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Status Updates posted by OliverSR

  1. Hoping to spend some good time on the layout as I have a week off before I start my new job.

  2. Stopped off at Tennents Trains today and managed to pick up a few bits I was after. Prices and service were both great and even with part of the shop cordoned off to allow distancing still well worth the little detour.

  3. Ebay discount offer on the same day I’m paid means I have now ordered, Camelot, Camelot (it’s only a model)

    1. Harlequin


      Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries! (Sorry) What's a Camelot?

    2. Tim Hall
    3. OliverSR


      Correct it is 73082

  4. Whilst I’m enjoying slowly working on 3D print models in Shapeways, my old laptop isn’t coping well, I’ve had to wait up to a hour for a curved profile to generate. Better get a new laptop before my current one tops itself next time I ask for a funnel to be drawn.

    1. sem34090


      I'm liking the LCDR loco...

  5. Renewed interest in 3D Printing/Modelling after reading up on how to draw steam loco domes and other curves. Bye bye glorified boxes and brake vans. Hello steam locos.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. OliverSR


      Despite previous experience with Metrpolitan Stuff my tastes are far more eclectic. Currently almost finished a LCDR T class as a proof of concept. CDC models already do a print on Shapeways for the A Class anyway and SE Finecasf do some good kits for the E, F and K classes. But the Met D class has always appealed.

    3. sem34090


      I was thinking a H would be rather nice...

      LCDR is even better! I look forward to more - just warn me if you do any LBSCR stuff, so I can knock it off my own to-do list!

    4. OliverSR


      I have no LBSCR stuff planned to design so no worries there. And honestly a H Class is low down my priorities as I tend to base my models on me getting hold of a cheap RTR chassis as then I can garentee half decent running. I have a rather nice SE Finecast K Class running on a Bachmann N chassis and that runs sweetly and is a weighty loco indeed.

  6. Pleased to have found a new use for a ELC playdoh cutter on my layout

  7. Pleased to have found a new use for a early leaning centre playdoh cutter on my layout

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