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Ian Abel

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Everything posted by Ian Abel

  1. Andrew - right on the money here <sigh> that video could equally have been produced by/for Minnesotans +2 right now heading for -2 and NOW they are predicting 8-14 inches of snow overnight through mid-Friday! It's all a nightmare dream, I'll wake up in a minute! I WILL!! Supposed to be "heavy/wet heart-attack shovelling" snow, so I'll be waiting for our snow/lawn service (bet he WISHES he was doing lawns already!!) to get rid of it all before venturing out tomorrow I suspect. Don - ditto what everyone else is saying, please DO wear that button 24/7, we've finally got my MiL to do so after a couple of falls that could have been worse if we'd not been going over her place the day she fell... All those suffering the sahara sands (reported in the Minneapolis paper even so it MUST be significant!!), also take care, injesting/inhaling airborne crap is also not to be taken lightly - stay safe out there everyone...
  2. Happy Hump Day all... -5 and really sunny and bright, heading for +4, ahead of a "winter storm" (WAIT A MINUTE IT'S effing SPRING already <grrr>) that is going to dump 6-12 inches on us tomorrow afternoon through Friday - unlcear yet exactly how much depending on local temps. the next 24-hours! I now have to trade in the reindeer for polar bears sounds like! We've ordered the igloo and it'll be here tomorrow Sounds like our planned weekend, leaving Friday morning to northern Minnesota to visit a friend and make maple syrup, may be put on hold, may not even be driveable conditions between here and there... Minor setback on the modelling front - just received a lovely Bachmann 9F from a guy who was selling most of his stock in Canada. Was one of FIVE he had, and never been out of the box, definately true from the condition of the box/tissue and contents. Trying to run it, the mechanism binds after about 3-4 inches movement either direction. Ended up taking it mostly apart (was going to somewhat anyway to install a decoved) and discovered the gear train (six small nylon/plastic gears) that drive the thing has one cog missing its axle! Definately a manufacturing issue, so hopefully I won't get stung too bad by Bachmann service/support when they respond to my email <sigh>. I guess I'll have to mail it back to them, as I don't want to attempt to take all the valve gear and wheels apart to fix it myself, even if they DO offer the part(s). Pity, I was looking forward to running her around the track... Cheers for now
  3. I have to say, this is bloody brilliant - a great "quick" lesson and I'm more than grateful for the explanations as I have often wondered how it's done, and even though I have Photoshop, only ever use 1/100th of its capabilities, I'll have to have a go now
  4. Morning.... what a cruel temptress the weather is Yesterday we hit 13 with partial cloud, today it's now -6 and snow/blowing snow <sigh> Up where my daughter is in Grand Forks, ND, they had about 15 inches of snow and a blizzard all day yesterday with all the major roads closed, expecting 5 inches more today... In Duluth, were son and Mrs are, Lake Superior is still solid ice far as they can see ( it's a BIG lake!! :) ), and they're probably going to get some cross-country skiing in, as it snowed overnight. Snow here isn't expected to stay around too long, but it's gone and covered all the lawn I could see as reported yesterday. Off to work with me, I'll check back later to see what progress there is with those having modelling time
  5. Oh, before I forget - Mothering Sunday/Mothers (dunno where the apostrophe should be!!) Day... When I first moved to the US, a billion years ago, and definately before the internet and easy/convenient cell phone communications, I ran afoul of the differences. My mother was totally distressed when I missed Mothering Sunday, just weeks after I left the UK, and my father suitably admonished me on a subsequent checking-in phone call for being so heartless, until I explained that I was taking the lead from the US "equivalent" that was still weeks away, and had no idea I'd transgressed. I was forgiven, but not before I agreed to obtain a UK calendar from somewhere so as not to have anything similar happen again!
  6. True enough, but the lake is quite amazing any time of the year, and they are mostly hoping to do some cross-country skiing, should be about perfect, with a couple of inches of snow today/tonight forecast. Can't manage that in Florida
  7. Phew - such a lot to go through when you miss a day or two! Weather first - yesterday was "different" we hit 15 for the first time since last October - half the population were out in shorts it seemed! It's 8 right now and headed for 16 with light rain forecast. I can SEE MY LAWN!!!! About 70% of it is now visible in the front of the house - amazingly still only about 5% in the back where it's all hidden from the sun by the house most of the time at present, sun still too low in the sky... Kitchen consumed all weekend (including Friday that I took off to work on it), what with various challenges getting some of the work I'd planned to do completed, shopping for lighting, and somehow eating up the ENTIRE weekend in various ways - I'll not provide many details as it is rather too overwhelming, but we have progress significantly in spite of a few major hiccups! It's "spring break" in this part of the US, and since my son is a teacher, he has the week off. Mrs also has the week off, and they just departed for Duluth on the shores of Lake Superior for a couple of days. Leaves me "free" to break my back doing more in the kitchen the next couple of evenings <sigh>. Maybe I'll take some time to do some modelling also! Sorry if I missed anything major, was a lot to read through - Happy Monday everyone.
  8. eh up! Minnesota awoke sunny and clear at -2 and we're going for +2 today, +7 tomorrow and +16 Sunday! Give it a couple of weeks and we may even see some green Happy day here as I have decided to still take the day off, even though I won't need to lay a laminate floor. I will be assisting in some kitchen work as planned even so, but the BONUS will be I might get some modelling in. Wishing the best outcomes for everyone going through challenging times. Ian, I've found good/honest/caring folks to be supporting in the most trying of times and in my brief time here in ER, realise this crowd are as supporting and caring as they come. Neil, having moved on (often not by choice, but lay-offs) a few times myself, I think you'll enjoy the freedom and release it will bring and will be happier for it. iD, keep the Mrs in check "for her own good", as Delboy would say "you know it makes sense". John, also had a spell with those "fashion statements" under similar circumstances - Mrs was convinced I only "looked a BIT like a prat" Endur and enjoy, stake out the sofa corner and keep a ready supply of tennis balls Have a good start to the weekend folks, POETS day has arrived, and I don't even have to POE - har har....
  9. Congratulations Neil - look forward to hearing the exploits in the new job Right, "The Gas Man Cometh" (I think most of you old b*u*g*g*e*r*s will remember Flanders and Swann ) We had an electric cooktop and oven in the past but have used and prefer gas for the cooktop and the new kitchen will now be so equipped. So... we need the gas line installed since there isn't gas run to the kitchen, yet. He's just called and will be here in 30 minutes - wish me luck!
  10. Peter, these look great! I'm a fan of the Scalescenes products and wonder if you've considered creating the windows used in those? Seems to me these would add considerable appeal, and I personally would prefer them to the Brassmasters option, seems they would be rather easier to integrate with the architrave flange included...
  11. Wishing the best for all those ailing, or enduring the unexpected consequences of over-exuberant pets - been there done that too - make speedy recoveries please. We're "better" than Pete today it seems, a balmy +4 here already, but dreary and overcast with rain "turning to snow" in the crystal ball weather radar/forecast... Everything getting decidedly wet/damp with all the melting, but still plenty more to go. Enjoy the penultimate day/count-down to the weekend everyone
  12. All I can say to that is a hearty "COBBLERS!!!". I'm glad I grew up with Pooh, and so are both my kids, having enjoyed many hours of me and the Mrs reading the books to them many, many times - and none of us have an unrealistic view of the natural world - except perhaps for being very cautious of/around psychologists :)
  13. My sympathies, can't begin to imagine what that's like "living the dream"! We visit my mother-in-law at her apartment/assisted living complex frequently, and the ratio is about a million-to-one! I just sit there in stunned silence as they all chatter away - I'm re-introduced to all of them by my mother-in-law every time we go (about once a week) and boy do they chat on...
  14. 'ello all - well, I'm much less grumpy this morning... Weather first - whether the weather in fact!! It's -7 out now, "guaranteed" to be +5 at least for a high (I don't accept guarantees from anyone who says "trust me"!!), and promises to be 10 by/around the weekend. Bodes well for south/central Minnesota where I am, but apparently farther north they can expect 4-6 inches of snow in the next day or so! IKEA - OK, so after NOT hearing from them by early afternoon yesterday, I called again and endured a 45 minute "hold" before connecting with a human. Chap was VERY nice and helpful, and apologised for the local store who, here we go, apparently FORGOT to explain exactly how a wall cabinet "becomes" a floor version. What the store staff are SUPPOSED to do, is explain that you take the leg unit box /contraption, that has two locator pegs in it, SAW OFF the pegs and use the SCREW HOLES to screw the leg unit box to the base of the cabinet - DUH! You also trim the 1/2 inch overhang from the rear of the top and bottom sections - they're used to allow the wall support bracket to be installed but hidden, so that the cabinet is then a flush fit at the back when it's a floor/base cabinet. I DID ask "why the f!~@#u!@$c!@$k don't they mention that ANYWHERE in the assembly documents", and was politely told that Sweden know best as it might become confusing for folks if they did - huh!! There's already a place in the document that "directs you" to page #16 IF you're using it as a floor cabinet, and simply shows the legs attached with a reference to using the "leg manual" to install same - silly need to work on this for sure! Kitchen BONUS - whilst contractor was working on the flooring - originally to level the piece under the removed peninsula - Mrs and I "discovered" that the entire floor has been covered over the years with no less than FOUR separate vinyl surfaces and a couple of layers of sub-flooring - delightfully the ORIGINAL 1 1/2 solid oak flooring is still there and looks in good enough shape to be re-finished - YAY! We save the cost of an inexpensive laminate overlay, and get a real wood floor that will now match the rest of the main floor of the house - albeit with some re-finishing, but it will be lovely in the end, and that pleases Mrs VERY MUCH Don - wishing you the very best, I'm sure the doc knows what he's doing/talking about, hang in there, we're with you...
  15. <---- grumpy... IKEA build, designed to just quickly build the frames for the 6 cabinets that make up the island, and test the positioning and setup, was a FAIL We took inventory first, since as we had it all delivered we get 48 hours to report issues/problems etc., initial scan looked OK, then; 1) One face panel was wrong style - no real issue, simple to replace 2) Hmm, lemme see, we're building an island that is 3 x 25inch deep cabinets and 3 x 12inch deep cabinets to allow for an overhand/seating arrangement. That givens us an island approx. 84inches x 27inches. Add 10 for the overhang and we have 84 x 37 plus the 1 1/2 either side/end for counter lip etc. Ahh, I see they sent TWO 73 x 39 solid birch counter tops! Wait a minute they should be two 93 x 25 counters. No WONDER the two guys delivering the stuff were complaining about how heavy the counters were! Items #1 and 2 initially ressolved by servic center opening an "incident" and we'll be contacted in 24-hours! then; 3) Bulit the oven unit base frame first, VERY easy and fast - moved to cleared kitchen, looks like the position we decided on is good. this is going well... 4) OK, the 12inch deep cabinets are referenced as "wall cabinets" but the two folks we dealt with in the store, after my querying that said "it's OK, you chose base cabinets, it's just that the program shows/lists them as wall cabinets, no problem though it does that". Well, guess what? Um, they ARE wall cabinets there's no f!@$@~@$ing holes in the bottom panel to insert the leg units!!! Grrrrr. I manage to build the entire cabinet, flip it over to install the legs and THEN discover this now waiting for a call back from the folks to explain. I daren't even THINK about opening the other two 12" cabinets, one is the same number as this one anyway, and the other, a different size/number, but my expectation is that is also WRONG. Net result, an evening spent semi-building, then ON HOLD on the phone and moaning not so quietly to myself while Mrs disappeared off - she HATES my threatening folks down the phone when there are screw-ups The contractor is moving apace to the extent I'm now fully expecting the cabinet/counter issue, unless resolved today, will stop his progress in its tracks <sigh> On another note, it's -12 (MINUS TWELVE!!!) here and bright sun! We've offically cancelled spring for ever now, and are going to the reindeer dealer today to trade the cars in for sleds and two six-packs of reindeer
  16. Neil, In truth I usually find them extremely straighforward also, but judging by others (friends. work associates etc.,) I'd have to count both you and me as "odd" in that case. It seems there are an extraordinary number of folks who can't put these things together - probably the same folks that have been found pouring oil in the coolant filler and vice versa in their cars <sigh>
  17. Me too - my doctor wants to shove a 6ft. camera up mine about every year <---heads for door VERY quickly...
  18. That is one of the MOST enjoyable books I've ever read/owned. It's a MUST for anyone who wants to laugh at the currect state of written english, especially.
  19. Understood The "oh joy" was definately meant sarcastically...then again, I'm sure I've been deemed a poor deluded fool more than once
  20. Quick afternoon update - the kitchen is being smashed to piece as we speak and IKEA just delivered about 1000lbs. of flat-pack, oven/hood and miscellaneous hardware! Now for an evening of pictogram assembly - oh joy
  21. Morning <grumble>, sorry, best I can offer. Good grief, it's -6 and BLOODY SNOWING again! I think someone moved Minnesota to the North Pole over the weekend Eagerly awaiting the contractor to start tearing out the part of the kitchen we're removing, AND, the IKEA delivery van, both due in the next hour or so. Tonight will see me constructing the cabinet frames for the island so we can then play with them in the space (hopefully all the demolishion will be done by this evening), and Mrs and I can get a "final" on position/placement of the island. Sunday modelling was NOT to be - all I got time for was to wire droppers to ONE of the single-slips, and set it in place - how pathetic is that <sigh> Monday glooms looms and modelling is far on the horizon right now...
  22. Morning ER persons - weather defying sanity here, we're back to -9 and cloudy with a light breeze making it feel bloody cold again <grrr> Supposed NOW to stay unseasonably cold for the next week, we may break zero if we're lucky. So, managed a brief 1/2 hour working more on my engine shed build yesterday afternoon before off to a delightful dinner with friends last evening. Today heading for the DIY store for power outlet/USB "solutions" for new kitchen island, and lighting "solutions" for the island also - love how they now call them "solutions" when you tell someone you want a couple of lights and a power strip! Should get some time (though sadly looking like far LESS than originally predicted/expected) for modelling this afternoon, prior to son coming over for dinner... Enjoy the remainder of the weekend everyone, and especially those like me who have to return to work early in the AM, two days is precious little time to get all the stuff done that is needed, let alone hobby related...
  23. Indeed - "all of the above"!! I've put more of these together than I care to think about actually - a few years back when I was laid-off for a while we tried our hand at a few house-remodel/flips (don't believe the folks that tell you it'll make you rich, it just makes you tired !!), and the most cost-effective AND good looking cabinetry for the kitchens is IKEA, we've also had a couple of rentals houses we kitted out the same way. I actually like the stuff for the most part, certainly can live with it much easier than the cost of custom cabinets, at least over here in the US. That said, I have ALWAYS found one new-to-me cabinet component that'll give you fits trying to make out what the little men want you do do <ggrrr>> On with the day: By now all the Ally Pally crowd seem to be home and have mixed feelings it seems, pity <sigh> It's 4PM here now, not surprisingly wasn't here to post earlier - but we DO have the entire kitchen prepped for the Monday start, and I'm not too tired even now Tonight we're over to friends for a dinner and chat - they just returned from a cruise - so a calm end of the day. Looking forward to possible modelling time Sunday - after a required trip to the DIY places in search of some additional lighting solutions for the kitchen - it never ends! Sleep well al those closer to the prime meridian, stay warm
  24. 9:45PM here and just got back from IKEA - blimey you can go through cash fast in there when you start in on kitchen cabinets, ovens, vent hoods and sundry parts Expense for construction "sorted and resolved", so we're full-speed ahead into kitchen overhaul mode - got all the stuff we needed ordered at IKEA tonight, for Monday delivery. Now I need a really GOOD SLEEP - tomorrow we; 1) Move all the stuff BACK into the study as it was completed today (looks nice I'll warrant that) 2) Start removing ALL the stuff from the kitchen in the peninsula section that'll be demolished, and other miscellaneous cabinets so we have stuff to use for the time the kitchen is unavailable. 3) Set up some temporary food prep. area "somewhere" - looks like coffe and whatever can be microwaved for a while. 4) Organize the space for the IKEA delivery. 5) PANIC One of the no-brainer decisions was to have me do the flooring! Saves us $500 and easy stuff as it's just a laminate/resilient thing we're going to slap down over the existing floor, excellent saving and all it costs is cripple me next weekend Plus we're up for basic assembly of all the IKEA cabinetry, just have to get the legend to explain to me again what all those funny little pictures of men mean! I'm SURE there's one that means "...shove this part up your nose and blow it out your arse...", at least it seems like it as I recall! If there's any time left tomorrow or Sunday I'll hopefully lay some track - got two packages today, a PECO single-slip (new) and a real deal from eBay two PECO long-crossings for the pricely sum of $14US + $3 postage! They were listed as lightly used, and they sure are, darn near as good as the two new ones I've just installed - nice win and the three items combined means I can now complete a SECOND roundy-round line AND one connection track through the goods yard area and reconnecting via the engine shed access roads... I'll check in sometime in the AM hopefully (if I'm still in one piece and capable of typing), but decided to get a head start posting as we'll be slaving away from early on I'm sure. Have a fun weekend everyone, especially those venturing to the Ally Pally show - provide a report for us on distant shores.
  25. Shots of a BNSF pair, one still on Santa Fe colours, idling outside a snowy St. Paul Union Depot a couple of weeks ago...
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