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Posts posted by lightengine

  1. Ha, 3 and a half hours of my life I will never get back.

    2 months ago my Mother decided to give my niece a fairly sizeable sum towards a property purchase. This was said in front of her solicitor as she changed her will and removed my niece from it.

    Today we go to the bank to transfer the sum across and Mother decides to answer all the spoken questions stupidly. For instance, when asked "are you giving this money willingly?" She replied "kind of". This answer was purely because the property purchase is proceeding quicker than she thought.

    So, the bank person sought advice from another colleague. A similar question brought forth a similarly inane answer.

    A third person was called for. As she entered the office I said I would leave so that they could talk to my Mother alone.

    After 20/25 minutes they all came out and nothing had been done as Mother had answered that she is being "blackmailed".

    I fully understand that the bank have security to apply and that they have followed procedure. That is not in question.

    Luckily another bank made a transfer.

    But, now my nieces solicitor has said she cannot accept the transfer of the money. She has been a solicitor for 25 years and never heard of such a palaver before.


    I have now nearly recovered and am sipping a large single malt.

    .... and calm......

  2. The GWR along the river Teign has a collapsed culvert and this has created a sink hole of sorts under the sleepers. The landowner had informed NR about it but nothing has been done. NR will now empty half a quarry down the hole.


    Good to see Portugal back in form yesterday with their 2nd eleven.


    Inclement outside again today.

    • Like 19
  3. The wind yesterday eve at 6pm was pretty warmish here. Today its not too windy just the falling damp stuff. Haven't ventured out yet but I may go out at low water to see what damage has been inflicted on Brunels wall.

    I think that after watching episode 2 of the railway modelling twaddle (railway twaddling), I will get some paint out next week instead.

    • Like 13
  4. Does anyone know if you can flatten a cutting mat?


    Mrs Clever decided not to get either of our ironing boards out. In her infinite wisdom she decided that a towel on top of the cutting mat on her desk was a great idea. She ironed the creases out of the fabric but ironed some lovely undulating features into the cutting mat.

  5. Chris


    You can easily sort out something for yourself in Prague for a lot less than £2,095 - and much less than £1,660.


    Depends on your tour riders, of course!



    Totally agree Mal. Join Travelzoo and get some decent offers.

    I'll get my Mum to have a chat with you Chris, she is only 87 but still travelling solo, not in groups.

    • Like 15
  6. The geographical knowledge exhibited by a group sitting behind us on the flight from Southend was interesting. After about 50 minutes they were convinced the land below must be America as Ireland is part of England.

    Perhaps they attended the same school as Donald.

  7. Welocme back Pete


    John - hope you are out very soon.


    Morning from a dark Surrey. trains at Redhill up creek due to a fire on a freight train in the new platform 0 closing both that and the adjacent platform 1. Luckily my other halfs train is running but quite a few cancelled.


    Photos she just took and sent to me after the fire had been extinguished but still smoking. Not quite sure what caught fire as it appears to be on a wagon.

    Hot box.
    • Like 5
  8. Apparently ostrich eggs keep spiders at bay also. It's to do with the smell which apparently is undetectable to humans. I have not established whether they need to be full and unblown or blown. I have 4 blown eggs, just enough for one per room

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