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Ian Abel

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Everything posted by Ian Abel

  1. BIN day, and a small "note", since we're getting the expected snowfall as to how we deal with the typical/usual large amounts of snow, snowplow already made two passed, BIN trucks working and we've about 4+ inches of snow already; our "man" probably won't be here until later today as we have no pressing need to go out - two neighbors already headed to work around 8am with no issues, slow on the roads but not a panic. Yesterday evening the precipitation started as drizzle/sleet, Mrs braved the weather for a Book Club meeting/Chrissy do. I stayed in (sensible 😀) and had some to-do items in preparation for our neighborhood "Christmas Vacation" party tomorrow. Jemma was in Barcelona yesterday, returning today, and sent this picture of her "new ride/office" taken before she left from JFK on Monday. Today, expecting choir rehearsal to be called off due to snow - a rather large number of the members are even older than ME, and generally fearful of driving in any sort of adverse weather. Zero and snow at BIN time, expected to snow until early evening at least, high forecast to be +1c possibly!! Tally ho.
  2. Looks like we're getting some white stuff overnight/tomorrow...
  3. RIP Chris. Known to me mainly via ERs and enjoyed his thoughts and commentary on the world and railways.
  4. Sad to hear of @chrisfpassing. As others have stated, I enjoyed his various and diverse discussions and his enjoyment of the Pride rallies he attended. Hopefully his love of GWR will be reflected where is is at peace now, the one thing I had to bite my tongue over 🙂. Will miss his encounters with technology as they often brightened the day, he should, as @iL Dottoreopined, have been a GENT of the '50s. Little enough to report here, save for a new day.
  5. Happy sun circuit @Two_sugars 🎂
  6. Morning all Yesterday mostly taken up with yawning while waiting news from the Long Island client, then once work was done, decorating the house with an array of festive items. More of the same expected today, both on the work and decorating front. Weather forecast is for a significant storm heading across the country in out direction, though the heaviest snow isn't expected until Thursday AND expected to pass somewhat south of us. We'll see... Thanks to the approaching storm, temperatures higher than normal, a mere ZERO first thing and a high of +2c expected with cloudy skies. Carry on.
  7. Monday here too 😀 Enjoyable and busy weekend; Friday evening (after a POETS) joined our friends in the "finally" renovated condo. They've still a lot of unpacking to do, and various items to hook up, the building complex cable TV/internet is rather a flustercuck, with almost no-one on the building maintenance team understanding anything beyond a copper 2-wire telephone systems it seems!!! The complex was built in the '70s and I think the maintenance crew are the SAME as those that started there 🤪 Saturday, started in earnest getting the Christmas decorations sorted, and lights etc., on the tree. The Mrs in charge and I just do what I'm told. The evening we were over at one of the neighbors for their annual party, having prepared bruschetta as our contribution. Sunday, recovering from the party <yawn> and then a lot of organizing/decorating since we have our own "Christmas Vacation" party this coming Friday. Many of our friends and neighbors are "Christmas Vacation" fans/fanatics and it will be interesting to see what costumes this year brings. Knackered by late afternoon, pity it was the END of the weekend and not the start! Jemma has just received her marching flying orders for her "Operational Experience" flights on the 767-400. Tomorrow - Thursday: Barcelona 20th - 23rd: Athens. Since Delta don't have a daily flight, she has to spend a 48-hour layover in Athens (shame, shame everyone cried!!! 🤣🤣) I'm sure she'll manage. 27th - 1st.: Buenos Aires -2c and overcast first thing, feels very "English" as it's quite damp with a light breeze, seems colder than much lower temps. High +1c forecast Tally ho.
  8. POETS, yes please... Yesterday, nothing much other than an overly long rehearsal in the evening. Jemma was due to go on her first OE flight series tomorrow but was just informed the check airman called in sick. She's awaiting new "orders"... Today, the "tree" will be decorated some this afternoon, after the Mrs returns from a Brunch with friends and a hair-do appointment! Then this evening we're off to our friends new condo to see how it is now they've moved in - take-out indian is the order of the day as they're not sorted enough to cook a meal right now - still unpacking a lot of stuff. Weekend will be busy I'm sure. Will update as details become known 😀 Weather trending upward/warmer (ALL RELATIVE OF COURSE!!), only -4c first thing, overcast though and a high right around Zero expected. Carry on.
  9. BIN day. Cor blimey, all this talk of cold and snow, reminds me of, oh I don't know" - where I am 4 - 5+ months of the year 🤪🤯🤣 Little to report from yesterday <yawn>. Keeping the bird feeders full and the bird bath water topped up accounted for some time. Whitney picked up by Brendan in the afternoon, Jemma returning late last night from Atlanta, having completed her training. Today - hmm, mostly sounds like it'll be quiet on the client front, they are still faffing about with what changes they want to make and deciding on "journal entries", I'll just twiddle my thumbs a bit more! This evening out for pre-rehearsal happy hour then off to pretend we are a real choir for a couple of hours. 15c and sunny at BIN time, to make the record "CLEAR", it's still -8c at 10AM here, with luck reaching a pleasant -2c for a high... Onward.
  10. HUMP day. All quiet yesterday, nothing to report! We DID get a Christmas tree at lunch time, but it was a very simple effort. Walked into the lot, saw one that fit the bill for the Mrs immediately, paid while it was tied to the top of the car, job done! In a bucket of water on the porch at present while the Mrs determines the location she wants it this year. Looks like we'll be moving things around later today. -12c first thing with some light snow flurries, partly sunny. Will hit -6c later Carry on.
  11. Chewsday... Mrs spent much time yesterday listening to the awful "on hold" muzak trying to get a consult with the doc. She's got some sinus carp going on. Fianlly, they answered, did an over the phone/internet evaluation and off I went for antibiotics prescribed. We'd planned on looking for our Crimble tree yesterday evening but the Mrs preferred not to be out in the cold air. Probably going to try for it at lunch time today. Jemma send a picture of her new "767-400 office", well, the sim for it, at least. She'll be done today or tomorrow with training; Next, she'll be assigned an Operational Experience flight... Work - major hiccup in sorting out their new journal entries that will require the report reworking. Not sure HOW these folks manage to get up every morning and get to work with the impossibly messed up way they go about things <oh well>. I sit and wait 🤪 Bit nippy first thing -12c, partly cloudy but at least no wind to worsen the effect. High a whopping -2c later. Tally ho.
  12. We have a few in the area, they tend to avoid people for the most part, but are often using the railroad track as their preferred route. Morning...sort of. Weekend was a mixed bag; Up early Saturday as Jemma dropped Whitney off before heading to Atlanta for her last training session, due back "maybe" tomorrow. The "maybe" is because the next step is OE (Operational Experience), as yet unscheduled, but can occur any time after the last training session. Many have found themselves scheduled later the last day to head out for OE. She may well, find herself somewhere in Europe by Wednesday or Thursday!! 🤯 Rest of Saturday was various errands and little excitement to speak of. Sunday some "relaxing" before heading to the Reconciliation service the schola were to sing at. After that a VERY enjoyable gathering of the schola and partners at a local watering hole. Work reared its ugly head first thing with a heads-up, seems "we" need to add a new line to the Balance Sheet - details stated to follow later today<yawn> -8c and overcast first thing, overcast but not precipitation expected, high around -1c forecast. Carry on.
  13. POETS, probably give that a go. Yesterday was pretty quiet again as far as work goes, and nothing else notable during the day. Evening saw me attend the pre-rehearsal happy hour and then on to a looonnngggg rehearsal. We finish the "regular" set for the Christmas season with the full choir actually ON TIME! YAY, said we. Then for some inexplicable reason, what was supposed to be a quick run-through of already well known/sung pieces the schola are to perform this coming Sunday at a Reconcilliation service, we managed to squander a full HOUR reviewing them! Shouldn't have taken more than 30 minutes tops <pah>. Result was we didn't get "released" into the great abyss until 2150. Fat chance of getting an evening toddy as the local watering holes close at 2200 on Thursday evenings 😒 Today, not much, the Mrs has a dentist appointment to have a crown fitted, and that's it. Weekend is currently free of planned activities until the 4PM Reconciliation service the schola sing at. Tally ho.
  14. Happy solar orbit to @grandadbob BIN day, BINs out and done fairly early. Yesterday was another quiet one, punctuated by Brendan stopping over to retrieve Whitney. Got a message late evening from Jemma that she's now qualified on the B757 and B767 - yay. She has one more week of training starting in a few days to do the B767-400ER specifics in the sim and international operations stuff. Today will be off to choir practice and pre-rehearsal happy hour later, so glad I've got heated seats and steering wheel on the new(er) chariot. Considered S0DDING cold this morning IMHO, at -14c buqqering about with the BINs. It IS sunny but doesn't help much, high of -1c forecast. Stay warm...
  15. HUMP day... Yesterday was an "inside" day given the snow was pretty unrelenting. In what is a very unusual event, the MSP airport was closed for two hours due to poor visibility and snow-fall rates, the plows couldn't keep up. Only happened a handful of times in the 40+ years I've lived here! Snow slowed by early evening, leaving us with 6+ inches, the city plows were round at least 4 times during the day, and our "plow guy" got to us around 8PM No problem as we had no need or intention of going out anyway 😃 I had to shovel a small area out back for Whitney, and it all looks especially winter-wonderland now. -10c getting the newspaper, sunny and cold, -5c the high "with luck" 🤯 Onward.
  16. Chewsday. Quiet yesterday but a nice evening with friends, including an Indian take-out, not done that in a while so it was well received. Today, slow, and waiting for the potential storm that's been forecast. So far, about an inch or so and the snow is quite light, supposed to pick up later, we'll see! -4c first thing with snow just starting as I retrieved the newspaper, high only of ZERO forecast but it's still -3c at 11AM so not sure we'll reach the heady warmth of ZERO 🤪 Carry on.
  17. Morning... Several days "off" as a result of the Thanksgiving holiday here. The "day" went very well, entire immediate family involved, and all enjoyed ourselves. Black Friday was avoided at all levels, frankly nothing much appear on enough of an offer to rally care. One ANNOYANCE was the delivery that was supposed to occur Wednesday - they called at 0631 saying they'd be arriving in ten minutes - and just when I hoped for a lay in 🤪 Saturday spent with errands and the arrival of Whitney (including a walkies) as Jemma was back down to Atlanta to continue training. Saturday also spent putting the holiday lighting up around the exterior of the house. Sunday up early to sign and two services for the First Sunday of Advent - bloody tired by the end of it, and the Mrs has a cold into the bargain so very low key afternoon. Today, have friends coming for dinner and working. Weather has been pretty good overall as a prefix to what we're supposed to get tomorrow - 3-5 inches snow accumulation! -5C first thing, high overcast and a +6C forecast high for the day, with the snow possibly starting late evening. Carry on.
  18. Last day of the week for me - POETT I suppose 🤪 Yesterday a brief interaction with the Long Island client, potential for more crazy report modifications, but that will be next week with the impending holiday! Good and shorter than usual choir rehearsal last evening giving more time for post rehearsal drinking <hic> One of my choir pals has a bunch of Lionel O gauge stuff he's no use for and has asked if I might help (as in DO IT) sell it all on eBay. He's never done any buying or selling on eBay before so I may well help him out. He just needs to "dispose" of it per orders from his better half, something about a waste-of-space 😃 Today, Jemma is expected any moment, back from training and coming over for coffee and to pick up Whitney. Will be nice to hear her tales of training etc. Tomorrow, of course, Thanksgiving. Everyone will be over here for a 3PM or so dinner. Hard to call it a celebration giving the true background, but that's what most here consider it. Will be fun to have everyone together no matter what. WAS expecting a delivery of some materials for water mitigation at the rental property this AM, however, received an email at 0731 stating it's rescheduled for Friday. VERY HANDY, since there's no guarantee when it'll arrive, window is 6AM - 8PM, and I did have someone scheduled to do the work Friday, he usually start first thing. -6C and sunny first thing, heading for +4C later. The next four days expecting lows around ZERO and highs 2-5C Carry on.
  19. Chewsday, but HUMP day for me. Reminder that we have Thursday/Thanksgiving and Friday off - YAY! Nothing of note yesterday <yawn> though Mrs has succumbed to a sinus issue, mostly headache, and is NOT a happy camper. Today - Mrs off for lunch with a friend, nursing her still sinus headache, later I'm off to choir rehearsal since we can't do Thursday (see line 1 above), and are singing this coming Sunday for the first Sunday in Advent - two services... Had to take a "Cyber Security" test/assignment today from the corporate IT department. Multiple choice and not sure who created it but pretty much our cat could have aced it! <DUH!> Weather remains Minnesota coldfor November, meaning you UK lot would panic, -8C first thing, sunny and a high of +2C "perhaps" 🤪 Onward...
  20. Ahhh Monday. Busy weekend, lots of running around/errands Saturday, Sunday up early to sing with the schola at 9 and 11am! -7C heading out Sunday early and didn't warm up much all day. Good day to stay in, read, nap and generally stay warm 😃 This week will be very short as Thursday is Thanksgiving Day here, and we (my company along with many) get Friday off also. Will avoid Black Friday, unless I find something online, the shops are always stupid, and I've NEVER undertaken to subject myself to that idiocy. 🤯 Tally ho.
  21. POETS, we'll give it a go probably. Yesterday, enjoyable Zoom with some friends, work and then off to choir rehearsal. Went long as we had a schola rehearsal immediately following. Managed a happy hour pre-choir then done. Seem to have had a sore throat the last couple of days, no other symptoms, lurgy test negative (precaution due to choir gathering). Nuisance more than anything. -9C first thing with a high overcast. -5C the expected high, no precipitation forecast for the next few days, just blQQdy cold. 🤪 Carry on.
  22. BIN day, all sorted. Yesterday, nothing to see here, move along... except it DID continue snowing, light but continual <yawn> Woke early with a sore throat, seems related to the bedroom being cooler than expected, cold air seeming to be the culprit, I hope. Later, choir rehearsal, preceded by happy hour pizza and beer, hopefully. Will be a late one as we have a secondary rehearsal for the schola following the main rehearsal. With luck will be done by 9:30PM <yawn> More snow and -6C at BIN time, high of -1C expected and onward with the snow, light mostly. Later.
  23. HUMP day. Nothing to report from yesterday, looks like the same non-events today! Mrs off for a lunchtime walk with a friend, then lunch and that's it. -5C overcast and STILL something falling from the sky first thing. It's almost imperceptible but is of the frozen rather than liquid variety. High of 1C forecast. Onward.
  24. Nice tax return, that'll pay for the steak 🤪🤣🤣🤣
  25. Chewsday... Little of note from yesterday - Mrs took Whitney for a walk as Whitney loves the snow, likes sniffing out the mice and vole trails under the snow 🤪 Snow off and on most of yesterday and overnight, continuing now, but VERY light and not adding much to the overall accumulation maybe 3 inches or so. Staying inside in the warm will be the order of the day, though the Mrs and Whitney likely will do another walk. Fitting look back in time from Facebook - was EIGHT YEARS ago today that Jemma was in training with Compass on the Embraer E190, from there she's passed through to Delta and the 737-800 and as we speak (type) is now down in Atlanta training on the Boeing 767-400ER to fly internationally - very proud of her. Weather first thing overcast, light snow and -1C, supposed to have light snow all day and a high of3C Tally ho.
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