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Blog Comments posted by SMR CHRIS

  1. Just great we need more young people to get interested in the hobby, as a life long hobby interest, it starts with your first train / trainset and being able to touch and play trains with out fear of damaging dads prized fine scale models.

    my dad did this for me and it has always been a grounding interest in my life that has continued from childhood to my late 30's I learned quickly the value of things and when wanting to add to the train collection I learned that every thing has a price and chores around the house had a value to that price to add a new mainline wagon cost $5 that was 2 weeks chores or new J72 was several more weeks


    Our hobby needs new younger members.


    Hear in Australia at train shows etc it is unusual to see young people behind layouts so I encourage all the oldies to help get the young train set players into railway modelers as this is the only way the hobby can continue to become stronger.


    At a recent NMRA modelers convention hear in Australia I displayed my on30 module the sole young person at the event came over to the layout and asked some question about my dcc sound so I handed him the throttle he was amazed and after a few moments he had mastered the opperations and I left him with the layout only to have several concerrned gray hairs come rushing to tell me that some kid was running my trains.


    So you are to be awarded in starting your son with such a great layout that both of you can enjoy and it looks like you are having some fun to whilst building too.


    Happy modeling

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