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Everything posted by Ponthir28

  1. Looks like like its been there forever. Not just a week or so amazing.
  2. It’s a usually quite slow in Little Muddle so it could be all week. Having said that the speed of the shed and garden build is astonishing.
  3. Nice to see some parts of the world carrying on as normal.
  4. It’s not just a shed. It’s a Little Muddle shed!
  5. Looks like the rabbits have got to them.
  6. Whistle needs looking at on the unnumbered one. But i am sure it would be spotted in the workshop.
  7. Now that’s a proper plane. I do like a hurricane. Me 109 my Grandfather would be turning in his grave.
  8. If the door has moved it can only be by gravity.
  9. He caught the locomotive this time. Getting better with practice.
  10. Nice to see a busy harbour. Toast coffee and Little Muddle makes my morning.
  11. Top left cottage looks like it could be built out of cobb. With nice rounded corners Somerset style.
  12. 1506 Newport high street. Photo is in South Wales main line part two. Working a down transfer freight from East Usk Jct to Alexandra Dock Jct.
  13. That’s proper kids level. Train spotting as a school boy as from my distance memory.
  14. We need all the electricity we can get this winter.
  15. Moss between setts. I said it more of a joke but your modelling skills who knows.
  16. How about moss between the setts.
  17. Looking right chipper.
  18. Potato pickers. Not in little Muddle you might find a few workers just looking. But not actually working.
  19. So fast the cameraman missed the locomotive.
  20. Looking good. But can you still reach far corner of the wood.
  21. Probably just down by the signalman having a cup of tea.
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