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Not Jeremy

RMweb Gold
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Everything posted by Not Jeremy

  1. I see what you mean, I'm pretty sure that they all come without instructions(!) Tickets now sorted, nothing too fancy, nothing too sensible... Roll on my beauty! Walter
  2. No, not as such, I usually mention it on my website etc - now there's an idea! That said you hopefully have enough information on the show from the sensible bits of this thread.... It is definitely taking place, final floor plan tweaking is scheduled for Monday and I even have a cunning plan for tickets.... Simon
  3. That looks really good Adrian, just the job! And don't forget folks, this layout is booked to attend "Larkrail" on the 23rd July this year, so come along and see it in the flesh, as it were. That Ruston looks so good in that livery.... Simon
  4. Wow - what a transformation, at this rate I might even live to see Baron Von Harrop's crossover in action... And it was really good to meet and talk with Kevin myself on Thursday last - I knew he'd have a great time with you guys. What a fantastic hobby we have🙂
  5. Upwatch Works is Rich Phipp's characterful model of the "Swindon" of the Watchmouth Railway, a little known concern in deepest Dorset. Rich has found several relics from this lost enterprise, which he is also hoping to bring along on the 23rd. He is also hoping to acquire a season ticket (damaged) that Gabriel Oak used after his marriage to Bathsheba Everdene/Troy, an incredibly rare survival of a type of ticket that few folk who used the railway were able to afford. Some of the treasures so far collected are a finger sign to Netherwatch station, a flyer for a new excursion saloon, two parcels waybills, a policeman's truncheon, a watercolour of the first railway policeman on the WR, a guard's flag, a wagon plate from Upwatch Works and finally a framed item from 'Punch' deploring the standards of service on the Watchmouth Railway. Oh Gabriel, I wish you'd tuck your shirt in..... Simon
  6. Published and Launched at Pendon Museum on the 14th May, this is a new and enlarged edition of the book initially published in 2001, which has been out of print for some years now. Now running to 264 pages and with a much expanded selection of photographs and illustrations, this is the often moving story of one man and his passion, together with the trials, tribulations and triumphs that were experienced along the way to achieving his vision.. Which is Pendon Museum, of course. The book has two new chapters, a small amount of editing of the original text, a mainly different selection of images and a lot of new colour images. These including some photographs taken by Roye in the 1950s - such as this rather nice snap of Yelverton, complete with his bike! The colour images of Pendon itself are stunning, being the result of much work by the talented Paul Ellis, who is very involved with the wonderful museum at Pendon. The book has been laid out and designed by the talented steve Phillips, who also prepared the wonderful coloured map of the Vale Scene. Available from Pendon itself, direct from my website or from your favourite supplier, Sewn softback on high quality art paper, 264 pages and priced at £29.95. Simon Castens
  7. That's a great transformation, lots of lovely extra space!
  8. Clearly the dawgs are wondering just where their bed is going to end up, all this outside becoming inside can be very confusing, and what with the sky getting higher too... Seriously, that looks fantastic Jerry, I don't myself think you can beat the creative re-use of what has gone before, new timber framing going on too, deep joy. Your work bench set up by that window is going to be fabulous, overlooking the vegetables - bliss Really looking forward to seeing what you do next! In my own mad world I have at last finished the "hard landscaping" and am now contemplating watercourses, just got to lift that Pittisporum up a bit.... But seriously, bloody well done on your own transformation Jerry, it is such a joy to see it all coming together in your lovely garden. All I need now is chickens, still reading your book.... Simon
  9. Crikey Tim - you haven't changed a bit!!
  10. Be afraid, be very afraid...
  11. All good character forming stuff mon brave - and look what a character you turned out to be! Pictured with other "characters" at Larkrail, including the much missed Grahame Hitchen, showing impeccable taste in carrier bags in the background(!) For the record, John Farmer, Tim Woodland, Tim Maddocks, Grahame Hitchen and Chris Foren.
  12. The show will also be graced with the presence of Alan Buttler and his brilliant Modelu business. I am very much looking forward to catching up with Alan, here is the last time we met up - at Jerry's excellent Warminster show in the summer of 2019. Alan doesn't know it yet, but Steve Harrod and I have come up with a great new product for his range(!) We intend to bring this historic artefact and get it scanned for posterity, I certainly want a couple for my new garden line.... I'll give you a clue - they go on poles and this one came from Newton Abbott... Simon
  13. Wow, those two small scale projects are really something, I am really look forward to seeing them both. At the other end of the model railway scales, we will have Steve Harrod and Andrew Vines at the show, demonstrating and showing their latest projects in the form of two of Fred Phipps' fabulous kits for the "Heavy Warships". Steve's "Active" in weathered green and Andrew's "Bulldog" in ex works blue, complete with monstrous head code boxes{!) Last night I had the huge pleasure of a visit to Rob Mabbbett's Elmbridge stabling point, where I found Active and Bulldog looking utterly Magnificent... Come and see them both on the 23rd, we will also have Dave Easto and Steve Cook at the show with other examples of larger scale railway modelling. Simon
  14. Oh go on then, the shop and parking is up the A4 towards Chippenham, just above the Tollbridge to Bathampton.
  15. Wow, that layout looks pretty good - might mosey on down there myself..... Parking will be available under the old brewery at Tollbridge road, just down from the bookshop, There will be a free minibus shuttle running between the bookshop and parking at Tollbridge studios and the show itself in Larkhall, about a mile distant. There are happily still no residents parking schemes in operation in this part of Bath so parking on the streets is no worse than it was before. Depending upon how far back one goes of course..
  16. I rattled and farted happily back to Bath!
  17. Looking very good, clearer here than on your phone - great to see you both earlier! Bonne nuit Simon
  18. I have just packed up my little Titfield book and a bumper bundle of nonsense - poor Chris! Thank you very much Paul for facilitating all of this, I hope he feels appreciated by a lot of people, he certainly is. Simon
  19. Looks really good - well done! Simon
  20. It was through a series of articles that Chris Published in Scale Model Trains on making the Titfield Thunderbolt towards the end of 1994 that I made contact with the very wonderful late Bernard King, and his wife Jean. Bernard was a film enthusiast, and also a model maker, and after writing to him c/o the magazine we met up and became friends. Bernard was a brilliant character who had lots of stories to tell about the filming, and it was through this meeting that I ended up writing my little book and getting more immersed in Titfield-ery. This is the picture Bernard took the year before the film was made while out on a walk, and which appeared in the article as I recall. I hope to publish a second book on Titfield this year, and it will include a short chapter on Bernard and his involvement with the filming etc. Bernard gave me prints of his photographs, a poster and some lovely card models he had made, all of which I now treasure. So thank you to Chris for facilitating a very enjoyable chapter in my own life. Simon
  21. I watched it from the bottom of the garden, which mostly consisted of listening to it before a distant and fleeting glimpse of it and train where they cut vegetation back when they raised the pylons for the electrification that didn't happen. Apologies for the extraneous lineside detail.... It sounded fabulous!
  22. A sack of ferrets for Mrs Postlethwaite perhaps?
  23. Good question! It can't be the cat, because Schrodinger's got that....
  24. Seen yesterday on the containers a stone train through the Avon Valley. Sorry for the excess of pictures, those iPhones are so quick and I just couldn't help myself....
  25. Drums Roll Expectant hush And here.... Fresh from RMweb live... And the Ricoh Arena..... (Steve's back pocket) Please give it up for... None other than.... Your friend and mine... Timmmmeeee Twooooo Trowserssss! Coming to a show near Bath quite soon..... Huzzah!
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