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Fat Controller

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Status Replies posted by Fat Controller

  1. 2 66's and a 70 just went by with green containers that were only 4ft tall?

    1. Fat Controller

      Fat Controller

      I've heard of similar containers being used for construction waste in earlier days, from Chatham Docks, for example. Where did you see these?

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. Hi, did you pick up my recent message about Llanelli GS?

    1. Fat Controller

      Fat Controller

      Sorry, I was at a funeral in Burry Port, and so was off-line for a few days. You mentioned that you were in the year above me; you weren't the Huw who lived on Felinfoel Road,  were you? 

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  3. anyone else having an issue where the popup adverts can't be closed?

  4. 80 years ago today, the Hood went down with the loss of all but 3 of her crew. Gone, but certainly not forgotten. RIP

    1. Fat Controller

      Fat Controller

      A school-friend's father was meant to have been sailing on that fateful last voyage, but was taken ashore at the last moment due to serious health issues.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  5. Well, the interview must have gone well, I've been offered the position of Senior Designer [Signalling]! :) 

  6. I’ve got something called Repetitive Strain Injury. It’s effecting my typing. But I have help, and with the exercises etc., I should be ok.

    I just have to type much slower, with flat wrists. 

    As for modelling that’s  something which I will work on in due course. Strengthening exercises will hopefully help with that too.

    It will maybe be a couple of years before it gets better.

    1. Fat Controller

      Fat Controller

      It's a miserable complaint, and one which seems to have become more widespread; next time you go to the supermarket, see how many of the till operators have support bandages from their lower arms to their knuckles.

      It would be worth getting a wrist-rest (gel-filled) to support your wrists when using the keyboard. 

      Though it seems strange, your general posture, most noticeably how you hold neck and shoulders, can manifest itself as problems with either wrists or elbows (we found this out the hard way; my wife had both Golfer's and Tennis Elbow on both arms, and narrowly escaped surgery.)

      She recommends having a look at:-  http://www.hse.gov.uk/msd/dse/assessment.htm and  http://www.hse.gov.uk/pubns/ck1.htm

      Her earlier experiences have led her to get involved with work-station design for control centres, so some good came out of it all.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  7. Laid up on in bed with a bad urinary infection. Horse sized antibiotics and cocodamol seem to be working. Was close to being admitted yesterday, close shave lol

    1. Fat Controller

      Fat Controller

      Counter-intuitive, I know, but drink lots of water.

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

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