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Everything posted by airnimal

  1. I have put all the bits on to check all is well before I paint the axleboxes and brake gear. The footboards on one side need moving along a bit because they are not quite central. I managed to knock the van off the workbench this morning and broke one of the buffers cleanly off. I was happy to see the break had not damaged any of the paintwork and it went back with a dab of superglue.
  2. I managed to get a coat of paint on today because we had some late summer sun. I made the mistake of not drying it properly after washing it and had to rub down a small patch on one side and resprayed it. I am not sure if it will show up later.
  3. A small amount of work to the brake van. I have put some of the details on the solebars. The wheels are just temporary to see how everthing sits along with the axleboxes.
  4. Hi Argos, the large section plastic is Evergreen No 199 which 250 X 250 thou. I started buying it years ago and I have nearly all the ones in their range. It's so long ago the price was about £1. 35 a packet when bought my first packet.The price now is £5.00 but is so good I don't think I could do without it. A bit more progress on the brake van. I have ask my friend who did the lettering on the container and he confirmed my suspicions that is was done by the master painter Alan Brackenborough.
  5. I have remove the ends of the headstocks along with all the details on the solebars. I then overlaid the solebars with 15 thou plasticard shaped around the central T bar. I will replace all the other bolts and any other things like label clips etc..
  6. Jim, I have been on grandparents duty today as well. Taking my grandson to see the horses in a local field I was going over my build in my head I remembered that the headstock would not be present. You beat me too it and that was going to be my next job. It's amazing how we forget the basics when we start a new project.
  7. A bit more work on the dumb buffer brake van with the buffers have been fitted both ends. I did start to clean up the etched parts when a friend came to collect his brake van that I repaired for him. He did confirm that the brake van was made by someone else in wood probably by somebody in South Wales. He also came with a couple of wagons needing repairs whom he said I made for him. Well technically he was right because I have made the masters for the kits and the van was one of my complete kits but both these were made by the master coach builder John Petcher. I don't know if the furniture container is kit made or scratch built but I suspect it is hand made by John. I don't know who did the lettering but it is amazing. O how I wish I could do painting of that calibre. They both need the brake racks replacing because they were damaged in a burglary at my friends house.
  8. Just started the other end. A small piece of Evergreen rod is glued in the body, and the the same in the 250 X 250 Evergreen. This helps line everything up before superglueing the block in place.
  9. I have decided to make the ballast brake van dumb buffered. According to Vol 3 LNWR wagons two were built in 1870 so I am using modellers licence to assume these two were not converted to sprung buffers before being converted for ballast duties. Without photographic evidence I don't think anybody will be able say I am wrong.
  10. I have just noticed today the MSWR 2-4-0 posted a couple of days ago. I also have one built to S7 standards. Very pretty engines.
  11. I had a very slow weekend at the Poynton show. I did manage to do a small amount on the dumb buffer loco coal wagon. One of the good things about doing demo's is the number of interesting people who come through the doors and chat.
  12. Guy, according to LNWR Vol 1 page 51 they were provided from 1903 onwards. It just about fits in with my period I wish to model.
  13. I have finished the brake gear on this latest loco coal wagon, just all the bolt details on the outside to do. I have laid down frames for the final loco coal wagon which will be dumb buffered with the large letters. This will give me something to build over the weekend.
  14. The loco coal wagons continues with the etched brake gear made from a Haywood Railway fold up and a brake handle from Ambis. I will do one other loco coal wagon but built with dumb buffers and the large letters using the drawing in Vol 3 of LNWR wagons obtained at Telford. I still want to do a couple of private owner wagons and a few ballast wagons. I then hope to start planing a layout of some sort along the lines a small shunting plank. Not to sure of where to locate it but a small canal side scene appeals. This side of the hobby is not a strong point of mine. I will have to consult my stack of Wild Swann layout books bought over the years. I will be doing a demo at this weekend show at Poynton so if any body is going I will be happy to see any RMwebbers.
  15. I am starting to add detail to the second loco coal wagon. Graham ask about the rivets in the before and after photos on the last wagon and how it was done. These photos may explain things a bit clearer. First the flat strip is drilled with the required holes and then 0.7 rivets glued in. This is left overnight before the the back of the rivets were cut off and the back filed flush. On the corner plates I drilled holes in from the outside and fitted the rivets through from the inside. After glueing and leaving over night to harden they to were cut off and filled flush. This leaves a perfect mark on where to apply the square nuts cut from 10 X 20 thou Evergreen strip. The reason for doing it this way was I find it difficult to drill accurately if the strip is applied first to the inside of the wagon. Trying to line up both inside and outside strips and drill through is not very easy. I hope that all makes sense.
  16. I have fitted the axleboxes and springs which completes the build. The axleboxes are very narrow and to make sure the bearings slide in the etch w-irons I have reduced the O.D with the aid of a little jig. It's just placed in a mini drill and dressed with a needle file. I have given the interior a first coat of paint.
  17. I have managed to get a coat of paint on the second loco coal wagon. There is still a fair bit to do but it does look promising at this point.
  18. Yesterday a friend came around to collect another 2 LNWR brake vans that I have made for him. He phoned to say could I repair one of the first pair which had lost a tie bar or had not been fitted in the first place. After he had left I opened the box he brought it in only to discover that the model was not one of mine. The model was made from wood, not a material I have ever used. I fixed the problem for him by drilling a hole in the white metal axleboxes and inserting a length of nickel wire. Looking at the model I wish I could make models from wood. They appear to have so much atmosphere and the weathering to be so natural. I am not sure having been building in plastic for 50 years that I have enough time to learn new techniques. Having looked through Vol 3 of LNWR wagons and seen the photograph of a ballast brake van how long could I hold out before chopping one of my resin body's up. Not long. I will put this in the long list of unfinished projects.
  19. I have had a look at Vol 3 of LNWR wagons and I am pleased that I have got right some of the assumptions of the wagons I have been building without all the information being to hand. I will be building the dumb buffered loco coal wagon and one of the ballast brake vans at some time in the future. I have now finished one of the pair of loco coal wagon with the addition of a Ambis brake lever and brake rack. I hope to paint this one sometime this week before putting all the bolt details on the second one. That is the plan but i am tempted to start a dumb buffered version first.
  20. I had a excellent weekend at the Gauge O Guild show at Telford. I met many people and friends and spent a fair bit of money. I didn't get all on my list because I left most of my buying untill the Sunday when somethings had sold out. I wanted some S7 wagon wheels from Slaters but someone bought 48 sets before me and cleaned them out. They must be building a rather large layout. I got my copy of Vol 3 of LNWR wagons which is up to the usual high standards from Wild Swann so I am able to check my loco coal wagons for errors. Also there is photograph of a open top cattle wagon which has given me better understanding of the strengthing bars holding the side apart at the top of the body. Must thank the many volunteers who make the weekend possible and without them the show would not be able to take place.
  21. Doncaster, yes I will be at Telford all weekend. I go with my best friend Peter and stay in Ironbridge. We always make a weekend of it with a good meal on Saturday night and a few drinks afterwards with friends. I have my list of parts and materials to buy including Vol 3 of LNWR wagons. Not having a model shop near where I live makes Telford essential to refurbish my bits box as well as seeing all the layouts and demo stands.
  22. Richard, good luck with your adventure. I am sure you will make a lot of people happy. Best wishes. Mike
  23. Doncaster, the w-irons are my own etch that I had done many years ago. They can be sprung with a simple phosphor bronze wire acting on the top hat bearing. I have both sprung them with this method and just left some to float about on there own and it does not seem to matter either way. I am not sure if I will have any more etched. I have only a couple left so when Vol 3 of LNWR wagons appears hopefully this weekend at Telford I will decide if I need anymore. I have just found the paperwork for the etchings and they were done 14 years ago.
  24. A small amount of work on the loco coal wagon and a bit more weathering on the Dia 4 4 plank open.
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