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Blog Entries posted by mcrook62

  1. mcrook62
    Hi All
    I went out got a airbrush compressor and dvd 's on weathering loco's etc, I have tried to master the air brush but at 65 I think I've over reached myself with this one stick to what you know .
    But I really wanted a fleet that looks like it works for a living than all shiny and clean I am a modeller not a collector so one day I saw a advert for a company called the weathering works and I thought they would be expense like others I have look at but no they were really good at £20.00 for a loco or diesel or £15.00 for smaller locos like
    class 08 etc , So I sent a couple off to see how good they were and now I have had a total of 12 done by them the guy who doe's the work is called Scott Illingworth and is quite accommodating you tell him what you want or send pictures of a loco and he weathers them for you. so give him a try if you can't weather like me.
    also I was going to add some picture to the blog, but
    can't seem to work out how this site allows you to upload pictures?. I have tried to attach as a file but comes back with error file was to big? as the state max single file 1mb and mine are about 1.65.
    So any suggestions would help.
    Well no one as sent any help over how to upload pictures or video to rmweb so if a administrator reads this could they get in touch to let me know what to do.
    Install the last 3 point motors to my layout Debridge so all control is from railmaster on my computer.
    Sitting in my chair swinging around to watch the trains moving about just like a signalman in his box its great.
    I was wondering why no one as advise me on how to upload pictures to rmweb ,it can't be that hard,I went to do a classified ad for a 2-Bil but could not upload photos of it so gave up.
    Well have got all of the airbrush equipment for sale on eBay.
    Having a go with weathering with weathering powders and getting on better than airbrushing. A Q1 is looking quite tired an well worn so it looks like I will be using them now.
    The only problem is to seal or not to seal, the forums seems split 50/50 on this any one that's use's weathering powders please give me your view.
    I have got hold of a viessmann banner signal and it says in the instructions that in DCC you can wire up to operate on a accessory module so looking I wonder if you attach both blue wires to the out side connections and the common to the middle of a Hornby module set up for signals if it would work any help would me good the light for the banner is quite straight forward.its a very nice piece of kit very well built just a bit scared of mucking it up. well I bit the bullet and wired up the banner signal and it works a treat bit chuffed really also got the traintronics signal with right hand feather wired up and working I think I got take on blackpool lights next.
    I have finish the track painting and all signals are working and lights only waiting for yard lights from China not a bad price 6 double led yard lights 19.00
    be here by first week in September and then Debridge will be 99.9% finished just the culverts to do and mucky water. hooray sitting typing this and in the back ground I have a Bachmann class25 with sound ticking over in the stabling yard. pure bliss
    Now Hornby have caused a lot of stress and cost with their New RM ver 1.56 with pro pack voice control this as caused a big headache I got a lot abuse on the Hornby forums because I asked what type of wireless headphones with mic should Hornby not much as recommend but the type of headphones so then got singe with the replies but in the end got a Logitech H600 all well and good setup voice recognition and done the learning bit logon to the new rail-master with ver 1.56 ver 8 + pro pack and boy was it hard sometime it recognise your voice and the loco you want then forward speed 10 nothing so
    I put a question on hornbys forum asking a simple question "has anyone run their loco's points and signals for 1 hour with the voice control" you know I have had not one reply to that question.
    So put the headphones away and run my layout with railmaster on my computer as everything works like that ok.
    Hi All
    Sorry but have so busy with the new layout not had time for the blog but today is good Friday and thought I would add a few words,
    The new layout is coming on got the baseboards from Tim Horn and they went togeather a treat also he made me a fiddle yard to add on which I did this morning which is a step better than the last layout.
    The new one is called Ashbrook and consist of 2 roads coming in a single platform, goods shed, engine shed, dairy siding coal siding head shunt for the dairy, also runaround loop at the station.
    The signaling will be all semiphore signals.H2 era's will run on this layout Steam then blue era.
    will catch up soon.
    Hi well things are coming along fine point motors fitted track all down ID scenes background is up , Just working on the lights for the engine shed, then the goods shed and yard, station been built painting that early platform built down distant in and working as well as the up home platform starter is in but not wired up yet.
    got some nice southern region ground signals to go in plus another couple signals and dcc interface modules and then start the ground work and scenery also the Dairy to do but it keeps me busy so that's what I enjoy well back to the grindstone it won't get built chatting.

    Time has moved on sold all my OO stuff and moved to the senior scale 7mm,boy have been busy torn up my old layout and built new Base boards and started laying O gauge track oh what a change I could actually see what I was doing,the size of the layout is 11 feet in length and 600mm in width,got to post some photos soon as I am getting over quadruple bypass operation,god do want to go though that again.
    Time to put the light off will resume in a couple day's.
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