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Posts posted by rustynuts

  1. On 07/02/2021 at 20:11, jwealleans said:

    I spent a little time this afternoon  - it's bitterly cold here as I gather it is almost everywhere - on a couple of grain vans which I've been going to refurbish for Grantham use for a long time.  One is a Parkside kit, possibly the very first one I built - it was certainly one of these, bought from the much missed R & D Models in Cambridge - while the other has a more interesting provenance.




    Some time ago I bought a scratchbuilt grain van to the original pattern off Ebay.   It looked nicely done and wasn't expensive (this was long before lockdown).  Despite having scratchbuilt two previously i didn't have one for myself - one lives in the Ely Club shunting stock and one was a commission.  When it arrived, it was indeed pretty well made but also had a brass underframe which just pulled out.   Left with a plastic body like that, my thoughts turned at once to resin casting and my good friend and colleague Mr. King duly obliged.


    I must have had this getting on two years and am only now doing anything with it.   It's acquired a 60 thou plastikard floor, MJT W-irons and a plastic hopper up to now.   I've then secured the floor, having put some weight inside and made solebar to body brackets.   It's had a waft of grey primer so you can see it in the photograph which also shows that it's a midge's higher than the PD one, but within what I'd call the 'tired springs' range.   I can always put Gibson or Wizard wheels into it to lower it slightly once finished.  Brakes are still to do - making them a sturdy structure may be a challenge - and buffers, which will probably be a Dave Franks GWR pattern.  For those who don't know, the LNER borrowed drawings from the GW and copied them for these vans.  I have made a GWR one and they are almost identical.  


    I'm not sure whether or not these are currently available within the extensive King's of Grimsby range.


    The Parkside one will have a repaint, new buffers and a general tidy up.   I've also opened up the inspection windows in the ends, which were only plated over after 1948.


    Also pretty much complete and hopefully a less controversial shade of brown, after having brakes added this week, this Peter K GNS horsebox we saw not too long ago.   This has been fiddly and a bit of a nuisance.  I haven't been able to add all the foot steps either as the way the thing is designed would have put them out of gauge.   The strapping was all added with Evergreen strip and seems to have all but vanished in the photo.  Hopefully weathering will bring it out again, it was a long job and does appear more distinctly to the naked eye.



    Could I ask where you get the lettering under the number from as I have a number of horse boxes to do?





  2. Depending on period, but they were normally lined unless repainted during the Great War years.


    An excellent model but one comment, the steam heat valve on the cab roof R/H side looks rather overscale. These were also often removed during the summer months so can be left off.

    True and a very valid comment but as it was with the masters I think i will leave it, painted black and weathered back i don't think it will look so bad.

  3. Finally decided to finish off a loco my father started 20 plus years ago, it is built using a test etch, a reduction of one of Barry Jones's "Modellers World" 7mm kits. Dad made all the masters for the castings but a mold was never made so I intend to finish the model using the masters as a tribute to his work.


    This is basically as dad left it but I have swapped the drivers with the latest Markits versions together with Markits deluxe crank pins.

    I need to order Gibson leading and trailing wheel sets next.



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