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Everything posted by Corrour

  1. Where is the board for Andy? I might have a diagram in my collection that could give info...could you ping me a photo? kind regards, Robert
  2. Sorry Pacific this is M1 I meant to post....doh! kind regards, Robert Mallaig-Jcn-M1-1946-rot.pdf
  3. Hi Andy, Its the symbol for a notice board. Normally the text on the board would be included on diagram. kind regards, Robert
  4. Most interesting discussion gents. Pacific sadly I don't have a signal box diagram drawing for Mallaig Junction from 1955, only for after closure of FW box. I do have however an 'M1' track and signalling drawing for MJ and attach for your interest. kind regards, Robert Fort-William-M1-c1955-rot.pdf
  5. Here you go Pacific. I you are interested in other WHL diagrams drop me a PE. kind regards, Robert Fort-William-Stn.m5-u.d.-Rev.2-rot.pdf
  6. Hi Argos, Some great photos on that site thanks....sadly un-downloadable...bah. I have a feeling I have an architectural drawing of the East box which might be of interest so I'll have a look for it. kind regards, Robert
  7. Thanks for sharing that excellent photo Argos. kind regards, Robert
  8. That would be great as I'm sure they would be of interest. I've found I have two Eastfield sets from 1990/1991 but they run to about 150 pages each! Will get some more of mine scanned to be posted, starting with some more from Inverness, kind regards, Robert
  9. Hi Mark, Sadly they are only from a limited time period. I think there is Eastfield in there and will have a look this evening. kind regards, Robert
  10. Hi Clachnaharry, I'm not sure how complete the various sets are bu happy to scan more. I'lldo the north stuff first and also look out what I have for Stonehaven. kind regards, Robert
  11. Folks, Came across a heap of these for various ScR Depots from early 1990's I'd forgotten I had. if of interest out there I can scan more... kind regards, Robert Ayr 1.10.1990.pdf Aberdeen 1.10.1990.pdf Grangemouth 1.10.1990.pdf Haymarket 1.10.1990.pdf Inverness 14.5.1990.pdf Thornton 1.10.1990.pdf
  12. Very nice photos. Here some information on Rogart signalling to go with them. kind regards, Robert
  13. Hi John, Bought said volume (amongst others!) at the recent PMRS. Aside from the spelling of whisky his book is 5 star. Both for the fascinating range of photographs, and for the high quality reproduction. kind regards, Robert
  14. Hi Marlyn, Here's the layout at Wick when Lybster Branch was still extant. kind regards, Robert
  15. I think there was an article in one of the railway magazines recently....will see if I can find.
  16. Folks although earlier than the 1980's I thought this might be of interest. kind regards Robert
  17. Mark, Let me know if you do model and I'll CAD up a couple of replica signal box diagrams for you. R
  18. You are very welcome Mark. Are you modelling Achnasheen? kind regards, Robert
  19. Here you go Mark. If you want earlier diagrams or pics drop me a PE. kind regards, Robert
  20. Give me a email if you need more signalling info. R
  21. In relation to Lairg M1.2.3.4 1946 DK.pdf a signalling diagram for every bodies interest. kind regards, Robert
  22. I have an Alan Vitty tape 'West Highland Thirty Sevens'. Just no way to convert it.....
  23. 46444 Hi I should have signalling diagrams for some of these boxes at these sites. Drop me a PE with your email and a list of the ones of interest and I'll see what I can find. Robert
  24. Hi 65288 62C, I have had similar experience....ordered picures two years ago.....never arrived :-( The Bluebell Railway on other hand had very swift and helpful service. Re your query about photos of various Fife/Perthshire boxes I have photos of some of these, and signalling diagrams. If you send me a PE with your email I'll send on. Robert
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