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  1. Doh! Sorry about that - fill in the warranty form on the website and I will arrange for one to be posted out asap. My apologies! Glad you are otherwise pleased with it!
  2. Something rather special has arrived…
  3. Drop an email into us via the contact page - International shipping is a bit of a pain at small scale so we didn't include it in the website but i'm sure we can sort something. Many thanks, Andy
  4. One happy Andy.... ...and a loco that has made it home. Have a great weekend everyone.
  5. Morning all! Well I have taken the plunge and commissioned Rapido to produce a small batch of PO wagons - all in aid of the upkeep and future overhauls of Marcia. Inspired by some of the independent locomotive builders these four wagons are the perfect accompaniment for several already released or forthcoming RTR industrials. Each wagon is £30 and includes free UK shipping with all the proceeds going to the engines restricted fund (held by the KESR) for future works. These are being made in strictly limited numbers with production starting soon with an anticipated delivery around Christmas. If you fancy supporting Marcia you can order yours at www.peckett1631.co.uk/shop Keep Steaming!
  6. Oh i'm in love! If you ever fancy getting it next to Marcia I know a man who can help...
  7. Well there we go - my secrets out. I am extremely excited and proud to say that Marcia will be coming back to the K&ESR. Many of you will know I cut my teeth on industrials and had the pleasure of working on her sister "Teddy" for several years. Little engines like this are lots of fun and need eccentric custodians (I don't like the word owner - I see myself as her custodian for now). I must thank Jason and Rapido for their help to secure Marcia and allow my dream to come true. Engines like Marcia need eccentric owners and I certainly fit that bill. The plan is to see it in use more, but very importantly see it used to build K&ESR educational and community programs. Its also important that we should thank Dick Beckett. After riding his motorcycle all the way to Manchester in 1962 to look the engine over for the railway he eventually bought the engine himself in 1965 and cared for it for over half a century before his passing. I really hope he would approve and be pleased to see it stay on the K&ESR.
  8. Us? A wind up? Nah. I mean would we actually sponsor a visiting engine to a local railways gala if we didn’t plan to make it - or do we genuinely just like helping out a local railway and watching the froth…
  9. Well Jason has seen some EPs for forthcoming products that have not been announced… ….let the froth begin!
  10. It is getting closer. The models are in the paint shop and nearly ready for final assembly. I hope to have more news in a few weeks time. Until then we published a new video today:
  11. Now with side door only (and slightly longer) versions...
  12. I am pleased to say some rather tiny samples have arrived... A little work is still required but we are very pleased with these!
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