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Everything posted by Rowsley17D

  1. Blooming 'eck Jeff, metric and imperial units in the same post. We had some frames made for Ormesby Hall so the little'uns could watch the trains go by.
  2. Morning Jeff, Late nights and early mornings, is this one benefit of being retired - less sleep required? As with the two viaducts. I doubt the company (Midland) would have built a tunnel to take three lines. The branch junction would have come off at the other end of the tunnel surely? (don't call me Shirley) Is it possible that the branch was built after the main line so as to tap into the local mineral wealth and a market town that otherwise would not have had a railway? So a new tunnel was required as it would come out at a different place from the main line. While they would start in the same vacinity their other ends could be several hundred yards apart and at different elevations?
  3. Hi Jeff, Once you have the electrics etc sorted under the the track boards are you going to board out the subframe and use the space for storage?
  4. Jeff, Just got back from another visit to Kendal. Unbroken autumn sunshine all the way. The Eden and Lune valleys were just stunning, especially the view from the top of Stainmore summit towards Kirkby Stephen and beyond. Thought you might need some inspiration so you can look forward to modelling that S&C landscape.
  5. Jeff, It certainly is mellow mists and fruitfulness this morning, but not until you get to DL1 - it's as clear as a bell in the hills. I would go with your latest plan. There looks to plenty of operational interest for one to four operators, although four in the bunker may get in each other's way! I can just imagine the branch three-set rolling in and the connecting semi-fast pulling up alongside while an 8F struggles passed on the opposite line with a rake of loaded hoppers. You almost smell the hot oil and sulphur in the air aarrrr! Which is up and which is down on you layout?
  6. Jeff, now you'll be able to see those lovely tapered piers. Any chance of a junction at the other end of the viaduct for your branch? Then again, have you any room for a branch to come in at the other end of the station? It would look good to have a 0-4-4T with its 3 coach branch set waiting for the board as a Jubilee sweeps passed with an express.
  7. Jeff, re your enquiry about plasticard rivets on Baccup. They are Slaters. There is a pdf download, to scale, on their site of all the textures they do.
  8. Good grief Jeff, are you going to walk on these? Appears to be a bit of sag in that board though (dons tin hat) or is a support missing and you were just trying things out to see how it looked? (on my way home now been here since 7.30 am)
  9. Gordon, Just had to bump this one up the charts. Inspirational work. Due to an impending house move, my current "last great project" will not be finished. It looks like I will have a bit more room than you in the new loft 28x14 at workable layout/backscene height. Only problem(?) is a chimney coming up through the middle. I hope the layout can go either side at a workable height, but that will have to wait until I move in and can have a good look around. You and Jeff (Physicsman) have given me some great food for thought as to what the next "last great project" should be. I will be going for SMP and using my existing Peco 75 and large radius points for the fiddle yard and hidden sections. I may have to get Marcway to provide the pointwork, but may order the starter kit and have a go myself. Keep up the good work.
  10. Jeff, How are you powering the "frogs" change-over switches or a frog juicer that I have seen referred to on this site? This bit of kit looks very interesting as it doesn't rely on mechanical action or connection.
  11. Jeff, Looking forward to seeing some pics when I log on tonight, hope all goes well and the weather has picked up...
  12. Hi Jeff, What solder and flux are you using? At a York show a couple of years ago I discovered Duncan's flux and solders www.duncanmodels.co.uk, no connection etc. Used with fluxless solder it's great. The surfaces don't need cleaning up before soldering and no messy residues after. It makes solder flow like rain water in the recent floods here in the NE! I think it's dilute phosphoric acid so usual precautions about ventilation.
  13. Back in one piece after fording numerous lakes across the roads. There was a river where the road should have been coming down the hill from Kirkby Stephen East towards the town centre. There is still scaffolding around the box at Garsdale but judging by the bright paintwork it is there for repainting.
  14. Morning Jeff, Any modelling today? Even wetter. Nightmare journey from Leyburn, needed a boat not a car and joy of joys I have to go to Kendal today. At least I get to see Kirkby Stephen East, West and Hawes Junction if I get that far.
  15. Jeff, I plan to be there as long as I can climb the loft ladder (yet to be fitted)! Reading through various threads, including yours, has taught me to take my time, so that I can avoid mistakes of my previous efforts, so the space will not be too scary. It will take several years as I cannot work at the pace of Larry (Coachman). I plan an LMS (ex-Midland) Peak District location set around the 1930s. Your flowing points and trackwork have got me thinking about 00 bullhead rail and using my existing Peco 75 in the fiddle yard. Now, do I also go digital?
  16. Hi Jeff, A bit wet and windy in TS17 this morning, just right for a spot of indoor modelling. Been on leave so have just caught up with developments. Things seem to be coming along very well. Unless I am totally mistaken, Templot is a free download. Just to make you and all your readers totally jealous, the purchasers let me have architect's plans and elevations of the house I am buying with the future SWMBO. There is space in the loft for a 24'x12' layout with track level at about 3' 9" above the floor and allowing for backscene. The only problem is going to be the chimney that goes through the middle of the house as it is not on the plans. It may make a useful scenic break. As a trade-off, SWMBO is going to convert the attached garage into a music room. Pity really as I was going to use it as a workshop and a place for an 00-9 layout!!
  17. (On lunch) No need, I've the 12" to 1' version a couple of hundred yards away in the form of the Wensleydale Railway!
  18. Jeff, The long side is approx 24' in length. The depth of the house is over 18' and the pitch of the roof is quite high so I am hoping there must be between 10-12' of width at a workable baseboard height. Should I go 0 gauge? Only joking. The pub is just across the road BTW.
  19. (On tea break) Heard from future SWMBO so say house offer accepted. Cannot wait to get into that loft to see what the possiblities are. The seller is a builder so may get him to install a couple of Velux windows! The bug strikes again!
  20. Hope you got that gardening done before you went! Saw lovely property over the weekend,with what seems like a BIG loft from standing on steps through hatch door. How are you at boarding lofts? No truss beams in the way, just a chimney going through the middle.
  21. On lunch now Jeff. I have never glued the track to the cork/foam. Just pinned track with mapping pins and relied on the glued ballast to do the job. Have you got one of those ballast spreader things? Makes light work (well, lighter work) of ballasting.
  22. Jeff, I have used PVA to stick down cork/foam to the baseboard and then pinned the track. I then ballast using spray and eye-dropper method, but I don't use PVA in the eye-dropper but substitute with a rubber-type adhesive used to glue down carpet tiles and the like. It doesn't set like concrete and has some "give" in it which aids sound deadening qualities and should you make a horlicks of things the track lifts out without too much damage. I also use Carrs' ballast. It's non-stone and seems to be made from wood, again has sound deadening qualities. Once the ballast has dried the track pins are removed. There are some who swear by the Klear floor polish method, which requires no wetting of the formation first, but I've never tried this. I may try some experiments before I embark on my next layout.
  23. What do you use to cut Wills sheets, Larry? A fine saw for the straight cuts?
  24. Jeff, A fine dining pub in the village of West Witton about 4 miles up the dale from Leyburn. Famed for its fish dishes. Just right for that special occasion (a bit pricey). Never been myself,more of a steak & ale pie man. I used to know the father (Louis Moss of Moss & Campbell furniture shop fame) of the chap who runs it.
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