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Everything posted by HeatherKay

  1. Mikkel, thank you. I had found that feature. I really want to delete stuff, though, rather than just hide it.
  2. Since the new forum upgrade, I've decided to trim back some of the albums I've posted in the past. The problem is, I can't see how to actually delete an album now. There doesn't seem to be any way to actually delete an image either - and it's not like I haven't looked. So, any clues as to how to delete images from an album, and delete whole albums as a block? Thanks!
  3. It’s really pleasing to see the J6 finally at home and working well after it’s rather rocky start in life. It looks really at home on Dock Green, and I hope I may get the pleasure of seeing the layout again sometime.
  4. *wipes forehead theatrically* It was great to have a chat at Reading on Saturday, and it’s nice to hear the electronic issues seem to have been overcome now. Sadly I won’t be able to see the loco running at Peterborough, but I sincerely hope (after all the false starts) it gives long and happy service on Dock Green.
  5. Heh! No pressure! I am happy to hear the mechanism has run in nicely now. It's always a worry when something doesn't quite bed in at first.
  6. Indeed you will! I always look forward to the Basingstoke exhibition, even though it's a fair old drive from north Kent. Another chance to see Dock Green running is also not to be dismissed lightly. I'm also looking forward to seeing the new addition to the fleet working!
  7. Thanks Chaz. I only have limited running here on my test plank, but the loco has been run for a spell on a rolling road. It could, obviously, benefit from a little more running in. The couplings are fixed in with blue tack, and will be removed before packing for delivery. I didn't want to have to answer silly questions about "why's there no couplin' 'ook?" =o)
  8. An appointment was made with the official works photographer. The works superintendent wasn't happy about a loco appearing incomplete, so although Chaz will be installing Dingham couplings later, it was arranged for some temporary screw couplings for the photographs. Chaz will also be weathering the whole loco and tender to his preferred excellent standards, but it made sense to weather the tender coal space as coal was added. (Only later did one of the apprentices point out someone had neglected to connect the relevant cabling between tender and loco… )
  9. I have used Tamiya tape a lot for masking. Edges are problematic and need a little work to avoid ridges on paintwork, I find. Interesting to know there's sheet material available. I'll look out for that. Meanwhile… How much coal did you want, Chaz? =o)
  10. Chaz, the loco is currently wired for DC and has been running one my test plank happily. I'll explain when we meet, as it makes it easier to show you how it's been set up. It should be fairly simple to install DCC and sound. The buffer beams are indeed red. I was reminded of my late Nan, who would never leave the house without a dab of powder and a spot of lipstick - even if she only popped to the corner shop! Later this coming week I will get a coat of satin varnish everywhere, and then finish the cab detailing.
  11. Nearly there! 64253 now has an identity.
  12. I use Casey Brass Black on whitemetal quite often. The same techniques apply, in other words, the casting has to be clean and grease-free, and it helps to buff it up with a wire brush. The end result has a blue tinge, but gives a good base for brush painting.
  13. The Paint Shop has been busy, though they seem to have run short of red for the buffer beams, and someone's run off with the buffers! I'm letting the rather shiny black top coat harden before I attempt masking and painting the buffer beams. I will then get transfers and varnishing sorted out.
  14. The 2251 is currently away having some important electronics fitted. I aim to complete that build in the new year. =o)
  15. Inching, ever so slowly, towards the Paint Shop. The chassis has had a nice long running-in session after initial trials revealed a tight spot on one of the eccentric straps. I don't think there are any major details left to fit, so I can't really put off cleaning it all up and getting the primer sorted out.
  16. I reckon you've all had bad experiences because you've been drinking the stuff without the extra "N" in it. Guinness is totally different.
  17. They could have a cheeky paraffin stove in there. It would make the windows steam up, but it would get quite comfy - plus the ability to boil a kettle for the all important tea!
  18. Well, I think the loco's nearly there. While the boiler-top fittings still have to attached rather than posed, and the cab details need to be done, most of the bodywork and chassis details are done. Today was about ejector pipework, handrails and sundry other odds and ends. Obviously, the tender needs some work, and I've still got to wire it all up, but that will have to wait for a while as I have another commission due to start next week.
  19. Not wishing to hijack the thread (again!) but progress on a certain J6 has been fairly quick this week. Essentially, the main structure is now complete in the loco and tender. The chassis fits, but need wiring up for power. The next phase is the fiddly detailing, like lubrication pipes and fittings, and the cab detailing, before the whitemetal castings are fitted.
  20. The "odd little prop", believe it or not, is the cylinder block/saddle. Part of the reworking the boiler is because Muggins here forgot part of the smokebox wrapper is supposed to fit over the sides of the saddle! I have to say the kit is proving to be somewhat of a challenge, but that's part of the fun.
  21. Well, it's taking shape. I'm reworking the boiler at the moment, but couldn't help posing the fittings. I would hope to have the bodywork fitted to the chassis next week. =o)
  22. Quite right. In fact, I don't upload large images to Flickr. Initially this was to limit the damage caused by someone stealing something and using it as their own, but now it's just habit. Chaz, thanks for the kind remarks on the little float. It does look right at home on Dock Green, doesn't it!
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