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Posts posted by JZ

  1. 8 hours ago, monkeysarefun said:

    Anyone who thinks that the cops don't have an almost permanent presence on the Mount Panorama circuit, especially along Conrod Straight, are dead-set muppets, but still its like shooting fish in a barrel.


    For added certainty of getting caught, do it on a long weekend!


    (Note to @JZ - its 60kmh all the way round if you are tempted....)







    Sticking to public transport this year. I've already had a speeding fine on each of my trips to NSW. In 2018 for doing 127kmh in a 100 area, middle of nowhere, no other vehicles about, apart from a police car. That one was reduced to 110-120 band for being contrite and admitting the offence. Last time was a bit more contentious, as I was doing 85 in a 100, but should have been aware that there were recent roadworks despite there being no signs and I should have been at <60. Argued the case, but was told I should have noticed the new road topping. I think the bright green and purple Jucy van made an easy target. $250 fine.

    • Friendly/supportive 5
  2. 22 minutes ago, franciswilliamwebb said:


    It's true, I discovered!  I had some Morrisons MockNuggets and they're gorgeous, I couldn't resist telling everyone about them😳


    The search for MockNugget plants for the garden is ongoing...

    I did a back to back with Greggs sausage rolls. Prefer the vegan.

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  3. On 06/06/2024 at 21:14, rockershovel said:

    Interesting to see a more overall view of this layout and how it fits into the room 

    I promise that one day I will get around to it.


    Never really been happy with the stock pens. The one here is a Life-Like kit and the polythene type plastic and clip together nature made it difficult to adapt.



    So I've been looking at an alternative. One option was the Banta Modelworks kit.


    Easily adapted for my location, but at $85 plus a whopping $68 for carriage, I'll give it a miss.

    So I plumped for this from Walthers.


    It is a similar depth as the existing one, but a few inches wider, so the fire station seen on the left in the top picture will have to be relocated. The entrance is much better sited for me the way it is. The loading platforms are spaced for 40' standard gauge cars, while the D&RGW had a mix of 30' and 36' cars, so a little adjustment is needed there.

    I have ordered one from Jadlam down the road in Glastonbury.


    The old one may find a home on the other side of the layout.



    • Like 3
  4. Playing around with building placement.


    If I settle on this, the new spur will extend to Cookson Soap. The building to the right is only temporary, an Artitec Warehouse  will go there.

    Something needs doing to cover in between buildings, for this I bought some pre-cut walls from Fos Scale on my last order. These will be lower than the buildings either side.

     Took the opportunity to get a photo or two of the slightly remodelled High St. The addition being the cinema. Although a Bachmann 00 model, it fits in well and is a left over from my Tolmouth layout.




    Straight on leads to the industrial part of town. Not happy with the hotel beyond the cinema. I have a couple of building that I could use here, but undecided which.

    • Like 7
  5. 3 hours ago, Obi-Jiff Kenobi said:

    There are two types of people in the world:


    1. Those who can extrapolate from incomplete data.

    I have this t-shirt. Only times I have been asked to explain it is when I have worn it in the US.

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  6. 6 hours ago, Erichill16 said:

    I had one for a quarter of a century and never made a start on it.Thats why I rated your post with the clapping hand, perseverance!

     Gave it to a friend in the end. 

    I used to fancy building one and when a model shop in Swindon was selling them off at £25, I decided to take the plunge. Had to carry the thing around in the back cab of a 158 for the rest of the shift. 12 years later it is still un-started up in the loft. Did think about getting the etched detailing parts that are available.

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