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Everything posted by Rowsley17D

  1. Hi Cav, This area is part of my childhood as it was the nearest mainline to home. That station bypass line should make for some interesting movements though the station. Is that why you have retained it rather than have it lifted like the other one which would have gone over the viaduct? I thought at first you were going with the original station plan until I looked at your drawing properly and saw you were doing a, allbeit modified, second station. Have you got "Through Limestone Hills"?
  2. Morning Jeff, Just been catching up with the last few days and the lively discussion for a future project for that new released bedroom. So I'll have my tuppence worth and suggest 009. It's the same scale as you are working with, but you can justify tight curves and sharp gradients. In my childhod I used to live in spitting distance of the Leek & Manifold and just loved the look of their two Kitson tanks. A holiday a couple of years ago to most of the Welsh NG lines saw me buying an L&M kit and some Peco NG track. That's as far as I have got, but now I have a garage....
  3. That is once they had got the superheater sorted, the original low superheat boilers couldn't heat bathwater according to one driver.
  4. Well I suppose it had to done sometime, Jeff. If it is of no use any more what's the point of keeping it? Is there anything that's worth saving for use on a future project? I still have my celler layout awaiting dismantling at what is now my daughter's home, it's just the thought of having to put all that stock back into their boxes, taking out all that wiring (DC), lifting the track, taking down the baseboards, disposing of the unwanted stuff. it exhausts me just thinking about it. Now, once you get that room back and Andy wants to dispose of Trebudoc......
  5. Morning Jeff, what with work, lack of decent broadband in deepest rural North Yorkshire and the techies messing about with servers and things I do not understand, I still have not been able to view the video. Is it on You Tube separately? Things seem to be going well and I too would get the power sorted out before doing any more to the scenery, even if it means Andy will have to wait another day (or two) before there's any grass.
  6. The Metrovick class 28 BoCos were a strange breed.Often to be found working on Derby-Manchester stopping trains as a single (with five coaches) or in pairs on heavier long distance trains. They had many faults, the least of which was their front windows falling out, not nice when your're going over Peak Forest.There was one in the old covered loading dock at Matlock for many years and assume this is the one and only preseved one at ELR.
  7. I suspected that Jeff may have been finger-poking that shunter towards the camera just to fool us, but if Al has a vid then seeing is believing....but then Jeff would NEVER do that to us Lunesters, would he? Now you have movement Jeff, Andy will expect grass tomorrow.
  8. Well Jeff, you're a physicist and not a chemist, after all, but at least you could have learnt from previous experience, isn't that what you have been telling your students all these years?
  9. Morning Jeff, Just caught up with quite a bit of activity that was on-going during my sojourn to sunny Gateshead for the day yesterday. Sandside, I will be very interested in your Black 5 mods, I take it you will not be using the Brassmasters' detailing pack? Larry (Coachman) did some surgery on a Black 5 of his so will be interested in seeing how things turn out. My Hornby 5's front end swings wildly when in motion and I would think it would take some engineering to sort it out. When my BM 5 is finished the Hornby will be going spare so it will be interesting to see if I can make it into something useful.
  10. Morning Jeff, Seemed a good idea to use those temporary cardboard formers to give a feel of what the final structure would look like. Hope it will save you having to rip it all out again, but I must admit it does look better.
  11. Morning Jeff The site seems a bit slow today. Regarding that corner piece, have to thought about moving away from your usual method of construction for something lighter the would be easier to remove?
  12. Have you got one of those fancy cameras that stitch together a number of photos of scenery? No idea how they work, mind. Looking forward to pics tonight after yet another meeting.
  13. Morning Jeff, That corner seems to be coming on well. How are you going to manage the difference in thicknesses between the hardboard and the ply? In my post some time ago now, I did mean the road rising from left to right, but it looks as though you may go that way from some of the posts after mine. If I could draw or use Paint better I would show you what I mean, but I think you have ideas formulating now as to what you want it to be like.
  14. Hi Jeff, any chance that you could make those two sidings near the road on a very slightly rising gradient towards the buffer stops and have the road rising from left to right with the S&C cottages rising with the road? You could put a retaining wall between the sidings and the road and use up some of that embossed plasticard. Have you still got a contact at your old school's art dept who could paint in the background fells?
  15. The Midland were not averse to carving shelves out of hillsides in order to put the railway in as well as station areas. There would be plenty of spoil from those tunnels to level out the ground too. Being a junction station, I expect the company would not have minded expending a bit more capital on this part of the railway. Had it been a through station the story may have been different. Could the goods yard be built on slightly rising ground to match the suggestion by Sandside of cottages on a slope?
  16. Morning Jeff, Bendy mdf - it is the stuff with grooves on the back and I got mine from B&Q on Portrack Lane, although I do notice that they are not carrying the number of lines that they used to. No doubt in these times of austerity, they don't want to carry too much stock and the folks of Teesside just don't have the disposable income anymore. If you want a look at the stuff then I think I have got some in the celler of my old house (my daughter has it now)where I have yet to dismantle my old layout. You would have to collect it from over the river though.
  17. Jeff, While you're looking out for 3mm mdf on Friday, have a look at the bendy stuff, if your supplier stocks it, as it may do what you want better than the straight stuff. I know I keep mentioning the bendy stuff but I really don't have shares in its manufacturer, honest.
  18. Morning Jeff, I seem to have missed a great discussion on sheep. It was our "Who let the men out?" last night at my local across the way so I do have a good excuse. The speaker was our local retired vet, so if anybody knows about sheep it will be him. Anyway back to backboards. I have to agree with many that the gap between the board behind the fell side and the one on the wall will have to be bridged preferably with a curved section. Have you thought about bendy mdf? I am sure with your woodworking skills you could knock up something that would lift out so that you can access that part of the layout.
  19. Tag amended, thank you gentlemen. Getting back to KL and walls Jeff, there's a very interesting article on how to make them for the S&C area of North Yorks in this month's Railway Modeller, if I dare mention that publication on here. A plasticard jig, DAS, wallpaper roller and modelling knife are all that's needed, very effective they look too.
  20. Would a fellow Lunester kindly tell me how to edit the tags so that I can label my thread as a "Lunester". I had a brief go last night but the internet connection was so slow in the dales, I gave up. Thanks.
  21. Hi Jeff. My layout is still firmly in the Design subsection at the mo, but will hope to progress to the Layout section in time. A small matter of nuptuals and conversion of loft to layout/storage room first.
  22. Thank you for the go-ahead re. Lunester tag although it will have to wait till I get home as the work's 'puter will not let me do certain things. Even now I have to change the theme to "mobile" in order to post. Jeff, to be mentioned in the same breath as the great Dave of Tetley Mills is high praise, such a shame he has been diagnosed with what seems to be very life-limiting cancer.
  23. Morning Jeff, I don't have a layout (yet) to tag as "Lunester", but wondered about "Lunester kit building"? Doesn't really roll of the tongue though. That valley and view is really coming together, there's something very Headstone tunnel and viaduct about it. The Black 5 is really coming on now. I got the hand rails and other plumbing fitted so not long to go now before I can apply some paint, but the weather will have to warm up first.
  24. Hi Jeff, Regarding scatter materials, grass and static machines etc. you don't need any of them. Just cut a few cocktail sticks into thirds, paint them brown, stick them in rows on your fell above the tunnel so that only about 4 mm shows for snow fences - it's deep mid-winter in the 1950s!!
  25. Andy, It was Bill Bedford who did them, I thought they were brass though. I saw them advertised on a web site just the other day - just cannot remember where, so they are still around. Edit: Brain just got into gear - Eileen's Emporium
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