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Not Jeremy

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  1. Just as well, or it could be.... "Blimey, we'll need the Royal Scot to move this lot....." And, "Don't tell them your layouts name, Parsley Sidings...." You have to be a bit old and sad to get the last one, I'm both....
  2. Same in Bath, the Georgian city of weeds! Still, looking on the bright side, if the council leave it long enough the verdant greenery might hide all the wretched bollards they are putting up!
  3. Honestly, that statement alone probably makes any exhibition organiser who doesn't meet your narrow expectations quite glad that you won't have attended their show. You are probably a jolly fellow with a broad minded approach and a ready smile... Anyway, we can't all go to all of the shows, that would just be silly, so it seems to me that any show organiser not giving what appear to be "demanded" details is in fact doing everyone a favour! There, everyone's happy!
  4. Good thinking Paul, I have just done that, and also shared Callum's wonderful video to my own Facebook page. Jerry and I are really pleased and flattered that Callum not only visited the show, but invested both his time and considerable talents to produce such a terrific record of the day. The whole thing was really quite a magical experience. Taking everything into account we feel quite blessed, to be entirely honest....
  5. I don't wish to appear pedantic, but I do not think that VAT is "adjusted automatically" as you assert above. From reading the relevant publications and my own experience in sending goods into Europe, a supplier (including any supplier in the EU), since 2001 needs to obtain an IOSS number and apply VAT at the rate prevailing in the destination country, as described in the link I provided further up the thread. I am not clear that any of this has anything whatever to do with "Brexit" and to suggest otherwise is wrong, mischievous and tedious. Or perhaps I have misunderstood something?
  6. Hi Nick Apologies, I am going to restock as it is such a good volume and I have other orders for it too. I will get it up on the website shortly, I have already written it up. Just stuck at home waiting for roofers... Simon
  7. That brings some memories back! Great models and so many of them, an amazing achievement. I think my favourite remains the Standard 4 you did for yourself from Airfix and Kemilway, still up there with the very best I feel.
  8. Going back a bit I know, but what I absolutely love about this picture.... ....is that (to my eyes at least), both John and Neil really look to be in the middle of some sort of jive dance together. And I think I am right in saying that the figure on the left is the esteemed "Taigatrommel" of this parish. A wonderful picture on every level, very well captured Tim! Simon
  9. I am so sorry Roger, how did I manage to get the name of the famous bard of Larkrail wrong?? Turning into my Dad I fear, although in my defence another top bloke I know is one Dr Robin Swan from Wokingham, who has also suffered from Gauge One-ery in the past. And I love your Ruston as built by John Dale (I think), top colour scheme and I really like the different shape of the earlier series locos. I have one of his 48DS kits to build myself. And I very much hope that you are able to join us next year Roger, with expanded Gauge One-ery! Simon, I think...
  10. Still recovering in a way, a really fantastic day and I have been spending time with various friends from the show since. Thank you so much to everyone who got involved and visited. It is a bit invidious to mention names, but foremost huge thanks are due to our most excellent catering team; fantastically hard working, cheerful, efficient and the sandwiches were utterly brilliant too. And the cakes, which many individuals contributed to the cause. Pictured here are Kim, Yvonne and Georgina, an absolutely top team. Also contributing greatly in this area were Dave at front of house and Adrian on washing up, plus everything else that he did. An absolute joy, thank you again. Next is a picture of Head honcho Jerry, Levity Tsar Peter and Head of Security Laurie. As you can see, they all took their duties very seriously indeed. Off site retail operations and coordination of the parking arrangements were greatly assisted by Kevin "Don Corleone" Plummer.. Lots of fabulous people exhibited, here we see Roger, Adrian and Dave "helping" Al set Cogirep up, Al is genuflecting towards Swindon, I think. In the background, Denmark is still under wraps. In the back room, over the day, various people attempted photographs that included the two Parkend layouts in a sort of Father Ted and Dougal near/far away stylee. Here is my contribution, the theme being cunningly heightened by the juxtaposition of very tall Matt with not quite so so tall Steve and Andy. Well maybe not, but it was an absolute pleasure to see Matt again, after he ran away to New Zealand to get away from HSTs and be with Hobbits... We had many distinguished visitors throughout the day, so many familiar faces, so many friends - it was just amazing. How can so many fabulous people all be in the same place at the same time? Here are two lovely people from Aylesbury way that many of you will recognise - Kevin and David, of "Railex" fame. Meanwhile back at the show, Jerry and Laurie maintained a sunny welcome throughout the day. Please note the use of a genuine ex BR clipboard and Bic Cristal ballpoint pen, we do like to be authentic in our administration... The show had a very strong 2mm scale representation, Holly was doing a sterling job of dealing with queries on the roadshow, she is a very clever dog. Layout wise, everything at the show was wonderful, but I think a special mention is due to Matt Strickland for bringing his absolutely stunning "Les Caves du Roy" to Larkrail, It was both Matt and his layout's first appearance at a show and was an entrance to equal any other, I think. Here is Matt, setting up his masterpiece on Saturday morning So, thank you very much again to everyone who got involved, and also for all of the very nice photographs and kind comments that have appeared on this thread, very much appreciated. A great success on every level, I will leave Jerry to announce the "results" in due course, they are very pleasing, and we will definitely be staging Larkrail again in 2025, date to be confirmed shortly. Simon
  11. No wonder they couldn't get the layout in the right place.....
  12. You're the one that I want (you are the one I want) Ooh, ooh, ooh, honey A most excellent image, oh yes indeed If you're filled with affection You're too shy to convey Meditate in my direction Feel your way
  13. Just to remind everyone that Matt's brilliant model is appearing tomorrow at "Larkrail" in Bath. It has been set up earlier this evening and is looking amazing already. Thank you very much Matt, I hope you enjoy your "day out" tomorrow.
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