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  1. Shatner is not Kirk


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. woodenhead


      He didn't half look nervous going into the big P*nis shaped rocket.


      Pleased he has gone into space, but he is not an astronaut, no matter how many times they say he is.


      He was a passenger along with the other three on the 10 minute trip.

    3. toboldlygo


      The days of astronauts piloting craft in to low earth orbit are in the past, the crews going to the ISS are passengers as well for the most part now as everything's automated.

      Dr Evil didn't invite you to go on the second trip on his Phallic shaped ship then? ;) 

    4. woodenhead


      No he didn't, not rich or famous enough.


      However, I am pleased they have finally gotten themselves someone other than the single guy with an iPhone for the imagery - two on the rocket today, they need to learn some PR lessons from SpaceX.


      The big p*nis is still a good rocket and it does what it sets out to with little fuss, also all the legal stuff with Nasa, he is doing himself no favours

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