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  1. Cannot help but think if i had spent more time doing rather than thinking I might have a model railway to play with during this lockdown.


    As it stands I have a gap in the room I am filling with rubbish instead.


    However, the impending isolation did make me get off my fat a*s and clear out the rubbish from my late father's flat - three trips to the tip and a lesson in reverse engineering a sofa back into wood, padding and fabric.  Don't we collect a lot of cr*p throughout a lifetime that for anyone else has absolutely no value once the person who so loved them has gone.  I had to be particularly ruthless as it would be easy to go "that's useful", though one week since dismantling destroying his layout I am thinking I should have kept some of that 2x1 for when the lockdown comes!!


    Also it has become self evident that I am thriving under lockdown whilst other's are finding it a real issue.  For me nothing has changed, I have worked from home since 2014, I only generally go out to shop or exercise and they are not prohibited.  Ok, I do like a meal out and visits to railway exhibitions but I can live without both for the time being.


    For the weekends to come I have three rooms to paint, a house to tidy and plenty of stuff to study so hopefully I don't come down with anything as I am just too busy.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. woodenhead


      Then this will be a doubly difficult time for you, my sympathies, hopefully this site can give you some relief during this time.

    3. woodenhead


      I should perhaps add that the thriving part is because I feel useful rather than useless, I do struggle with everyday life but when I need to I can find a strength within that keeps me going.

    4. Ian J.

      Ian J.

      I am having to work from home as of today, so no model railway activities during the working day. Trouble is, I could do with a few weeks of 'furlough' to get some of my own stuff done! :lol:

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