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Everything posted by SM42

  1. I read once that differential limits across lanes were queried once with Highways. Their response was that it doesn't happen and is impossible to set up a gantry to show them. Now if this report is true, I wonder how it happens. Obeying the lower limit makes sense for the wallet, not sure about being physically safer though. Back in the days when they were quite new on the M42 I did see a 40 40 20 signed from left to right Andy
  2. I find it quite amusing that that other news outlets have asked the current LNER for comment as if it was one of their containers. Kudos though to LNER for coming up with a response about nothing really to do with them, save for the common name and industry. Andy
  3. The M42 at the M40 junction is much tighter than Berlin's limited example, yet is NSL and can be quite safely negotiated at 70mph. Here in the motherland there is a limit on any road feature from crossings to junctions and bends. It's hard to tell what the limit actually is at any given point after a sign. Does the limit apply to just the hazard or not is the question I can't get the sensible answer to. Most ignore them anyway. The variable limits on the M25 were on top form as usual. First up coming off the M40, a 50mph right 9n the entrance to the M25, nothing before, due to congestion. Really? At 2330? It was quite empty compared to normal. Then a bit later "Pedestrians reported. 40mph" Next gantry 50mph Next 40mph Next 6 blank. Next one NSL. Now a blank gantry means NSL ( national speed limit) according to the regs ( no limit shown indicates NSL applies) and any speeding ticket would show the limit on the sign as blank ( NSL) so is it 40 till the NSL sign ( several miles later) or only till the next blank sign. The result is some doing 40 and some 70 ( or more) as the contradictory signage is confusing. The intervening junction didn't help The cameras on the signed limits were doing a roaring trade too. Andy
  4. That includes painting time, although it seems this may be postponed till May. The MiL and FiL, when they come here this afternoon, will walk to a bus stop, catch the bus one stop and then walk from there. This sounds OK till you realise that both stops are the same distance from here. Maybe they are closet bus enthusiasts. Andy
  5. This week's plans are in discussion. So far i have a pass out on Monday afternoon, all day Wednesday, Thursday afternoon and all day Friday Pila and Znin are on my list of places to mooch about. I'll have to find some more places to explore with all that time. Andy
  6. I paid £7.35 for 4 of these. They come in packs of 4. Less than 2 pounds each if you shop around. Andy
  7. There is always the eierd and wonderful exception in the right circumstances. Kidderminster Junction's up home ( (KJ2 IIRC) was a 3 aspect colour light reading onto semaphores under absolute block signalling. However in your situation, the fringe box where the transition from absolute to track circuit block signalling occurs makes sense, swapping the semaphore for the colour light as previously suggested would be my solution too. Andy
  8. The Germans like to put in bends with ridiculously low speed limits (80 kph) and add a speed camera that blinds you if you set it off. "See, they were going too fast that's why they crashed" ( in German) Nothing to do with the blinding flash part way through thd bend that surprised and dazzled the unfortunate driver. ( yes I did set it off once. It was a mobile unit then. It was 6am. I was doing about 90kph, slowing off the previous 100kph. Scared the daylights out of me and I did do a bit of a weave as result ( I wonder what the reaction would have been from the police van if I had crashed ) This is on a gentle right hander under a bridge on the Berliner Ring ( doughnut ring? 😁) In the UK such bends are national speed limit and can be safely negotiate at 70mph ( 110kph) and often a little more. (Not me, obviously) Andy
  9. Thd best I can manage is the nav telling me my next turn off is in 297 miles. It used to be 309 miles just after the 270 degree turn at Kraus Keiserberg but it adds in a little bear left now to break up the monotony Andy
  10. A day also celebrated in France as the day they did away with Nelson Andy
  11. The only tunnel i use round there is the Kennedy Tunnel. Mind the speed cameras and don't let the "in 800 yards keep left" instruction fool you. Just means you're not turning off the motorway. Keep heading towards Breda and Luik till you get to the Eindhoven exit. Yet to see a train on thd bit next to the railway ( when we're heading westwards across Europe) On that leg I also like the instructions from the nav, " keep right and bear left". Basically pick the middle two lanes and go left. It's a bit like a Peco code 75, 3 way point. Such fun at 5pm on a weekday. As long as you know which towns you are heading towards it's a doddle, just the crazy Dutch drivers to avoid. Antwerp and Ghent are two cities we pass that one day we hope to visit properly. Today's Poznan weather looks a bit drier and sunnier so far Family coming to dinner today and then a walk to the in laws for birthday cake ( nephew's) and some vodka to wash it down. Can't have too much ( vodka that is) as I have a dentist appointment at 8am Monday. I hope they don't get out of the wrong side of the bed. Andy
  12. Back in 2022 having got a little discombobulated on the Antwerp Ring by the out of date satnav, barking instructions, the extensive road works, dodging the heavy traffic and various in car conversations ( I had a car full of Poles) I ended up heading towards Rotterdam. Now that is not a bad place to go, but useless if you are heading to Poland. The SiL came to the rescue with an alternative route courtesy of an on line mapping app and we trogged through downtown Antwerp. I've heard nothing since, but I'm not sure if we got inside the ring road and into the zone I see such instructions as rather relative. Spending £1,000 when you could have spent twice as much, is in my opinion doing exactly as bid. As is only spending such sums wisely, thus obtaining much product by careful selection of goods being offered for sale. Other members of a household may have a different view Andy
  13. Hello from a soggy Poznan. Arrived about an hour ago, but our trip didn't start well. We hadn't gone 10 miles when Highways England sprung the first surprise by closing the M5 south to M42 east link but not mentioning it till the cones started at the junction. Had I known earlier I could have used the A38 rather than the M5, something I eventually did from Droitwich. Ghent was the next problem with another closed slip road involving an 8 mile leap of faith and following the sat nav back the way we came, hoping that I could get back on course for Antwerp. Fortunately we could. In total we have driven around an extra 24 miles to normal. The Germans still have border checks in place, but the queue was only about a mile long, so hopefully won't be too bad on our return when most of Europe is enjoying a public holiday (less trucks I hope) Meanwhile beer no 1 has been consumed accompanied by a sandwich and I could probably use a nap right now Andy Feeling a little jaded
  14. Found the silicon. It's gone off, so there's a job that can wait till after Easter. Never mind. There was bonus chocolate to take the edge off the disappointment. Andy
  15. Well this is a good day. All jobs that can be done have been done except one, which I shall start on shortly. Just need to find the silicon sealer. Whilst looking for my glasses in my work bag I also found a long forgotten chocolate bar Bonus! Andy Happy bunny full of chocolate.
  16. PG Tips tea and shortbread are quite popular with the in laws. Andy
  17. Oddly no. To go with foreign and exotic climes, I shall be using exotic colours like terracotta for the ambiance. As this will be an outdoor job, I will need decent weather. It may not happen till later in the year. Andy
  18. I do have some painting jobs to do in the motherland. Andy
  19. SM42 Towers are a hive of activity as preparations are in full flow for the next visit to the motherland. The luggage pile is slowly growing. Andy
  20. All day I've been wondering what I've forgot to do. I've just remembered what it is. 😕 Re attach the beading round the window Can't be bothered now. It'll have to wait till Friday morning now. Andy
  21. Another shelf built and painted in the airing cupboard and more blood sacrificed to the god of work. Going well today so far. Just got to get dinner on now. Andy
  22. On a positive note, despite the overnight rain, the lawn has dried enough to get a first cut on it this year It was starting to get out of hand, looking, more like a fallow meadow than a lawn. A lot of phone calls are now on the cards to sort a week's worth of stuff out. Andy
  23. They, are whoever happens to be in government. The basic problem of how to fund a state and its machinery is not an easy one to solve to the satisfaction of all, but it's so hellishly complex nowadays that there is little chance of not paying something somehow, regardless of your means. Andy
  24. They even tried to tax us for being over 18. As you may well remember it did not end well and some are, unbelievably, trying to bring that idea. Andy
  25. An awful lot of cars, even thd ones they want us to drive are either in or rapidly heading towards that tax bracket. If only there was an alternative transport system that gave adequate and affordable coverage to 99% of the country. Andy
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