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Everything posted by airnimal

  1. Still a couple of weeks away from seeing the surgeon. I am desperate to go out on my bike but without the clearance I could do more harm than good so I will just have to be patience. So with little motivation to do much and the weather pouring lots of liquid from above so preventing a long walk without looking like a trawlerman. Trying to get my mojo back I looked at my own W-irons with regards springing them. I have used them with just lettering gravity take it course without any springing and they do work that way. I have had several rakes of wagons run successful around layouts and test tracks without any problems. But the gentleman who did the drawing for me always intended that they be sprung with a phosphor bronze wire soldered in. I didn't like that the wire was to be soldered in permanently making cleaning and painting difficult. So I came up with the idea to solder a small piece of brass tube to the bottom of the W-iron to locate the phosphor bronze wire that could be removable for painting. I have a couple of different ways of bending the wire to get the best result and I prefer the one bent into a Z shape although you will be able to see the wire. Once the wire is blackened it will be less obvious .
  2. I have decided that this Dia 2 wagon isn't going to progress any further. With constantly been put down on hard surfaces the corners have become rounded and worn. I sometimes place a soft mat under plastic models to prevent this sort of think happening but when I get sidelined for various reasons I get sloppy in my habits and forget. So not having much mojo I got out a set of Slaters wheels to trim the excessive webbing between the spokes. This set me thinking that I haven't photographed a before and after shot with F/S and S7 wheels in place in which to compare them with. So before your very eyes I have do just that. Once cleaned of excessive webbing I then chemically blacken them with Birchwood Super Black. Other than this little bit of tinkering with I haven't done anything much at all. All I seem to do is wait for things to happen like waiting to see the surgeon with regards if I am clear to go to Australia to see the family there. That's another wait to see if the premier of Western Australia will allow anybody in yet. All this waiting just means we are all getting older without much progress. And the older we get i see friends around me all going to that engine shed in the sky. I feel very frustrated with all what going on with the world at present and my escape in my modelling world is not happening. So this afternoon I will go and have a beer with my cycling friends and tomorrow I am going to a retirement do for an ex work colleague who is going after nearly 40 years in the same job.
  3. Well after making a new jig this morning I drilled the first corner plate. Immediately I noticed that one hole in the second row was on join between the 2 planks which sent alarm bells ringing. Back to the drawings and photographs and sure enough I had only glanced at the drawings before drilling the second set of holes in the jig. This is the story of my life assuming thinks are there when careful observations will reveal the truth. I will put this down having other thinks in my subconscious to deal with other than railway modelling. I have soldered a bit of wire in the offending hole so I don't forget in the future and make the same mistake again. I will plug this middle hole with a bit of plastic rod and clean it up and hopefully it won't be noticed. These .6mm rivets are very tiny and ping of into outer space when I pick them up with tweezers. 12 BA nuts are bad at flying off and never seen again but these rivets are even worse.
  4. Graham, I have made another attempt at a drilling jig that was a bit better quality than the first. This also includes a second row of holes for these rivets. Because the corner plates are 9" wide on both sides the jig will just turned round as per photographs. I haven't tried using it yet because I have been busy with family matters today. Hopefully this if it works it may spur me on a bit and get my mojo back.
  5. I ventured into the workshop this morning for the first time for awhile and tidy up the endless books and tools that have been littering the workbench. I find a tidy workspace always make for better mindset. So returning to the last wagon I have decided to have a go at making a drilling jig out of a thin scrap of nickel. I marked out and drilled the holes for the first row of holes which made me look at the drawings and photographs where I found out the the second row doesn't have as many holes. At least making this first jig which isn't perfect it did open my eyes to the fact that these corner plates had different patterns of holes in different batches of wagon depending on the date they were made. I will make another jig but to a better standard, but it does show promise. I still feel very healthy and continue to feel confident with my medical condition. The biggest issue is just waiting for things to happen regarding going to Australia to see our daughter and family. My daughter is getting very angry with the governor of Western Australia who keeps changing the rules on a regular basis.
  6. I am still about but lying very low at present. I am still feel on top of the world and life is getting back to normal or as normal in the present circumstances will allow. I have been walking between 2 or 3 miles about 4 days a week and I have even been to the pub to have drinks with my cycling chums. The grumpy old man I mentioned before being aggressive when I went for my stitches out complained that when he drank water which everybody had to do, that it caused him pain. The nurse told him not to drink any more until he had a scan. He came and sat opposite me and immediately drank a full jug of water ! How can you feel sorry for someone who ignored the advice he was given by the people who are there to help him. I am now waiting to hear from my surgeon and was given a date in March which seemed a long time to wait so I phoned and asked could it be brought forward. I explained to his secretary that we wanted to go to Australia to see our new granddaughter as well as the others of course and she gave me a cancellation for mid February which is better. I have tried to do some modelling but the mojo has gone walkabouts. I hear what people say I should plan my layout or other related subjects but unfortunately I am bankrupt of any ideas. I am hoping this is only temporary.
  7. When I was working before I retired I had a Bromton to ride the 1.5 miles to the station and the same distance at the other end of my journey to my place of work. So a 6 mile a day for 5 years on the Bromton was more than enough. One problem I had with the Bromton was one of parts wearing out on a regular basis. Wheels I had 4 in that time and sprockets and chains were being replaced constantly. I once met a couple of blokes doing the coast to coast on a pair but I don't think I would like to attempt to do it on a Bromton. I also have another folding bike which I have done a large amount of miles on called an Airnimal. This is a folder and did cost a fair amount of money when I bought it back in 2006. I paid £2030 complete with travelling case that allowed me to take by plane. The bike folds take a lot more time than a Bromton but the ride is like a normal road bike. It has taken me on many holidays around the world including many rough tracks loaded with panniers for touring 3 weeks at a time.
  8. I am afraid they are 7mm scale. I have been working in 7mm scale now for 40 years, first in finescale and for the last 30 years Scaleseven. I admire all the people whom work in the smaller scales but I could never get anything to work in 4mm.
  9. I have found the drawing which was part of the same article as the drawing posted by BR traction instructor. This is the smaller 4 wheeler LNWR tender frame without the tender top flared part. I cut out a set of frames many years ago to make a S7 model of one which never progressed much further.
  10. There were drawings in some old HMRS society magazines in the 1970's I believe. I have a copy somewhere if I can find them. If nothing else turns up you can PM me and I will try to provide a copy. Mike.
  11. I was released from Hospital yesterday with flying colours after having the plumbing and stitches out and after testing everything works. Well it works up to a point but I hope the recovery will now slowly improve so I can get back on my bike and visit friends and family. I was with 4 other elderly men also having the same procedure but the difference in attitude was quite alarming. One gentleman at 80 was bright and chipper and moving like Fred Estaire while a gentleman at 72 was grumpy and aggressive. He asked me about my operation and who the surgeon was and when I replied I didn't know he became agitated and was very rude. I left feeling less than cheerful but quickly picked up on the way home with my wife. I have found my emotions have been all over the place throughout the past 5 or 6 weeks when I found out that I needed to address my predicament. But hopefully all that now is in the past and in the new year things will get back to normal or as normal as can be under the present circumstances. I have tried to do a little on my Dia 2 wagon with mixed results. I have marked the location of the ironwork on the sides and drilled through the sides of the body to insert the coach bolts from the inside. Once glued in I cut the excess off on the outside and smoothed the body side ready to accept the ironwork. I then started to drill the corner plates for the very small coach bolts seen on the early built of these wagons. Unfortunately my marking out was way off and my hand drilling was even worse. I really need a jig to get consistency and accuracy but at my present state of mind I dont think that is possible. I may fill the holes and go back to putting the larger square bolts on that the latter wagons were built with.
  12. I have glued the end stanchions on and left them to dry for a couple of hours. Then I filed them to shape with a large flat file before finishing them with some abrasive paper on a flat surface. There is a good photograph in Vol 1 of LNWR wagons showing the shape of the bottom of these stanchions which has been a great help.
  13. Hopefully I am on the mend and feeling a great deal better. Tomorrow I am back at Hospital to have the plumbing and stitches out and observations to check that everything works as it should. I must thank my better half for all the help over the past 10 days. She has looked after me so well it has made the whole process so much easier. So the first time in a couple of weeks I have had a bit of enthusiasm for some work on the Dia 2 wagon I have been attempting to build. I have made a new jig to space the end stanchions out at the correct distance. I did have one in the past which got lost in the workshop somewhere, so it a new one was made with a few improvements including the bottom face which lines up with the ends of the headstock. I also drilled it to get the coupling pockets in the right place. I have clamped a pair of end stanchions together to file the top angle so they are both in the same plane.
  14. THANKS to everyone for their kind messages. Back home from Hospital after 3 full days and not the overnight I was expecting. I am still a bit sore but I am sure I will bounce back soon. Hospital has always seemed like a rich source of stories for someone like Alan Bennett. So many things happened to keep me telling tales when I can finally get out and about and having a pint with friends. I think it will be a few weeks yet before I can get backing to cutting bits of plastic, so it will be a quiet Christmas with just my better half. If I don't appear for a few weeks then please everyone have a very merry Christmas and best wishes and a happy new year. Thanks to all the staff at the NHS.
  15. Absolutely first class model making.
  16. So it's nearly time for my operation on Monday. I have been to the Hospital so many times over the past few weeks I could probably be classed as a regular ! When I went last week for my pre-op I was interrogated by Sister Grunpy who was in the wrong job IMHO. I was told off for not remembering all the operations I have had over the last 70 years. I tried to tell her everything I could but then was in trouble again for not declaring that I had an Ventolin Eveohaler for my Asthma. After being interrogated for 30 minutes and given blood and urine samples I was let go only having to go back the next day because the Hospital has lost my samples ! It doesn't fill you with much confidence at the start of the proceedings. I do hope my operation is not cancelled because of the rapid increase of the new covid. So the modelling mojo is not at it's strongest at present but I did clean up a set of W-irons for my Dia 2 wagon and put the corner plates on. They are cut from 10 thou plastic and bent around the corner after the sharp edge was removed from the wagon body first. Thanks for all the messages of support from fellow modellers. I hope to get back into full swing as soon as possible butchering lots bits of plastic in something resembling wagons of old.
  17. The body parts were etched with half etched dimples. The idea was to punch out the rivets from the rear but with close to 700 rivets I made a mess of a few of them. So I made the decision to drill them out and replace them with the Masterclub rivets. This was done in stages after soldering the body together. I wouldn't like to make another this way but it came out well.
  18. There are alternatives to tranfers rivets in the form of resin ones available in different sizes. I have been using these Masterclub rivets for some time with great success. They are relatively cheap but require a bit more work because you have to drill holes to accept them, and being resin they will not glue with liquid type glues.
  19. After going to see this wonderful layout on Monday with my friend I decided to take one of my grandsons today. We had a great day but a long day for a 4 year old but it was worth it. I thought he may have struggled with the journey but he was great and once there didn't want to leave. I would have liked to take the other grandsons but as they don't live close this was impossible.
  20. We went yesterday from Stockport and changed at Sheffield. Very quick change at Sheffield and in Wakefield in no time. Had a great day and returned by Leeds. All trains very efficient and on time. Brilliant layout and we had a talk with Simon as well as his very proud mother. We had a couple of pints in the Black Rock very close to the venue. Highly recommend and a great finish to a wonderful day out.
  21. Once again it is reassuring to receive words of kindness from the members of RM. The friend I met a couple of weeks ago died 2 days later. I had known him for over 50 years through the YHA and cycling. He has put a tab behind the bar at our local for his wake and has stipulated that everyone attending must dress in there best attire. You sometimes don't know what people always think because I have never seen him in anything other than Jean's and tee shirts. Unfortunately I will not be able to attend because I will be in isolation before my operation. I went yesterday to Wakefield to see the magnificent O gauge layout Heaton Junction. This doesn't disappoint and is highly recommended and I might return tomorrow with one of our grandsons. I am sure he would enjoy the train journey as well as as the layout. Reminds me of my dad taking me to Manchester at Christmas to see the annual show when I was a similar age. Because we will not be going to our eldest daughter at Christmas we went last weekend and had Christmas dinner on the Saturday night after I had been to Wooton Bassett to the O gauge trade show. I managed to buy some supplies to see over the festive period when I will be in isolation.
  22. Well the brownie points for decorating the kitchen didn't last long because I'm in the do do again ! What sin have I done this time ? Well having been to the Hospital again I have been offered a date to have my prostate removed. I accepted so I can get it over with but the date is Dec 20th. With isolation before and after it has thrown Christmas plans all out of the window for her indoors. This will mean spending Christmas alone with me for the first time in 38 years without any of our children or grandchildren. So my visit to our eldest daughter in Swindon this weekend has been changed from me going on the train to going in the car and taking her indoors with me and a car full of presents. I will still be able to go to the O gauge event at Wooton Bassett on the Saturday afternoon. I have had to rearrange all sorts meetings and appointments at short notice but I just want this problem out of the way to get on with life. So modelling hasn't been at the forefront of my mind but I keep getting a few things out to see if I can do a small amount of work to complete a couple of projects. But I have to admit it that my heart really isn't in it at present.
  23. Dave, looking at the photograph that you kindly provided they do look suitable for 7mm scale with a bit of modification. Can I now ask from what material they are made from ? Mike
  24. Dave, can I ask what are the dimensions of the lamps please. Would they be suitable for 7mm scale ? Can you provide a link to where you purchased them from. Mike
  25. Gentleman, I have to thank you all for the wonderful comments and best wishes received regarding my condition. I went yesterday to the Hospital to see the Oncologist to discuss what treatment is available and what treatment would best suit myself. Having been given all the options and talked it over with the family I am still undecided which way to go. I was hoping that the professionals would tell me which would be better for me but apparently it will be my decision. I think I am coming the conclusion that the removal of the prostate would be the best in my case but I would like to talk with more people on who have had Radiotherapy or removal first. Not a lot done on the modelling front with Hospitals visit and decorating and family matters but I have been playing around with a couple of wagon bodies just to keep my sanity. I was sorry to hear of the passing of Bob Essery the other day who did so much for our great hobby. I talked with him many times at S7 meetings and at exhibitions about track work and Midland wagons and my bookshelves would be a lot poorer without his knowledge.
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