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Everything posted by NinOz

  1. I give each area or group of points a different base value (say 100,200,300,etc) and then number points that are typically used together with sequential numbers (201,202... and 210,211....) so that is easy to dialup sequential numbers when needed. Label track plan or mimic panel with the number of the point so I don't have to remember the number.
  2. I have routing where up to 6 points will switch in a yard simultaneously. Shouldn't make generalizations.
  3. Depends on how far apart (size of layout) the points are. I have about 10 or so CDUs, with local panels.
  4. Might be able to get one from one of these: https://www.themodeltraincentre.com/product/po263-00-h0-scale-corner-shop-red-brick/ https://www.englishmodelrailways.shop/model-kit-oo-ho-corner-shop-red-brick-metcalfe-po263.html https://cdn2.therailwayconductor.co.uk/model-railway-scale-model-buildings/product/metcalfe-po263-corner-shop-red-brick-card-kit-00-h0-gauge https://www.roxleymodels.co.uk/po263-ooho-scale-corner-shop-brick-p-3457.html https://www.model-junction.co.uk/product/metcalfe-models-po263-oo-ho-scale-corner-shop/ https://www.bourtonmodelrailway.co.uk/metcalfe-po263-red-brick-corner-shop.ir http://www.croppersmodels.co.uk/contents/en-uk/p1121.html https://www.invictamodelrail.com/po263-corner-shop-red-brick-ooho-373-p.asp https://www.mjrmodelsandhobbies.co.uk/products/93/173/po263-00h0-corner-shop-red-brick/
  5. As per post above, something like : https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/AC-DC-5-35V-to-3-3V-5V-9V-12V-24V-Buck-Step-Down-Converter-Linear-Regulator-S60/264491809274?hash=item3d94f0b9fa:g:L~sAAOSw7k9dnGw6
  6. I would like each page of the kit to be numbered and location of each part, when introduced, to be noted in the build instructions. Sort of like: "Glue the Buttress capping base layer (3, MR) squarely into the centre of the back of the cover layer." This would be page 3, middle right. Would save me a great deal of searching for the right bit of the kit.
  7. Had two separate claims refunded in August (credit card through citibank) but one has now been rejected as being beyond the 120day limit so will expect a similar result sometime soon for the other claim.
  8. Both 5th and 11th have a value of 11; do they point to the same decoder address?
  9. How much do you have invested with DJM to be "concerned" over delays?
  10. Yeah, right! Pure exaggeration and fantasy. Would at least take an 80 pager even for a speed reader.
  11. Where are the dislike and disagree options? They would be getting a good work out from me for some of these posts. Only having like and agree options seems to give a sense of only agreement with some rather poor taste and pointless posts. CFJ
  12. Are they using cheap motors in these locos? All of the motors I have ripped to bits (not all that many) have had thrust bearings/washers at each end in the case to limit travel and binding.
  13. As well as can be mounted off-centre to either side.
  14. Many years ago I abandoned the single central CDU in favour of individual DIY CDUs for each point motor. Number to be thrown at once is no longer a problem and long runs of thick cables no longer necessary. Something to consider.
  15. Strange statement. If you don't know the full facts then you can assume. If full facts are established then it is not an assumption.
  16. These "butresses" are pillars of brick to support the walls just that most of the bottom of the pillars are behind the sloping walls. Just look thin at the bottom.
  17. Comparing big green thing to B/W insert picture, the curve on the green does not extend as far down as in the photo. The doo-hicky above and linked to the two breasts is too high on the green.
  18. Why was this shot on a merry-go-round on a ship in very rough seas? Want to see annoying? Just watch this video as it whirls about with auto exposure going crazy. I agree the unboxing videos are a huge waste of time. Some of the RC ones start with the brown paper wrapped parcel. I also dislike amateur videos who have long intros with graphic titles. CFJ
  19. Toowoomba Model Railway Club 2018 exhibition is to be held on 2 & 3 June 2018. http://toowoombamodelrailwayclub.com.au/
  20. Some of the replies are a bit negatively aggressive in tone. If you can't add anything positive just shutup.
  21. No matter which devices you use, the code logic is much the same. Would need to define Position A and Position B of each point for each servo attached. Throwing a point is just a matter of setting the parameters and calling setPWM( ); basically toggleing between the two defined states. This moves at max velocity between states. Speed of movement is just a matter of calling setPWM in a loop and incrementing or decrementing the on and off values from the starting position values and stepping to the desired end position; rather than a jump from one extreme to the other. I have a vague memory that the off value is the only one you need to change to set pulse width for the servo board. A time delay in the loop will control the speed of movement. My implementation on an arduino (that dreaded name again) uses EEPROM to store an array of position values for each servo but one could use a file on a memory card for RPi. A chunk of code is used to allow adjustment of each servo end points and then store these values in the EEPROM.
  22. The thread title "Much cheaper servo control for points" seems to suggest a new wheel was proposed. However for a focused model railway project description or construction procedure as proposed above then the Adafruit site has much of which you require : example source code, library routines, explanation of boards and usage (I2C, servo board either as a hat, as you have, or a separate board). All you need to do is pull it all together, write a bit of code, get it working, then write an explanation and illustrate as desired. Good luck and be sure to show us the finished product.
  23. I took some time to do a quick search for "servo control raspberry pi" on the web. Dozens of sites on using a RPi to control a servo(s). Quite surprised at the number. Here is one using an ardafruit RPi hat to control 16 servos with library schematics etc: https://core-electronics.com.au/adafruit-16-channel-pwm-servo-hat-for-raspberry-pi-mini-kit.html https://learn.adafruit.com/adafruit-16-channel-pwm-servo-hat-for-raspberry-pi/library-reference Seems to be what the OP is trying to achieve: RPi, servo board, Python, etc. Direct control from RPi: http://razzpisampler.oreilly.com/ch05.html http://www.instructables.com/id/Servo-Motor-Control-With-Raspberry-Pi/ https://circuitdigest.com/microcontroller-projects/raspberry-pi-servo-motor-control https://www.gadgetdaily.xyz/control-servos-with-a-raspberry-pi/ . . Lots of help and guidance out there. Regards, CFJ
  24. "Why is this guy going on about the arduino again (does he have shares?)" He is trying to tell you that controlling servos has been done many times with arduinos. Libraries with servo routines are readily available, even code examples are available. A search will find several examples. I have seen a PicMicro used as a servo controller. I have seen an Arduino (several types) used as a servo controller. (Have one project myself) I have seen RPi to arduino to servo. I have not seen anyone try to use a RPi as a servo control before but, since it is just another CPU doing the same stuff, it should be easy to translate from arduino or Pic to a RPi with Python once one gets a handle on Python and RPi behaviour. There seems to be many more people familiar with arduino coding than RPi python coding on here. A RPi as a controller will not be cheaper than an arduino as a controller. Having read through the thread, I am unsure what is the problem you have and what kind of help you need. If you want someone to write code for you then generally you are out of luck unless you want to pay for it. If you need help debugging a block of code then you will have greater luck finding help. An attempt to show personal effort and that there is a possibility that any help provided will be understood will find an audience willing to assist directly or indirectly. It will take a significant effort to write the "30 or 40 lines of code". I would estimate a couple of hours, after the time spent trying to define what the project scope is, and then more time debugging, etc. What does this mean "If you guys can speak English you should have no problem with Chinese" ? CFJ
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