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  1. Perhaps I should be modelling rather than perusing RMWeb today.


    1: reset the IP Configs to centre

    2: remove them and the track

    3: attach small board extension

    4: Get down to B&Q for some light brown paint to seal the boards

    5:help Mrs W with her tax return

    6:plonk track and prepare for relaying.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. woodenhead


      Apart from item 5 - I am just there for moral support, really she knows what she is doing and I have no idea about doing a tax return.

    3. Hroth


      Frequent cuppas, or whatever Mrs W needs to get through the trauma of dealing with the b@stards at HMRC, thats the ticket!


    4. Hroth


      HMRC are suffering from a processing backlog at present, they're sitting on their hands, not doing anything.  However they're hot on  delays in submission...  I think they're concentrating on ensuring things are submitted on time, rather than doing anything once it arrives.


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