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About OliverSR

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  1. As I’m not aware of any videos of the class running it will be guess work I can assume. ESU list a peckett sound file and as that’s a similar sized Shunter might be a good bet. I believe to reprogram loksound you need specialist kit which I don’t have or wish to purchase as I doubt I’d get tonnes of use out of it. Am I right that a company who supplies loksound chips and projects would possibly be able to sort as I will drop some emails if so. OliverSR
  2. Hi I have a kitbuilt Neilson Crane tank 0-4-0 inside cylinder loco in O gauge I’m looking to put sound in. It’s a roxey mouldings whitemetal kit with plunger pickups and I’m aware I have to be very careful with insulation. I’ve had a look at the space provided and think I can fit a sugar cube speaker, stay alive(probably train-o-matic) and a loksound v5 micro. I have a suitable micro already but need it reblown with a sound project. I appreciate there won’t be any exact recordings of the obscure loco however is there any sound companies who could produce an approximation project or is it a case of finding the closest RTR loco and go with that sound project. Hopefully someone has previous experience with this sort of thing or can recommend someone. OliverSR
  3. I ended up doing a similar matchbox bash with an Ernie 1 chassis but retained the matchbox side frames. I also 3D printed some raised bufferbeams so it could class as a small OO shunter. I wanted to go for a less toy like but still yellow colour scheme. It does run almost as well as a Hornby Ruston due to the weight from the metal body, even over my set track insulfrog points and has decent haulage, I managed to fit a 6 pin socket into it too. OliverSR
  4. Struggling to find a digital copy as they don’t seem to offer this far back. I’m specifically after the class 73/9 article so if anyone can assist then please message me. OliverSR
  5. I am after a copy of the November 2014 copy of model rail. I realise I can probably buy a digital back copy but if anyone has this to hand please message me. OliverSR
  6. I’ve been having a look into some potential candidates to either replicate or take inspiration from. NLR crane Lank https://mikemorant.smugmug.com/Trains-Railways-British-Isles/LMSR-and-BRM/LMSR-pre-grouping/NLR-locomotives/i-HtpCP4q/A LNWR crane tank https://mikemorant.smugmug.com/Trains-Railways-British-Isles/LMSR-and-BRM/LMSR-pre-grouping/LNWR-locomotives/i-KxtcZJ2/A Cape Town dock shunter https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cape_Town_Railway_%26_Dock_0-4-0T beyer peacock 2-4-0 https://chasewaterrailwaymuseum.blog/2017/09/22/chasewater-railway-museum-catalogue-album-1-local-colliery-locos/05113-alfred-paget-0-4-2st-beyer-peacock-204-1861-ccccc-chasetown-1-4-1950/ admittedly some of these may not fully match up with the size of driving wheels my chassis has but not out of the question for a freelance industrial with some more grounded proportions. My planned layout is a small dockside scene so this sort of thing shunting about a truck or two would be appropriate. OliverSR
  7. Managed to remove the body from the chassis with it being held on with two screws. The footplate is also a seperate piece but the chassis looks well made with a decent motor and plunger pickups to driving wheels. Pretty compact in all so I don’t know why they made the body so box like and chunky as there wasn’t much mechanism to hide. If possible I’d like to avoid adding outside cylinders as although I’m happy to try a new body would rather not mess with the chassis. OliverSR
  8. I recently saw this O gauge loco on eBay, obviously scratch built and I doubt to any prototype. As it had no bids I put an offer in due to looking to have a decent motor and chassis under it and was accepted. It runs fairly well and with a clean I think will be even better. My thoughts have turned to what to do with the body, I’m thinking I may choose to scratch build a new one entirely and be gone with the oddly propositioned toy train aesthetic(it has its charm but doesn’t work for me). Does anyone have any suggestions of what this chassis could go under, I feel like an industrial shunter of some sort but wondering if there was a prototype with a similar wheelbase. OliverSR
  9. Pretty sure they are Harrow cabs, the flatter one for a driving trailer and the other one for a motor driving car. They look similar to these recent ones on eBay for an idea of the full models. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/155963430850?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=z8VJV8BySlS&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=BsM2nwszTJi&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY I feel like I have seen people using older Farish coaches as basis for T stock so although they are just cabs, these could be put to that type of use. I’m sure I have some suitable coaches in my stock for a potential project…how long before I’d do that is another thing entirely(other projects).😂 Oliver SR
  10. I hope people don’t mind me resurrecting this thread, I recently came across the same static models for sale on eBay and they have peaked my interest. Did anyone manage to motorise one as I’d like to see how it’s been achieved. I did find a French site where they appear to have done so but the formatting of the pictures with text make it tricky to translate or understand. https://www.cercleduzero2.fr/motorisation-modele/ I hope someone has one they have suitably anglicised as I think they have a good resemblance of the lancing works shunter to me, and could make a nice little shunter for a micro layout or industrial sidings. OliverSR
  11. @298 if when the Radley models stocks are sorted through and any are released then you may be able to get hold of a full kit. Otherwise I might be able to try printing one off on my home printer I now have or run one off via shapeways or imaterialise but might cost a lot for what is essentially a scratch aid. You’d still need to buy buffers, roof vents, axlebxoxes, springs and wheel sets, also the step boards would need scratch building. So if you or any others want to discuss further then let me know via PM. OliverSR
  12. Very pleased to see the class 70s on the release list. One thing I feel looks a bit odd on the southern livery CC1 is the roof and solebar being the same green as the body, when I’d usually expect them to be grey roof and black solebar. I am certainly am not saying it’s inaccurate and I know makers put a lot of work into getting it right. I just find it an odd choice for the southern railway to paint the prototype like it. Can anyone point me in the direction of photos of the loco in this condition as most I can find in any books I have is CC2 in southern malachite livery? OliverSR
  13. That’s true, but sometimes if someone else has put time and effort into perfecting a technique I don’t mind paying for the time saving for me(I don’t have the patience to build everything from scratch😅). As it turns out there is no 7mm tools left so I will be experimenting with corrugated plastic board profile or I may be able to 3D Print a tool to suit my needs. OliverSR
  14. Sorry to resurrect an old thread but after discovering the YouTube video I was brought here. Are you still producing these tools as if so I’d be interested in a 7mm one.(PM Sent) OliverSR
  15. That was my project a while back and the photo on the preview was a 3D printed prototype in primer. It was run as a resin kit by Phil Radley so the moulds were with Radley models I think but unsure if/when that range will re emerge. I do still have the 3D print files somewhere so could print one but it would probably not be a cheap print these days and still requires some added detailing like roof vents and buffers. That was drawn up when I was not working full time so haven’t really designed any similarly complex files for models since due to time. OliverSR
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