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Everything posted by c2c

  1. c2c

    EBay madness

    Should have gone to specsavers before he modified this one! http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/GRAHAM-FARISH-JINTY-MODIFIED-AS-LNER-J50-N-GAUGE-/200847926885?pt=UK_Trains_Railway_Models&hash=item2ec3782665
  2. c2c

    EBay madness

    I like the bit where it states: "NOTE THESE MODELS CAN BE MOTORISED WITH A GOOD LEVEL OF SKILL" .....thats an under statement, well it could have been done if hadn't been slung together with a full tube of polystyrene cement!
  3. c2c

    EBay madness

    I'm a bit confused!!! Where does the "farm" bit come into the equation? Do station porters drive tractors and milk cows as well??? Model: 1 LEAD STATION PORTER NEEDING A NEW ARM & HEAD SEE PHOTOS NOTES: IDEAL FOR A RAILWAY LAYOUT A must for the Britains Farm enthusiast!
  4. c2c

    EBay madness

    LOL....good job ebay have a character limit in the title bar!
  5. c2c

    EBay madness

    Now here's something that could be interesting to watch. Upto 23 quid already and has 4 days to go! http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/271097019924?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649
  6. c2c

    EBay madness

    Check this guys scenery out... the grass is just so realistic! http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Graham-Farish-Class-20-Modified-and-weathered-boxed-/251173934566?pt=UK_Trains_Railway_Models&hash=item3a7b2215e6
  7. c2c

    EBay madness

    LOL....I like the part where he says "Comes in a great box....." Looks more like to me as if it's been kicked around the house a bit !
  8. c2c

    EBay madness

    :laugh: Just viewed some of the links posted......I now see what you mean!
  9. c2c

    EBay madness

    Ah ok I thought as much, I love a good laugh so I will watch that space!
  10. c2c

    EBay madness

    Sorry I'm not with you both, has this guy got some kind of a reputation thingy going|?
  11. c2c

    EBay madness

    With idiots parting with money like that I'm really tempted to dig out a few old Mk1's, spray them red and put "Royal Mail" transferes on them!
  12. c2c

    EBay madness

    For 89 quid someone was really desperate to buy them, I wonder if I should contact them and ask if there's anything else they are on the lookout for!
  13. c2c

    EBay madness

    Naaaawww now I'm seein things! http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/3-X-N-Gauge-Graham-Farish-MK1-Super-BG-Full-Brake-Roya-Mail-coaches-374-776A-/251169362864?pt=UK_Trains_Railway_Models&hash=item3a7adc53b0
  14. c2c

    EBay madness

    Would have solved a lot of space issues having a ceiling layout!
  15. c2c

    EBay madness

    Hmmmmm now thats interesting,.......I didn't realise that Minitrix had magnetic wheelsI http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/trix-n-gauge-diesel-/330811128469?pt=UK_Trains_Railway_Models&hash=item4d05e13a95 Does anyone here have a ceiling layout like this guy has?
  16. After reading Blackrat's post which all is very good advice my feelings are with Police numbers constantly being reduced, we have to start employing more intuitive and covert ways in foiling the scum that break into our properties stealing what we have worked hard for. Two suggestions I have and which I am going to start using, one is bar code software to print off bar codes with either my post code or mobile phone number incorporated in them, using low tak labels I am going to apply them to every boxed model I have, this software which is free can be downloaded from here: http://www.softsea.c...e-Software.html "Easy" I hear you say, if we have a bright thinking thief who identifies what has been done he can easily remove them, well yes that is so but also taking into consideration that if the thief was caught, the Police work has been made a little more easier by using stickers showing a post code on them along with UV pen markings etc. However if my second suggestion is put into practice by slowing down the thief from moving goods on for quick cash has to be a good thing, as hopefully the thief would be waisting valuable time busy peeling off barcode stickers etc. Using SMS trackers discreetly hidden in a collection could well improve the chance of locating and retrieving stolen goods, these gadgets are small and could quite easily be placed e.g. inside a donor controller that’s had its internals removed! I'm sure there are plenty of other places within a collection that could house these units. Another bonus with using a SMS device and dare I say it, there runs a risk and temptation of not even bothering to contact the Police!
  17. I like this idea, where can these be purchased?
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