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Everything posted by sjrixon

  1. Right... Thanks.. But.. I thought the 50 in brackets (L510 part) divers nos (50) meant 50 wagons. Using that logic, there are not 50 numbers.
  2. I need some help translating the very good GWR Wagons book. I'm building a Mink D, it's the parkside one with the double V hangers. So I found the page I wanted with the lot numbers and it reads as follows. (L510 part) divers nos (50); L660 28833/5/7/43/53/7/66/71/3/4/7/82/8/90/3/9, 28900/9/11/7-9/25/9/33 (25)(Total 75) Anyone understand that? I assume it's 28833 and some other numbers, but that doesn't look like a range. I know the double V hangers were near the end, so maybe 28900 will be my wagon. But I'm very confused.
  3. This was the first prototype. Failed I removed the brake fittings and added a small amount of copper clad and then a V-shaped section of 0.45mm brass wire. I think it's almost too good and on sharp curves into the layout fiddle yard it pushed off the front wheels. I'm thinking that if I make it two straight sections touching the wheels it should reduce the spring and allow a little more movement. It's a club layout I'm testing with so won't know until next week.
  4. I like that idea. I could wrap something around the screw to create a spring type thing. I'll have play! Thanks. I've checked the back to back and it's fine. Which is good as the front wheel is a solid axle.
  5. Help.. I have a Bachmann 93xx and whatever I've tried it likes to derail the front pony truck. You can see from this picture I've tried adding a fairly significant amount of lead, but I still have issues.. Anyone found something that works better?
  6. You'll be done next week then Joking apart, that is great progress, with the cladding going on you must start to see the end.
  7. I understand why people would like and use sound.. But I don't think it's for everyone.
  8. Why only the sound versions? I really have no interest in sound.
  9. Nigel - There is a lot of sense in your last comment! My test loco is a Bachmann Prairie and I've actually got it running really nicley. I think my 'DC' brain means I do need to learn to drive again, but when you get it right, it is amazing!
  10. Looking at Zimo.. The distance controlled stopping and shunting mode look interesting.. But I can't see anything about using a brake key, what am I missing? http://www.zimo.at/web2010/documents/MX-KleineDecoder_E.pdf
  11. That's interesting to read about zimo. I think I'll do more reading on that. I've played with a Lenz decoder with the shunt mode (didn't know that was what it was at the time) but as you say, quite crude.
  12. Hi All, I'm dabbling with DCC, one loco, one RocoMultiMaus controller, early days Having set cv3 and 4, I'm amazed at how smoothly the loco accelerates and decelerates. This is something I hadn't really appreciated with the change from DC to DCC, it makes everything feel a lot more realistic. Do any decoders or controllers have any enhancements to the braking? All was going well until I went a little fast and ran the loco hard into the buffers as my brake setting was a little too long/high. It is an if you also need 'brake' function to add a little more force than waiting for the loco to just slow down. Scott
  13. That really is a mini layout.. Isn't the front point a little short to get any stock in?
  14. Drew, an amazing day, thank you so much. It was my nephew that got covered and he had such a great time. His mother's face when he showed her the coal, clinker and ballast was a picture She hasn't seen the rag yet either..... I agree about the 72xx.. I fancy one too.. It was also great seeing the real thing of kits I haven't finished, Mink, Python and Bloater all need doing. I also very nearly clicked the pre-order button for the DJ Models Railmotor having been on it today..
  15. I've managed to get my wife to have the kids all day ☺ while I bring her brother and his son to Didcot.. Really looking forward to this now..
  16. How long do you think we are going to be? I'm leaving some of the family to have fun on their own ☺ and they would like to know..
  17. Sounds amazing.. And the weather wasn't bad.
  18. Hope it all goes well.. In typical UK weather fashion it does look like this nice weather is going to break and we will see some rain over the bank holiday weekend.
  19. I'll re-iterate the other comments. It's looking really good, I love the over busy yard. You need plenty there to justify lots of different stock and wagons moving around. Makes the operation much nicer.
  20. I have to agree with Andy.. We here so often about the scenery, but nothing detailed about operation. It a missing part of the magazine articles. I personally love reading about people using cards, how they form their trains and of course couplings and their use.
  21. It was a really nice looking around Didcot.. I really want to have a run on the steam railmotor, looks very swish!
  22. The BRM DVD this month is at didcot. They have a very good interview with someone called Drew who shows them around.
  23. Not sure this is the correct place.. But I am assuming that's you on the DVD! Well done ☺
  24. Can I have a provisional yes for 2 adults and one small person please? I now need to work to make it happen
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