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Everything posted by chriscleveland

  1. It has begun. Re learning how to renumber locos thanks Pete!
  2. Which loco / coach under restoration do you think looks most realistic?
  3. Thank you Gary. It’s been very hard and time consuming to think some of the stock is taking longer than the construction of the layout in areas is crazy. Some have been easier than others. Douglas was only made due to the experience I had In building The others . Douglas is the most unique as it is all scratch built other than the wheels. I have at least another 3 restoration projects I have photos for but still trying to decide if I should do them or not? Chris
  4. Thank you!! I really hope these models help capture the work done in preservation they have all been extremely challenging
  5. The peak was tricky and I think I even used photos of that peak to help me out! And some more to come #spoiler alert!!!
  6. Hi all Attached are a couple of photos showing all the stock we currently have showing signs of restoration work being carried out on them. This has been a challenging project within itself but all starting to come together? which item of rolling stock is your favourite? Be great to know which one people like the most?
  7. Another project on the way. This coach is used with the Pullman rake on the line and has just had a repaint to get the main coat closer to the colour of the Pullman’s. I have tried some roof weathering on this too and now need to find some Pullman lining to complete the project. I think it is used as a generator coach but I could be wrong?
  8. Been playing with stock boxes again today trying to find a way I can pack just a bit more. The result is to make one where the coaches stand upright. This somehow allows me to fit 6 more coaches in than the normal amount of a total of 12 that I have in the boxes where they lay down. Unfortunately I can only do this with 1 tray otherwise they won’t fit in the box but oh well this opens up more stock opportunities. Now I just need to find a couple more of the Bachmann mk1’s in the green before Bachmann changed the shade it used as it is a darker and stands out a bit when mixed in a rake of coaches.
  9. Just an example? Photo from google I usually take my own however this loco I never saw before work started! But it shows the look I was going for other than the white on the loco which I didn’t want to add
  10. All done 80150 now finished and finally numbered since it’s last post. It was ready for Basingstoke’s open day and makes a nice addition to the fleet, and to think it was the second photo to start with! What a transformation one of my other favourite builds recently along with Douglas. My first ever build from nothing!
  11. It is indeed! You do indeed as seen in the photo there are some of the locos waiting some work to be carried out on them to get them to where I want them all done from photos or off from memory
  12. The locos are all true to timescale which has been the biggest challenge to model their appearances at the time as things change so quickly. The locos continue to be my biggest challenge to get them to all look right.
  13. It’s not been an easy challenge some have been just as hard as building a real place was
  14. Ropley is venturing out next weekend attending basingstoke’s model railway clubs open day on Saturday 7th September. Please pop down and see the layout as well as another 2 I’m working on with the club currently.
  15. We finally hit a milestone! ropley has finally been finished being wired up. We can now run 2 trains out at once, as well as one around the loco sheds. Also all sidings in the fiddleyard have been completed. Not an easy job to do unless the layout is up in full which has been few and far between. A real shame really as I hoped it would have got to shows. Shame I never went dcc. Anyway with all electrics working our attentions have turned to the back scenes. We made the call to replace them as can be seen in the photos attached. Some other areas of the layout will now receive attention and photos to follow. Chris
  16. Come out nicely if I do say so myself thank you Ian for photographing the layout
  17. Ropley is up for a few weeks so all hands to the pump to get it running better and some work done that can only be done when it is up. Plus a running session can’t hurt anyone either.
  18. More work has been done to the footbridge adding more details in
  19. With the new bridge now put into place it was rude not to take a couple of photos of how it will look with locos around
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