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Barry O

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Barry O last won the day on February 12 2021

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  • Location
    Now generally in Yorkshire....
  • Interests
    BR from 1948 - the end
    Narrow Gauge in the UK

    Chesapeake & Ohio in HO

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  1. I wonder when the publishers will be sending any royalties for the use of my late mothers name? She was christened "Asenath" (no one knows why!) but was always called "Zen" for some reason.... if they wrote about her idea of logic and people used it.. god help us all! Ooh err! Transpires it all to do with Egypt , religion and being a Saint(!) Baz
  2. Just about ready for our show this weekend. A couple of dodgy wires have been resoldered so it should be good to go! Great to see junior members taking the layout down and crating it up! Baz
  3. We have various packing lists.. one for Boggle at Easter for example.. We do travel light (16kg of cloths etc for me and 17kg for herself) for the trip to the Antipodes last year for 3 months... But this is a "not sure what we need trip". Basics are listed and packed, Challenger 2 development team shirt packed..its the "clothes yo ear at night time" gear which is problematical. Baz
  4. Ey up! I watched the Young Musician of the year last night.. a lotnof energy expended by the musicians. Of course in such a competition the finalists would have a small choice of pieces to play.. the pianists both chose a piece renowned for testing the player. What it did reveal is that in some areas parents no longer see their children needing something to balance their school ambitions. Music gets in the way.. which is a shame. Of course with the move in state schools to starting children off with the Ukelele (a weapon of war to some) less children move on to other instruments. Today is a get ready for a trip out day. I hate packing bags as, no matter how organised you think you are, you always forget something. Pah! Hopefully I will be catching up with some like minded people this afternoon which should lift the spirits. After that I will be catching up with Dr Eldest Herbert by zooooooom. Her indoorsbhas a cricket AGM to attend so.. Time to.. finish my tea and gerronwithit! TTFN Baz
  5. Weather today has included batteringitdarn, strong winds, sun and heavy cloud.. Mangled some muddling bits today but one or two items are nearing completion. As I am resident chef today about to prepare and cook tea.. pork, courgettes and maybe a little potato. TTFN Baz
  6. Ey up! Had a good day yesterday. Our club junior members plus responsible adults, had a great time operating a large model of Cliff Common. Positive day! I managed to do not a lot other than that.. Time for a mugatea! Baz
  7. Ey up! @iL Dottore couldn't agree more about overpaid execs in charities. Problem is volunteers can't be "accountable" but paid staff can ( not my thoughts but used by some charities and companies as a good excuse to increase the salaried staff). Its not good and a major overhaul is required.. but if we are doing that its time to shake the City of London.. hard. Sold some shares yesterday. FTSE says they are worth "x" the brokers say the "consideration" value is x- a lot... now to my mind thats a bit of a huge hidden charge.. or am I just being a simple engineer here? off out this morning to help ar a friends layout as our junior club members are off to operate it for a while.. frabjoy! Enjoy your day if you can! @Erichill16 I hope it all turns out OK over the next week or so...come and give me ear ache next week at our show if you need someone to shout at.. might be a coffee innit for you! Baz
  8. Ey up! A beautifu full l moon very visible from up here in the North West Leeds Highlands. Lovely! I have a few tasks to complete today then it's muddling time! Yippppppeeeeedddddoooo!. I may venture darn tarn later for a mooch about. I hope @Erichill16is OK.. he iwas trying to retire soon. I wish him well. Time to.... Drink my mugatea! TTFN Baz
  9. Ey up! Runny nose still running.. pah! I have an option of "doing some washing" or "sorting out some paperwork" today. Neither fills me with joy! BUT it just has to be done.. so no time to drivel or rant on! TTFN! Baz
  10. Trust me.. I am trying but forcthe last 12 months my health has suffered due to a complete lack of joined up communications which should be clear and precise. As an engineer it was seen as incompetence if you could not communicate with customers (including other engineers) clearly and in a straight forward way. It was no good speak8ng rocket science speak to a customer.. they needed to know how vital all joined up... I sometimes get very concerned when my GP refers to the NHS medical wicki.. then tries to bullsh1t there way outvof the corner they have got into. Here I am 2 weeks since my heart monitor results have been assessed and an outcome agreed.. with no official result heading my way...jeez.. how to add to people's stress levels... Baz
  11. Wire an LED numerical display into the turntable road selected... oops .. thatsbon the Heljan control box... Baz
  12. Been shopping.. pah! Just uncovered a sinister plot in the NHS. Get 2 teams to organise diabetic eye screening. Send out letters or emails inviting you in for an Opthalmic check... then get thec2cgroups fighting it out over who is seeing you... So 1 before anyone does anything to the NHS... get Doctors and teams to talk to patients in understandable English with clear information about what it's all about. If they are incapable of doing this .. ask them to emigrate to Oz pdq. 2 fire the BMA and let everyone train new doctors and nurses away from the numbers decided by the BMA...but this training must include finance and the use of communications skills.. Rant over.. it is just not good enough... Baz
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