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  1. At the end of this week my garage was so full of stuff that I could only get out of it the lawnmower and bikes - everything else was a wall of junk.


    Put some items up on a local site to get rid off and began the process of chucking stuff that 'might be useful one day' into the back of the car.


    I think I've removed about 50% of the useful junk items now one way or another and I can actually move around the garage.


    As long as the wife doesn't see everything I am throwing out, she's more nostalgic than me, so I let her keep one Dennis the Menace binder from college.


    Still more stuff to go, but the aim is to be able to let my wife use the garage as a home gym, so it needs to be cleared so I can paint the interior so it isn't dusty and then only return back in what is truly to be kept.

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