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  1. There's a new discussion website just started just for Austerities - it's at http://j94austerity.co.uk
  2. Sorry, my last post was in relation to the question "Is there a definitive history of these Austerity locos one can access anywhere?"
  3. There's quite a lot of information at www.norfolksteamloco.co.uk
  4. Very interesting discussion to which I'd like to add a couple of points. I think it's a mistake to categorise the Austerity as a small loco - it is nothing of the sort. Its power classification was 4F, and its design brief required it to be able to move 1,100 tons on the flat, which a bit of mental maths suggests is the equivalent to two express trains with their locos. Mind you, it couldn't move them very fast! The lubrication system as built was crude, and not suitable for speed or long journeys. Most locos still in use have been fitted with mechanical lubricators instead. On the subject of spurious liveries, let's be realistic: preserved railways may be run BY enthusiasts, but by and large they're not run FOR enthusiasts, and any that are will quickly find themselves in financial difficulty. We're all trying to attract the general public, Mum and Dad and 2.4 children and the grandparents if we're lucky, and I don't think the general public are the least bit bothered about the authenticity of the livery. So long as it chuffs and goes, and there are ice creams for the kids and a cup of tea for Mum and a toilet for Granny, they're happy and so are we. Also there's one other factor no one has mentioned, so I will. I am a part-owner of an Austerity. We're a bunch of ordinary blokes, but we've raised about £100,000 between us to fund its purchase and restoration, and apart from the boilerwork we're doing it all ourselves. We think this means that if we want to paint it pink and call it "Gladys", we will. Anyone who's offended by this is welcome to get their own loco and be as authentic as they like.
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