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  1. Call yourself an astronaut?


    Sit in a seat, get blasted 66 miles into the sky and come straight back down and the most you've got to do is unbuckle your harness, swim about, whoop and then rebuckle yourself in.   


    And he then gets to call himself an astronaut which is an insult to all those people who trained for years and went up strapped to a Nasa or Soyuz craft.


    It's Disney for the very rich.

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    2. Monkersson


      Why should more people be like Dolly?  They've earned their own money, like we earn our own money.  We do want we want with our earnings, why should they be told how to spend theirs?


      Some say its a vanity project, aren't our model railways vanity projects?

    3. woodenhead


      But we dont sell our vanity projects as somehow benefitting mankind, it cannot be democratisation of space when it costs over a $100k just to go up and come straight back down - that's just a joyride.


      It's business, they all want a slice of space

    4. Monkersson


      Technically, we do, we show that a hobby benefits mental health.  Its a joyride for us when we go to a model railway show, whether it costs us money or not.   We don't make any money from it, if they make money from what they are doing, so be it, they are businessmen.


      How many of us have used a Virgin or Amazon service?  A lot more than will admit it, or realise it.


      These private companies in the new space race are pushing the development of re-usable craft, discovering new ways to use technology which will benefit all of us in time.

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