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Everything posted by wagonman

  1. I was brought up to believe the North started at Potter's Bar. Actually the word was that civilisation ended at PB which I took to be much the same thing... I now live in Norfolk AKA the North East.
  2. I don't know where 1498 was, but 1499 often worked the Marlborough branch in the late '20s-'30s so was presumably shedded somewhere in the division.
  3. Guy is correct, but they both had the rather more common type 93 bunker with a concave curve to the 'shoulder['. You could always attack it with a piercing saw :-)
  4. Ah! This one has the type 91 bunker with the convex curve known to have been fitted to about a dozen or so example – one of them 1459, withdrawn in March 1936 and probably the last of that configuration to go. So only '1' out...
  5. As in "you drive all ze vay there, and vauxhall ze vay back..."
  6. Could we perhaps have a photo of the model? If it's the Finecast kit then chances are it'll be the most common variant with medium tanks, B4 boiler, closed cab with concave shoulder to the bunker, etc. Probably quite a few numbers to choose from in the 14xx series.
  7. According to the RCTS "bible" (part 6) 1458 was a 'medium' Metro tank built at Swindon in 1882 and withdrawn in April 1919 still carrying a round-top firebox (S4 boiler class) and of course with an open cab. This agrees with the reference quoted by ChrisN but I doesn't fit the loc bought by the OP.
  8. Burniston & Co was a Canterbury coal merchant – details in John Arkell's PO wagons of the South East (Lightmoor Press).
  9. Can I just add the caveat that the kit uses the same under frame moulding as the 16ft long 4 plank wagons but the 3 planners were only 15ft 6in long, should that matter to you.
  10. The Midland had quite a large yard at High Street, shared with the MSW I believe.
  11. Pretty close, though I'd guess the colour was grey, and there was no lettering on the ends. This is of course long after Wainwright sold the colliery.
  12. The problem these days is that there rarely is an effing manual to read...
  13. Here is a photo of a wagon loaded with coke fresh from the ovens at Newbury Colliery. It was destined for the ironworks at Westbury.
  14. 'Private Owner Wagons of Wiltshire' by Richard Kelham, to be published by Lightmoor Press. There will also be an Addendum of extra material that has come in relating to Somerset wagons.
  15. Many of the private horse boxes were owned by race horse trainers such as Major Edwardes. More details in my next book....
  16. That drongo Abbott is going to be our Trade Envoy? We're all doooomed!
  17. A couple of All 3rd strengtheners and a Siphon or two and you're almost there...
  18. The Stationmaster said 40 WHEELS, not axles.
  19. Westbury is a good place for your 30xx as there were usually a few shedded there in the late '40s/early '50s. Frome's allocation was usually confined to pannier tanks. Have you seen 'Through Countryside and Coalfield' by Mike Vincent (pub OPC, ISBN 0-86093-428-4)? It covers the history of the B&NSR – almost certainly out of print but you may be able to pick up a secondhand copy.
  20. B*gger Bognor as a certain royal personage said on his deathbed...
  21. Opinion seems to be divided over whether the perceived lack of good road and rail links to the rest of the country should go under 'Advantages' or 'Disadvantages'. It's true we don't have so much as an inch of motorway in the county, but the main line from Norwich is quite good – at least until you hit the outskirts of London. As for the age profile here in North Norfolk... it means that those 60 year old whippersnappers are in great demand for, among other things, the Parish Council.
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