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Everything posted by freebs

  1. A thing of beauty indeed. I've enjoyed watching this build.
  2. Drilling long holes can be extremely satisfying. Sadly I can only drill long 10mm holes, but I can go HALF A METRE THROUGH SOLID STONE (not much good on a foam hill though)
  3. "To get the droppers through the trackbed and the foam and then the baseboard surface a long 250mm x 6mm drill was used, this was fine provided you didnt drill into a cavity in the foam, because there is no long hole for the wire to follow if you do, and feeding the wire through becomes a lot more difficult" Geoff - many thanks -this is EXACTLY the information I was after, and Andy - you've raised the next point. Had I not got an answer I was considering making a void in the baseboard and a cavity through the raised section... At the moment my layout is flat - straight to ply baseboard, but following this thread and the utterly superb landscape you've created I am considering ripping it all up and creating a raised landscape, but before I do, I want to work out just how I wire it all - expecially leaving space for points motors... ps- when you say 2 droppers per each section of rail - do you mean two sets? Thanks again for answering
  4. I've only just caught up with this thread, being a bit late on the scene with BCB - this water tank is utterly brilliant. You should be proud of yourself sir.
  5. Hi All, first off, apologies if this is in entirely the wrong thread, but I've just been catching up on the whole BCB thing and it's blown my mind, so much that I'm considering ripping up my layout and starting again. I can't seem to find anything in the blogs about how it was wired - in respect of the raised trackwork - embankments etc - how were feeder wires run through from below the baseboard?
  6. Superb show - my first, and I'll definitely be back next year
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