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Everything posted by SM42

  1. The adjacent school ( which it fed into) will be providing some nursery places for the 3 - 4s but nothing for under 3s The organisation that ran the nursery has been making a loss and it's no longer sustainable. Closure has been on the cards for the last couple of years or so. There was talk of the school taking over the business but nothing came of it on the end. The school has had their hand forced and are looking to do something now, but they don't want to take on the existing business. Mrs SM42 is quite relaxed about impending redundancy. Andy
  2. Answer to no 1. Free child care that doesn't cover the cost of providing it which didn't help the unsustainable losses Answer to 2 A question the inspector asked too, but as it was due he was told it had to be done. On the bright side, it will look good on the CV. That had to resist the urge to tell them it was inconvenient 😁 In chip news There were none The chippie was closed 🥺 On Friday ! Had to make do with some crisps and alcohol free beer ( work tomorrow) Andy
  3. I've still got a few from mum's stuff Do they still take them? Andy
  4. The possibility of chips is a direct result of Mrs SM42 being on a high after being Ofsteded on Tuesday. They got an outstanding. Shame that in just over 4 months they will be closing permanently. Andy
  5. Not sure. The Polish Catholic Mission maybe? We currently have a very jovial priest. Probably the most jolly yet. Andy
  6. They do a nifty line in BBQs. All times of the year. Pickled gherkins were available. Andy
  7. Mrs SM42 has just breezed in from work and quickly breezed out again to church. There may be chips later. 😃 Andy
  8. Don't you just hate it when tourists toodle slowly along looking at the scenery, holding up the traffic? Andy
  9. My back is playing up again, but thankfully sciatica is not something I'm blessed with this time. I can walk about 1/4 mile before I sieze up and need to let the muscles relax for 5 minutes. Last week I was fine. I did visit a clinic in Poland last time I was there. That stopped the aching and muscle problems, but produced a pain lower down, which I suspect is where the problem really is. That has gone and the siezing muscles have come back. Meanwhile I sit here gently perspiring. The reason, it appears, is Mrs SM42 turned the heating up this morning and then went out to work. It has been suitably adjusted and the spring sunshine is keeping the Towers warm Andy
  10. Print yourself version Whether that be on card or 3D in plastic or resin I'm not sure. Andy
  11. The door opens outwards. Rather handily the fridge is next to it, so I can stock up on snacks without having to go far. Even end to end plans go down the right hand wall when I visualise them. I have warned Mrs SM42 that she might find the much larger East wing in use shen she gets home one day. Andy
  12. See now I'm right handed and always instinctively put the scenic bit to the right in the scenario described. The size of the room or where the scenery ends, how the door opens etc are econdary considerations when starting with a blank canvas . I always opt to enter the room in the scenario described with scenery to the right In the case of the West wing, this is probably the most awkward side, but for some reason I can't visualise it other way round. Perhaps I should enter via the window. I was intrigued if others had similar bias when starting with a blank sheet of paper and what might be behind it. The room incidentally is 13 and a bit by 7 Not the biggest but more than j had before. Andy
  13. Apropos the future of the West wing I have been visualising layouts that might be built therein and was struck by a thought about how we naturally see a layout within a room Thus as a thought experiment could I ask you to consider the following situation. 1. You have a rectangular room with a doorway in the centre of one of the short sides. Window in the opposite side. 2. When drawn, the plan of the room has the doorway at the bottom, window at the top 3. You intend to build a traditional roundy roundy style layout in this space with scenery down one long side and fiddle yard down the other. The layout location is fictitious Now the questions. 1. Without any thought to practicalities or other considerations , if you were stood in the doorway, instinctively which side of the room would the scenic side be on? 2 . Are you left or right handed? The reason I ask is that every possible plan I have in my head comes out the same way round when I visualise it in the room. Given the realities of the space this may not be the most practical way round I am wondering if my handedness is affecting my thinking and if others experience the same. Andy
  14. Not sure about the cake part. She rules with a rod iron does Mrs SM42. Known to put her foot down with a firm hand when it comes to treats. This is why I like the motherland. Her dad has different ideas on the finer things in life and she is outranked. Andy
  15. Lots of jobs day tomorrow. First up take Mrs SM42 to work so I can use her car all day. The West wing needs clearing so I can finish off the painting. A tip run is required and various holes in walls need filling where the now redundant heating controls were. Bricks need sorting into handy piles for my man who does to carry on with the wall in the garden ( weather permtting) and there are numerous other small acts of bureaucracy required. Then at 3.30 I have to pick up Mrs SM42 from work and go shopping for cake ( yeah right) and other privions If I get 50% done, I'll be happy Andy
  16. Doh! Dont worry I have no personal recollection of any such comnment being made. Andy
  17. You could of course follow the lead and just pack everything Andy
  18. Any one out there managed to dismantle one of Bachmann's VGAs? I picked up some up at a good price recently in EWS livery and am looking to backdate them. I would like to seperate the body from the underframe for painting rather than mask up around the buffers etc So far it has defeated me. Thanks in advance Andy
  19. I shall be missing such rugby related entertainment this afternoon as we are off to a friends for late lunch / early dinner which has an element of birthday about it and may involve beverages with percentages. Luckily no work till tomorrow night Andy
  20. We are still talking about rugby, aren't we? Andy
  21. It's only a matter of time before Akcent appears and I reckon you will be shakin your thing by the end of the day as the incessant beat ( for those who haven't tried, think Stock, Aitken and Waterman on acid) wears you down. Andy
  22. Wind me up and let me go, where I stop nobody knows. Even to Baccara,'s lesser known hits and always to Disco Polo Milosc w Zakopanem anyone? Andy
  23. Credit where it is due. they kept that line open for about 8 hours in that case. Even managed a ringing tone at the other end. Andy
  24. We've moved onto "similar artists" in the shuffle now. ABBA, Ottawan, Baccara and so on. Still sitting it out. Andy
  25. Had a Whatsapp message today inviting me to join a group about finance and investment oportunities with a link to click to join. Came from a +22 number. Hmm. Deleted, genuine (🤣) or not, too risky. Oddly it arrived the same time I was added to a group and that one I was expecting. Must talk to the group admin. Andy
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