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Everything posted by MarshLane

  1. MarshLane

    Dapol 08

    I was told the other day, by a very reputable supplier, that a significant part of the reason for this 'merger' is that the chap behind Lionheart, who apparently remained at Dapol one-day-a-week while he was running Lionheart, is now in his 70s and wants to slow down a bit and does not want to be having to handle the retail side of models - he's an engineer and loves designing and creating things by all accounts. By combining the two businesses and concentrating on Dapol, he's now doing three days a week, but concentrating on what 'he' wants to do. Sounds like a superb chap, long may he be able to continue to do what he enjoys, and long may we, as modellers, benefit from it.
  2. MarshLane

    Dapol 08

    I'm continually amazed at people's responses, there used to be a thing called patience. Am I disappointed it's slipped again, yes, but come on, it's not the end of the world. If you want an 08 that badly the Bachmann brass ones do come up on eBay. Not being able to commit to a timescale is unfortunate, but it's one of those things. If Dapol waited until they were on a ship to announce it then a) they have no idea of the market size, and b) another manufacturer could be working on a competing model. In the event that neither cover their costs that's not a good out come for the model industry or us. Personally, I'd rather know what's coming up and accept that there may be the odd delay. As for silly statements about giving up the hobby and buying a camcorder - go do it! Shame that bar for a small number they are all on preserved lines now, but if filming something pottering around on passenger stock suits you great, each to their own. The lack of delivery of a model on time isn't the end of the world, there are more important things around! But enjoy filming your 08s!
  3. Thanks Peter, I'm hopeful! If I can get within 25% of what Dave has achieved with his 4mm Waverley West I shall be very happy!! Now we're approaching the end of summer I'm hopeful things will move quicker! Haha! Unless Batman is the yard shunter of course!!! Rich
  4. MarshLane

    Dapol 08

    Thanks Dava That's useful. Rich
  5. Oh i knew there was something else to mention ... I've recently acquired a 1400 GWR Autotank! Way out of my time period, and initial bought it thinking I could develop my test board into a small GWR branch/goods terminus, something to match the short layout. But having now decided not to go down that road, I'm going to offer it for sale, either on a well known auction site or on the Bring & Buy at Telford ... unless anyone wants to make me an offer before hand. Lovely loco, DC powered, runs well, nicely detailed, crew on the footplate. No idea what kit it was built from, but looks good .... hoping this doesn't break any rules of rmWeb - if so, apologies, i'll remove it. Rich
  6. Evening everyone, Well finally things have moved forward a bit - a combination of family and work getting in the way hasn't helped, but I'm not getting there! The shed has been assembled once and confirmed everything goes together, the floor of the shed is currently being laid - i decided in the end that as an old steam shed that had been upgraded for diesel operation, British Railways would likely have skimmed the floor with concrete to make dealing with oil and fuel spills easier, so thats the premise I'm working on! So the floor is comprised of pieces of cardboard to raise the base level, then covered with DAS clay on top to give a concrete style topping, which will be painted grey. Pics to follow over the weekend hopefully. The shed allocations have grown, as i've spent some of the 'O' gauge money that has been being saved up! I'd always said my timeline was 1980s maybe just touching into the early 1990s - I specifically want to stay away from Loadhaul/Transrail/Mainline liveries and don't want 66s to come near! So there has been an addition to the fleet that works with the latter end of that time line - specially Railfreight Petroleum liveried Class 60 No. 60064 Back Tor has been allocated to Marsh Lane and arrived on shed yesterday. Its a fully finished Heljan model acquired from those nice people at Rails of Sheffield, and in my view weathered superbly. The shed master is obviously something of an enthusiast too - and there is a rumour going round the shed staff, that he was spotted taking a quick photograph of 'his' two Class 60s on shed when nobody was looking ... cant imagine the line-up view he would have got.... Before anyone says, yes the windows are missing from 021 they've dropped out, but will be put back in shortly. Im thinking that 60021 may yet get shunted off into the works to emerge as 60006 in British Steel blue ... given that the BS pairing were not done until the late 1990s, it does stretch the timeline, but as ever - rule 1 applies!! My other option is if somebody has an unweathered, yet to be numbered Class 60 that they would prefer to swap for 60021 Penyghent in Railfreight Metals (plus a small cash bonus or similar) then get in touch! Neither have been DCC fitted as yet, but in the fullness of time! So the fleet is growing - in other news two parcel vans have arrived as well. I believe these have been mis-shunted at Blackpool onto a Marsh Lane bound service but they don't seem that keen to go back! Again, these are Heljan designs - a blue & grey BG and blue GUV, the starting of a parcel set. Nothing I can do with them really on the current test board, which is now becoming very cramped, so the incentive is there now to push on with the main layout. Please do excuse the clutter in the background of the images, like I say this was initially going to be a small layout, but has evolved into more of a test board ... and a messy one at that! So things are progressing, the fleet should grow again at the end of the month as two locos, which I think i've mentioned before, are currently in Cairns Road Works being repainted into more appropriate mid-1980s liveries, courtesy of Andi Walshaw. Pics to follow when they arrive, which I gather should be in the next week or so. Well that brings things up to date a bit, hopefully some more pics of the rapidly completing shed will appear over the weekend, and then we can get back to more regular updates, chats and pointers from you guys .. well those of you who are still with me anyway!!! Rich
  7. MarshLane

    Dapol 08

    I see from the Tower website that the 08 has now been pushed to October delivery for the first batch, and that due to the exchange rate those fitted with DCC decoders (which are Zimo) have had a slight price rise. On a separate note, does anyone know what the minimum radius for these are likely to be? Rich
  8. Thanks TTG, I meant Telford ... Not sure why I thought Warley ... Note to self, don't reply to forums in the late evening, brain doesn't work!!
  9. Nope, you safe! Not released yet, I'm hoping we might see something or find out more at Warley, but (fingers crossed) won't be too long! I'm looking for a rake (or two!) of the HAAs.... Rich
  10. Hi Leon, Nice to see your getting back into things. Its the same with all of us, mojo comes and goes - especially when work gets in the way! Any progress on the layout? I've an O Gauge Class 60 sat here (shortly to be joined by another) and can't wait to get a DCC sound decoder into them! Rich
  11. Another one here whose just about to vote with his credit card and support Hattons! Well done guys - but can i echo what TTG has said ... doesn't necessarily have to be ESU either, i prefer the Zimo decoders personally - each to his own, but please Hattons given the timescales, give some thought to the DCC aspects!
  12. Evening all, Well work managed to totally and utterly get in the way, so there has been no progress on any front for the past four weeks However, i've got a long weekend off coming up, so with any luck, the interior walls will get finished and inserted, the flooring sorted out, and maybe even the sides all fixed together! Anyway, just a quick post to let everyone know i'd not vanished or given up on things, just lacking time! Hopefully more over the coming weekend! Rich
  13. Morning all, Just a quick update - little progress at Marsh Lane over the past week or two, work has got in the way, and i've been away for a few days which hasn't helped. A few things have moved forward however - I discovered that I had run out of the brick plasticard for the inside of both ends of the shed, and having also realised that it was a South Eastern Finescale product and not Slaters, more has been ordered, so the builders should be in this weekend! The superbly talented JonF of this parish, has completed work on the shed exit ground signal (see pics at the bottom of Post 1167 - so that has pushed me to get the baseboards sorted out for this section, which Im hoping to get started this week, and progress *should* be a bit quicker at that point! More of the OO gauge has also gone, so the O gauge funds are looking in far better shape as well! To Paul, Simon & Don: Thanks (as ever) for your advice on baseboards, thats all useful, and helpful. Hopefully the next post will have pics, and be more moving forward! Rich
  14. Thanks Jon, that was a nice surprise! Hadn't realised it was that far forward in the queue! I'll have to arrange collection with you ... superb job, first of many i hope! Thanks for all your time and work on that. Rich
  15. Hi Don, Ah I like that idea - I can see the boards having more strength and rigidity to them than pure open plan. Food for thought there. I take it, given your comment, you've not found any movement, or sagging with that style of construction, and operation has been ok? I presume you did lay your track on cork in the end? I'll look at the rest of the thread when I'm back home Rich
  16. Hi Simon, Thanks for that. I've been having a look through your thread - got to Page 7 and not found the baseboards yet! Have I missed it or is it in a different thread? Rich
  17. Hi Paul, Thanks for the comment. Yes, its coming on, been putting the yard track plan together in Templot, so that I might be able to get trackbuilding in the next week or so! Got a few days away with work at the moment, so hence why nothing is happening. But want to get pushed on a bit and actually run a loco! Ive been thinking about whether to do the baseboards, normal mdf/chipboard top with a good solid frame underneath, or whether to go for an open approach to make the scenery more interesting. Any thoughts/comments from anyone? Also i've been trawling around but cannot really find much on building open top baseboards on rmweb - does anyone have any suggestions, pointers or can recommend any threads? Rich
  18. Steve, Very nice - how did you create the top rectangular section of the down pipes, and if you don't mind, what have you use for the pipes? Rich
  19. Hi Jinty, Thanks it was me that asked for the photos! I've got a business trip away next week, but once I'm back its onto baseboards, I'm eager to get cracking, and that brings with it the first opportunity/occasion/dreaded moment* (delete as applicable!) to put the first pointwork down for the shed area. Wish me luck! Your photos are helping point me in the right direction (excuse the pun) so thanks for that. How are you sticking your sleepers to the template ... i tried with carpet double-sided tap on the first go at straight track, but think its too sticky! Was thinking prit-stick may be the option? Be interested to hear how you do it. Also, do you mind if I ask how you've done your vees? Im assuming the check rails either side are just bent to match the template? Rich
  20. I thought this one was the real thing!!! Puts the rest of us to shame! From Post 2780 Track 1.jpg Rich
  21. Hi Paul, Been a little while since i looked in, work seems to keep getting in the way of this fun, I mean serious modelling time! Looking good. The shots of the 108 on your trackwork look realistic even with the missing scenery! Well done mate. Rich
  22. Hi Craig, Funny how you remember things isn't it - I had a wooden garage with a car park on top! The showroom bit below had wooden doors that would slide open if you pushed them hard enough!!! Happy days! Rich
  23. Hi John, As somebody who wasn't around until 1978, i'd be interested to see some of the formation/workings info you've come up with if you get chance to post it. Personally, I think it all forms part of the story about why we try and recreate the past. Train sets just run trains round, model railways, in my mind, are the railways that model the real thing in one way shape or form. Actually, that's set me thinking, and not wishing to hijack your thread in anyway, but where would train formations/working information be found? I have a few WTTs here going back to the early 1960s for the Scunthorpe area, but I'm keen to find any information on the iron ore workings, steel traffic and other general freight that was around, including the fish trains from Grimsby Docks - can you point me in the right direction at all? Rich
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