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Everything posted by jolt5

  1. A very busy weekend, one of many ups and downs with work and modelling. Finally attempted the weathering for my little starfish but we struck out as the masking tape removed a few of the decal numbers 🫠. also attempted to do a light stone dust spray. Back to the drawing board for round 2 Thanks, James
  2. good evening, Another productive night but a busy weekend ahead working Saturday and then Burnley show Sunday. Firstly we’ve painted the ground cover of the diorama followed with a set of decals on the starfish kit! It’s all go on the workbench! Thanks, James
  3. Here I plan to collate all my work, currently we are working on a Diorama of Waterloo Dock crossing. A 2ft x 1ft space of the MD&HB crossing on the route into Liverpool riverside station. My brother lives in an apartment where the old mill used to be so it is the perfect place to learn all the skills needed on this journey. Also on the workbench is a GWR Starfish. Currently primed black and awaiting a plan of action.
  4. Jolt5 attempts to recreate somewhere in the Liverpool area (yet to be named) in 4mm scale. Watch me slowly master the art of railway modelling or watch me fail. Either way works but it’s all about the fun 😂 currently we are building a Diorama of Waterloo Docks Road Crossing - Here are some of the Wagon Projects we have attempted! GWR Starfish -
  5. A slight discrepancy from the real location but an opportunity to trial static grass on the other side of the wall. I’ve included a yard ballast style set up after the cobblestones. Here’s the ground work done and drying before painting.
  6. More test pieces. Das modelling clay over ballast. Rails painted Dark Brown and ground covered in a mix of grey, Olive and tan. Will leave to dry and continue weathering
  7. A working Dapol Signal has been fitted… we are moving fast!
  8. Started work on the over pipe… glued ribbing on and then cemented every 2cm. Onto painting
  9. Well we persevered, still needs more work but it would seem this cobble stone idea isn’t the right one. Back to the drawing board
  10. Wall primed and sanded down. I rescribed the bricks to the best of my ability and continued to weather the road. I’m not 100% but much happier than any of my previous attempts. The wall is now begun painting and after seeing someone create their own cobble stones I attempted it myself. Easy to say this isn’t the technique but it was interesting to try
  11. Road nearing completion or atleast to a point I’m happy with I started on the left hand wall. To be noted is the wall extension towards the top. Little details like that make all the difference to completing a scene. The road was painted grey then varnished with a Matt coat. Followed by washes of mostly Grey and a little brown to bring a layered dirt look. Here is the wall so far. Made from card laminated together and then covered in Brick. Nothing too crazy even for me
  12. As you can see from this photo https://www.28dayslater.co.uk/attachments/t56waterloodockrdcrossing071971small-1-jpg.248567/ The track crosses twice with a signal on each side which I hope to replicate on the viewing side. I have no intention of doing past the wall so won’t bother with the second signal. with the track down we now started on the road. This isn’t to be completely accurate so I’m planning to have a gras verge closest to the viewer to practice some static grass. As well as some over grown weeds on the rail, very typical for Liverpool.
  13. Here’s the initial design and then the redesign from additional photos I found. I could probably have made the crossings work with a lot of head scratching and some help from the guys at the modelling club (LMRS) but that wasn’t the goal for this. A quick 2ft x 1ft baseboard has been built for easy transportation and we got stuck in!
  14. Good Afternoon All, Heres I’ll post a few photos of a display piece I’m building to practice modelling techniques. It’s been a quick process so far with a few amendments and a lot of head scratching. With 1 working track its only purpose is for practice and display. The real prototype is from this photograph of Waterloo docks crossing which is ironically where my brother lives now. I’d love some feed back on techniques I could utilise and have spoken to alot of members while displaying my WIP layout Wilson Road Dock at Leigh Exhibition in September!
  15. What a day!! Thank you to everyone I saw today. Brilliant as always!! Can’t wait for next year!
  16. Progress has continued on the exterior of the building… moving along swiftly with painting. I still haven’t made the concrete how I’d like it but this will definitely be something I come back to. inside is a set of buffer stops in currently working on too. Nothing crazy just a base layer of hull red before painting them black
  17. You’ve smashed that weathering job… taking notes for when I start mine soon
  18. Following on from this little project I’ve been working on… I’m still not content with the concrete but i won’t be touching it for a few more days while I work on the outside of the structure. I’ve used prototype photos of the real location and artistic licence to work out a roof design. The roof truss are based on the real location but I shall be using corrugated sheets with clear sections in the centre on my model. Attached is the scale drawing I’ve made to use as a template. The roof will be removable. Following from here I need to work out the correct sections needed for the roof, T sections and L beams I’d assume… any help with this would be appreciated. thanks, James
  19. Work has now finished on the rear wall, I’m not sure how much of this will even be visible but on my quest for growing my skills and progressing im quite content with the results so far. I may return to this at a later date if I feel my skills have increased. I picked out individual bricks in a multitude of colours and left them to dry. I then coated the whole model In a wash of XF-68 to reduce the contrast and a final diluted mortar wash of Vallejo sand (ivory) mixed with a small dash of armour brown . To weather the section I’ve used a black wash from the roof as on all my prototype photos from the location seem to have smoke/damp damage to the brickwork (I think). It will also help with creating artificial shadowing
  20. Progressing quickly on the building. Primed and then a quick coat of XF-68. I’ve tested my techniques on the rear wall first and these have come out moderately okay. Work still needs to be done on the concrete. thanks, James
  21. The beginning of the first buildings for my Liverpool dockland layout. Designed from the surviving building at the soon to be redeveloped warehouse within bramley-Moore docks.
  22. Lovely photo and a rarely seen angle of edge hill, it’s a real shame there isn’t more documentation of this area as it was so vast there is something new I notice every time!
  23. Modelling livepool myself i look forward to seeing this come together.
  24. Progress continues with the start of a Dapol gwr Fruit D I've had for a while. Dapols awful attempt at weathering plagued this wagon since I bought it and I never used it because of it. First I dismantled the model and gave it a quick wash to remove dust and grime from storage A quick search online showed they retained br blue into the mid 80s so I decided to keep it simple with an all over br blue. Ive given the other side a complete repaint but for ease I've left the original decals on this side until I can source some suitable for this (NQV). A suibtle roof weathering of neutral and black washes finish the wagon off for now as it's pointless further distressing the wagon until it's done. I'm incredibly happy with it for now, James
  25. A final touch up of black and Matt varnish to follow. I'm very happy with how these have turned out. They are to be used on a small scrap train so a load will need to be made eventually. I plan to do some general underframe grime once I've obtained an airbrush but for now that can wait. My next project is to finish those Hornby VEAs I've had on the go for ages. Thank, jolt5
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