again things are progressing well having wired the main sheds I have decided to push all lighting on the layout! The carriage and boiler shop have now been completed internally and more lights are ready to go onto the layout. the lights in the shed really make a difference when on to highlight what is going on under the roof. plenty more to follow now that I can focus more on the layout as the fiddle yard control panels have now been completed.
  16. Lots still going on and plenty to share soon latest project coming along well is the s15 boiler on a warwell wagon. Still the list of projects grows most are things I would like to try and make to really create the scene but it being practical might be a difficulty. The railway has lots of stock I’m trying to replicate coaches, wagons and locos and trying to bring the scene to life really is a challenge but I think it’s slowly getting there at last. plenty of work on the layout as I’m making the most of part of it being up
  17. Work is slowly progressing on the layout. we have finally gotten round to fixing some electrical problems within the yard and making progress in other areas of the layout. The yard is receiving some work to the track where part of the line lifted and having some details repaired. Plenty going on and hopefully lots to show soon
  18. Ropley has had a unexpected surprise we have the layout up! the layout is up for a few weeks so plenty of work to take place. A few shots playing with some of the stock in the time frame. plenty going on and plenty of updates to follow.
  19. So after a lot of hard work I think the overall look of the main shed and boiler shop gives the sheds a whole new look which looks more complete than before. I think this project has been the hardest having done quite a few attempts to get the right materials to make this work the best. the Sheds look completely different and more complete even with a clear panel added Which I still don’t know if it looks good even though it’s purpose makes sense. still quite a bit left to do once I can get hold of the parts to complete the edges around the glazing but I think it’s coming together? the last photo shows 45132 and 50027 outside next to the carriage and boiler shop which are also having their roofs built.
  20. A Ropley yard full of ongoing restoration projects please check out my layout topic to see more ongoing projects as attached
  21. I have finally completed the last bulleid coach I plan to do for a while. This bulleid coach is a bit different to the others as I have decided to tarp this coach. The first photo shows how one of them looked when it first arrived at Ropley for the start of it restoration in model form of course. The other side shows work progressing on stripping off the cladding before the tarpaulins were removed which was done at the railway. This is modelled on the other side of the same coach in the first photo. I now have made 3 Bulleid coaches which for the railway is correct and is part of the Canadian Pacific project which also involves the restoration of 35005. I am undecided weather or not to make a 4th bulleid coach with a set of bogies taken out from underneath and making it look like one of the 3 Bulleid coaches in that stage of the restoration.
  22. At last we have lights again!! The main shed lights have been moved to the opposite side to make viewing better and the lights less noticeable. the wheel drop shed finally has lights added for the first time too. i have also reduced the amount of lights in the sheds which makes it easier for the frames to lift in and out and also makes it not as bright which I think is also better. plenty of projects ongoing at present the next big one being the wheel drop and boiler shop roof plus stock projects in between.
  23. Indeed I only originally knew about 1 to start with oh well they will randomly appear on the layout soon also as I create more projects to do.
  24. More progress on the layout More wiring on the fiddle yard control panel has been done and I’m continuing today. the shed roofs are taking shape with the main shed and wheel drop shed almost complete although I have run out of some plastic I need. work has also started on the boiler shop and carriage shed roof too. the sheds are also getting their lights re installed as I was not happy with them so I have moved them to the other side of the shed. The wheel drop is getting lights at last and the carriage and boiler shop will follow soon. other work is also happening with the first load for the war well wagon. All locos are also being checked over and couplings added to move them about better. the other s15 tender is also on the workbench and having some long overdue work done to finish this project
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