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Everything posted by rogerfarnworth

  1. These are the images that I have included elsewhere. A Google Earth satellite image and an old photograph. The Goggle Earth image shows the line of the incline.
  2. Hi Eddie And thank you. The place I found the image talked about it being on the Western side of the Rift Valley but I had been unable to find any support for that suggestion elsewhere. It is good to know that it is a picture of the incline on the Eastern flank of the Rift Valley. There is still evidence of the existence of that incline which can be found on Google Earth. Thank you again. Roger
  3. Thank you Geoff. Here is the next post in the series .... Back at Nakuru, we prepare ourselves to travel on to Kampala. This post takes us to Eldoret. https://rogerfarnworth.wordpress.com/2018/05/27/uganda-railways-part-12-nakuru-to-eldoret
  4. Hello, I am working at present on a series of articles about the Uganda Railway which runs through Kenya and Uganda. I am aware of an inlcine that was used for about 15 months while the railway was being built in the Western Highlands of Kenya but I have just found this photograph which purports to be of a similar incline on the Mau Escarpment. Does anyone know anything about this? Perhaps the location, further pictures, or any articles? PS: I have been posting these articles I mention on this Forum under the Narrow Gauge Section. Perhaps I should also post them here?
  5. Before we return to Nakuru to follow the main line towards Kampala, one further post about the Kisumu line. There was a short branch which left the Kisumu to Nakuru line within the confines of Kisumu city. This post focusses on that line. https://rogerfarnworth.wordpress.com/2018/05/25/uganda-railways-part-11-the-branch-from-kisumu-to-butere
  6. The next two posts cover the length of the old Uganda Railway to Kisumu and Butere. Originally, this line was of significant strategic importance. Trains along the line provided access to Lake Victoria and the inland steamers that then provided access to the Great Lakes region and to Kampala via Port Bell. The construction of the line from Nakuru to Kampala and beyond changed thing significantly and the old main line became a branch-line and has seen little traffic over recent years. https://rogerfarnworth.wordpress.com/2018/05/25/uganda-railways-part-10-west-of-nakuru-the-line-to-kisumu
  7. Another leg of the journey on the Uganda Railway. https://rogerfarnworth.wordpress.com/2018/05/25/naivasha_to_nakuru
  8. We are gradually getting closer to the eastern border of Uganda! This is the next post in the series and covers the stretch of the line from Nairobi to Lake Naivasha ..... https://rogerfarnworth.wordpress.com/2018/05/24/uganda-railways-part-8-west-of-nairobi-nairobi-to-naivasha
  9. This next post focusses on the station at Nairobi and its immediate environment. https://rogerfarnworth.wordpress.com/2018/05/22/uganda-railways-part-7-nairobi-railway-station-good-yard-mpd-and-railway-museum
  10. Our journey along the 'Uganda Railway' continues. In this post we travel from Ulu into Nairobi and notice two branch-lines on the way. https://rogerfarnworth.wordpress.com/2018/05/22/uganda-railways-part-6-ulu-to-nairobi
  11. You will probably have noticed on the forum that I have recently been focussing on the metre-gauge lines that served Kampala and Uganda from the East African coast at Mombasa. While doing research on the route of the Mombasa line, I came across photographs and, in particular, old postcards that showed traces of tramway or trolleyway in the streets of Mombasa in the late nineteenth century. I thought it needed more research and this blog is the result. https://rogerfarnworth.wordpress.com/2018/05/21/mombasa-kenya-a-very-early-tramway
  12. I have just returned from a trip to Africa, staying in south-western Uganda. This is the 5th part of my story of the Uganda Railway. It covers the length from Voi to Ulu in Kenya. https://rogerfarnworth.wordpress.com/2018/05/21/uganda-railways-part-5-voi-to-ulu
  13. The 4th post in a series about Uganda Railways. This post covers the journey along the original Uganda Railway from Mazeras to Voi. https://rogerfarnworth.wordpress.com/2018/05/17/uganda-railways-part-4-mazeras-to-voi
  14. This third post in the series starts the journey along the 'Lunatic Line'. https://rogerfarnworth.wordpress.com/2018/05/14/uganda-railways-part-3
  15. This second post provides some more information about the history of what is often called 'The Lunatic Line'. https://rogerfarnworth.wordpress.com/2018/05/11/uganda-railways-part-2
  16. My wife and I are in Uganda at the moment (9th May 2018), I have been here a number of times before. The national railway system is metre-gauge. I hope this first post is of interest to members of this forum. https://rogerfarnworth.wordpress.com/2018/05/09/uganda-railways-part-1 Other posts about the trip, but not railway related, can be found on this link: https://rogerfarnworth.wordpress.com/category/uganda
  17. There was a short line which ran through the streets of Nice linking the Gare du Sud to the central railway station in Nice. It was less than a kilometre long and I have done some research into the line and the locomotive which was predomiantly used to move wagons along it ... CP 51. You can get the story on this link ... https://rogerfarnworth.wordpress.com/2018/04/12/the-connection-between-the-plmsncf-station-in-nice-and-la-gare-du-sudchemins-de-fer-de-provence-59
  18. There was a short line which ran through the streets of Nice linking the Gare du Sud to the central railway station in Nice. It was less than a kilometre long and I have done some research into the line and the locomotive which was predomiantly used to move wagons along it ... CP 51. You can get the story on this link ... https://rogerfarnworth.wordpress.com/2018/04/12/the-connection-between-the-plmsncf-station-in-nice-and-la-gare-du-sudchemins-de-fer-de-provence-59
  19. Another 800mm rack railway ........ the Schynige Platte Rack Railway near Interlaken in Switzerland https://rogerfarnworth.wordpress.com/2018/04/21/the-schynige-platte-railway-interlaken-switzerland
  20. Hi Andy I have got a few alternatives up my sleeve at the moment but given comments elsewhere I have kept the back ground image in the first draft but changed fonts a little. I may yet find a striking image that works which is both in colour and focusses on locomotives and rolling stock but nothing as yet works for me of the images that I have seen or collected. The Viaduc de Loup is the iconic structure on the line. However, I have still got time to change the image ............ Best wishes Roger
  21. Hello, As I have already mentioned, I am pondering converting my blog into an online book. This might prove of interest to people. I have taken this a little further and produced the first few chapters of the book I am imagining. They are at the moment missing a contents page and and editorial page but I'd appreciate comments on whether the book might be worth publishing on line and whether you think it should be free or charged for? If you are interested, please follow this link via my blog: https://rogerfarnworth.wordpress.com/2018/04/14/an-ebook-on-les-chemins-de-fer-du-sud-de-la-france/ Best wishes Roger
  22. My wife and I travelled along the The Rochers-de-Naye Line from Montreux in Switzerland in 2004 .......... https://rogerfarnworth.wordpress.com/2018/04/16/the-rochers-de-naye-line/
  23. A few people have asked me whether I plan to publish a book, or books, about the Metre-Gauge Railways of Provence. I thought that I might see what was involved in punishing an eBook .... As a first step, I have tried to design a cover for what might be a book about the Central Var line. I have published a series of posts on that line on this Group. So here are two questions for you .... If I was to do so, would you be interested in buying a copy and what might you pay? And ............... What do you think to this as a cover? Might it entice you to buy the book, knowing what you already do about the content? https://rogerfarnworth.wordpress.com/2018/04/14/an-ebook-on-les-chemins-de-fer-du-sud-de-la-france
  24. A few people have asked me whether I plan to publish a book, or books, about the Metre-Gauge Railways of Provence. I thought that I might see what was involved in punishing an eBook .... As a first step, I have tried to design a cover for what might be a book about the Central Var line. I have published a series of posts on that line on this Group. So here is a question for you .... If I was to do so, would you be interested in buying a copy and what might you pay?
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